Raikage, in a way, is a pure human being...

Knowing that Sasuke did not capture Kirabi, Yun Yin immediately revoked Sasuke's wanted. However, in this, it is unknown whether there is any fear of Li Jiexuan.

However, the wanted is withdrawn. However, the five shadow talks cannot be cancelled casually, otherwise this will be regarded as Raikage's provocation to the other four shadows!


On the round table in the dim operating room, five hats representing the pinnacle of the ninja from each village were placed in a circle. In the middle of the round table, a samurai stood with a sword.

"I am the master of Mifune, and now the Five Shadows talks will begin!" If the ninja is the strongest, there will be many disputes in the world. But if the samurai is the strongest, it must be Mifune!

It is precisely because of this that the five major countries are willing to give the country of iron a little face, and use this place as the negotiation area for the Five Shadows talks...

Speaking of talks, it is nothing more than a time when the five major countries are arguing with each other. Tsuchikage Onogi sneered at Gaara because of his qualifications.

And Gaara is not to be outdone, fighting against each other, making Oh Yemu secretly shriveled...

However, unlike the original plot, this time Raikage didn't irritate the audience, and stood aside with a smile.

Since Kirabi is all right, and Raikage is not a fool, naturally he won't come forward again...

"What? Raikage called us here, so there's nothing to say?" Danzo was very dissatisfied with the current situation.

If it's just an ordinary bullshit and doesn't put the ninja coalition on the table, how can he let him fulfill his ambition.

In the face of Danzo's provocation, Raikage remained unhurried. They did not appear to be rebellious and forbearance, and now Kirabi is at peace with each other...

Although Raikage is a reckless man, this does not mean that he is a fool!

As for now, let Danzo be proud for the time being.

"Next, the child who claims to be Hasuma is still giving him a headache." Lei Ying secretly pouted: No matter whether the child is Hasuma or not, it is enough to hide him for a drink.

However, the driving force of the story is still strong. The Five Shadows still unified their opinions at the conference table, formed a ninja coalition, and decided to solve the growing Akatsuki organization together!

But right now...


A green pitcher plant suddenly bloomed from the round table, and Bai Jue emerged from the pitcher plant like a stamen.

"Hello~~" Bai Jue stretched out like an aloe vera: "Uchiha Sasuke is here, so... where is he?"

"Let's find Sasuke together!"

Bai Jue released himself to his heart's content, but he didn't wait for a second to be happy. Raikage jumped out of the table and pinched Bai Jue's neck.

In front of the irritable brother, pretending to be forced must die!

"Xi, find Sasuke Uchiha!"

As he spoke, Raikage smashed the wall and rushed out. Even if Kirabi didn't die, he would not let anyone who dared to attack Yun Yin.

Revocation of wanted and complete letting go are two concepts...

The enemy sent to the door, do not kill. Raikage is not called Raikage anymore!

At the same time, in the Iron Country Hotel...

"Yo, Naruto, let's have a heart-to-heart talk."

Obito in mask man mode suddenly appeared in Naruto's room, interrupting Naruto who was thinking about Sasuke, which made Naruto very angry.

"Spiral pills!"

Unsurprisingly, the Spiral Maru, whose attack speed did not reach the limit, did not have any threatening ability in the face of Obito who was proficient in the power of the gods...

"Woodun - Earth Prison!" "Leiqie!"

Almost instantly, Yamato and Kakashi protected Naruto.

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