The needle was pushed slowly, and the mysterious purple blood slowly flowed into Li Jiexuan's body: the faint black light flickered, this is the yin escape in the power of yin and yang...

"Is it finally coming? The Six Paths Immortal Human Body?" Li Jiexuan opened his eyes in anticipation, but until the light dimmed, nothing happened.

"Do you really want me to hunt 100 Sasukes and Naruto?" Li Jiexuan couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but quickly regained his strength.

after all……

Li Jiexuan never thought that anything could be easily obtained. Whether it is the six-path immortal body that traverses the ninja world, or the ambition to unify Hokage!

However, this future is mine sooner or later!

Li Jiexuan opened his hands with a smile, and two blood-red writing wheel eyes lay quietly in it. This is Sasuke's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye...

What is commendable is that this time there is a whole pair. That is to say, it can only be opened when there are two kaleidoscopes at the same time – Susanoo!

There is no need to say much about the power of Susanohu, the combination of offense and defense: the offense can penetrate almost any defense. Fang also can withstand Raikage's violent ninjutsu!

From an unpredictable level, from arm form to skeleton, human, armor, complete, majestic, ultimate. Various stages, gradual improvement, clear path.


"just forget it."

Li Jiexuan disdainfully threw Erzhuzi's eyes into the space. Although these eyes are good, they are not his own eyes, let alone the reincarnation eyes of immortals.

Li Jiexuan has his own path, and such strength is not enough to stop him...

At this moment, a small snake suddenly emerged from Li Jiexuan's cuff and spat out a small scroll: Sincerely, my master, my father has decided to violate the agreement. Ye Shenyang has been locked up...

Your most loyal servant - Nobuko Yu.

"Sure enough, that old guy from Noshi Village won't sit still." Li Jiexuan chuckled and shook his head: It's time to pick the delicious fruits of the country of Shimono.


"Black minefield!"

Li Jiexuan frowned, his eyes seemed to penetrate the space and came to the place where the black thunder dragon was churning...

"I will return!"

Li Jiexuan squinted his eyes and summoned a psychic snake from Longdi Cave. And he reversed the psychic technique and disappeared from the sea, leaving only the psychic snake with a confused face...


I was so happy today that I was taking a nap. But as soon as he opened his eyes, the snake was sleeping at home, and the bed came to the sea. It is difficult to be a snake, and it is even more difficult to be a psychic snake of Li Jiexuan!

At the same time, in the dungeon of the wild country...

"Tick, tick."

The cold moisture gathered on the roof, turned into water, and fell into a cracked mouth, which was a bloodless face.

The clothes are tattered and covered in dirt, the man is like a savage who has lived in the forest for decades...

At this moment, the iron door of the dungeon suddenly rang. Noshimura walked in surrounded by several people.

As soon as he saw Yezhicun, the savage roared and jumped up: "Yoshimura, you're here? You are looking for your own death. Master, he will come back to kill you soon! Wait for me..."

It was only then that he discovered that this savage was actually Ye Shenhen, the prince of the country of Ye. It's just that he no longer has the glory he once had, and his clothes are tattered and haggard.

It's more a beast than a man!

What did he do to fall from the son of the daimyo to this?


Noshimura was heartbroken. Who would have thought that Ye Shenhen, who was so upright and kind a month ago, now wants to assassinate him and kill his biological father!

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