The information is the same as what Orochimaru said. However, the content is more detailed...

Qianshou Tobirama chased the masked man all the way, until he completely lost contact with Konoha, a whole day and night had passed.


Li Jiexuan nodded: Judging from the current form, Konoha's people are still trustworthy, but in any case, he is not going to hand over his back to anyone.

The North of Konoha, the Country of Frost...

According to the last news sent by Senju Tobirama, his location should be in the country of the peninsula to the north of Konoha - the country of frost!

The Land of Frost is located in the north and is covered with snow and ice for many years...

"Jingle bell~"

On the white snowy road, a dilapidated carriage swayed, and the bells on the corner of the carriage jingled, making a pleasant sound.


He let out a long breath, and the young man who was driving the carriage kept rubbing his hands and complaining in his mouth: "One day, I will leave this damn small country and go to a bigger place!"

"Xiao Zhiren, one day you will completely give up this stupid idea." An old voice joked: "It may not take long..."

Before the old man could finish speaking, a woman's playful laughter came from the carriage, which made the young man named Zhiren blushed and roared, "Grandpa Baotian, I will not give up!"

Hearing this, the thick fur on the outside of the carriage was suddenly lifted, and a spirited little old man stuck his head out of the carriage: "Boy, don't think the outside is as good as at home!"

"Hmph, Grandpa Baotian, you can. Can't I?" Zhiren curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "I will definitely be better than Grandpa Baotian!"

"You stupid boy! Although our country of frost is small, it has been covered with ice and snow for many years and lacks resources. However, it is precisely because of this that our country of frost has been able to stay away from wars these years."

The old man shook the wine gourd and smiled contentedly: "Look at this white snow, just like our country of frost, although it is hard, no accident has ever happened..."

But before the old man's words were finished, a small hand suddenly stretched out from the side of the road: "Stop!"


This slap in the face was too unexpected!

It's freezing and snowing, why would anyone stop the car here? However, looking at the dress again, this seems to be a ninja?

"Grandpa Baotian, what should I do?" The young Zhiren was inexperienced and panicked for a while when he encountered such a thing.


Baotian squinted his eyes and put away the wine gourd: it was a civilian, so they would stop and rescue him. If it is a ninja, they have to stop, otherwise they will anger the ninja, and they will have no good fruit to eat...

This is the case for ordinary people in Hokage. They are fine on weekdays and live a safe and stable life. But once they encountered ninjas, they had no other choice.


Li Jiexuan shook his head with a smile, got on the carriage, and dropped the 100,000 taels of silver bills: "Take me to the nearest town, and use this money as a ride."

"The nearest town?" Zhiren retorted subconsciously: "But we just came back from the town and are going back to the village for the winter. We can't..."

"Shut up, Zhiren!"

Bao Tian scolded Zhiren, turned his head and smiled at Li Jiexuan: "Master ninja, we will set off immediately, heading for the town..."

"Don't force it!"

Li Jiexuan smiled and shook his head gently: "Since you guys want to go back to the village, I'll go back to the village with you. I also really want to see the customs of the Land of Frost."

Having said that, Li Jiexuan walked straight into the carriage, only to find that there was indeed another person in the carriage besides Zhiren and Baotian.

However, she is still a beautiful woman...

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