Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 433 We are here to book

"This time, we must conquer the first layer of boos."

After seven days, Tia Bell held another meeting to attack Boos. This time, no one came out to disturb the situation, but Kibaou still muttered dishonestly: "Damn it, don't let me see you again!"

"Set off!"

With an order, the high-play strategy group of nearly a hundred people marched towards the boost room in the labyrinth area. But when they opened the door, they were all stunned.

"No... no boos!"

The kobold leader who should have been lying in the middle of the room, surrounded by many kobold guards, was gone. There was only one familiar person sitting there cross-legged...


Kirito approached thoughtfully: "Did you break through the boos on this floor?"

Scorpion didn't answer, but waited for Kirito to get close enough, raised his finger, and a well-equipped puppet flew out instantly, stabbing him with the sharp knife on his wrist.


Kirito blocked the thorn with his long sword dangerously, and at this time dozens of puppets had quietly floated up.


Xie's killing intent was like cold winter, and Kirito was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat and couldn't even speak. Kibaou, who was ignorant of this, couldn't help it anymore, rushed up and roared, "You damn thing dare to show up?"

"I was scared by you last time, and I will definitely not let you go this time!" Kiba Wang was very confident, and after another week, his equipment had also improved a lot.

He felt that there was no difference between himself and Li Jiexuan and his group. Or, even if there is a gap, so what?

There are more than a hundred people behind him!


Not only did he call out to himself, but he also didn't understand what Hokage meant by cruelty.


Before Kibaou finished speaking, the two puppets advanced at an exaggerated speed, and two sharp long swords pierced Kibaoh's head at the same time.

Almost instantly...

hp cleared!

Kibaou died, not at the hands of monsters. Instead, he was directly killed by a scorpion who was also a human being...

The occurrence of this situation was undoubtedly shocking to everyone present. No one would have imagined that after Kiba-o just said a few words, the scorpion would actually kill someone.

"Those who cross the line, die!"

Scorpion's face was indifferent, killing was simply an instinct for him.

"Are you crazy?" "Why did you kill Yawang?" "Why didn't you let us pass?" Everyone was afraid and angry, and they were noisy for a while.

Scorpion frowned, naturally he wouldn't explain anything with his character. But before Li Jiexuan left, he told him...

"Killing Fang, it's because he threatened us again." Xie stared at everyone coldly: "As for not letting you pass, it's because..."

"We killed the boos here, so the resources on the next level are naturally also ours." Scorpion commanded the puppet to stop them in front of everyone: "We have no reason to share the resources on the next level with you!"


"Crazy!" "What the hell are you talking about?" "This guy is crazy."

However, Kirito noticed something happened, and suddenly asked: "Could it be that you want to clear the whole game by yourself?"


Xie shook his head slowly: "We never said such a thing, but the resources after this level do not belong to you, so..."

"Those who cross the line will die!"

The scorpion was decisive, commanding the puppet to kill two unbelievers in an instant.

"Here, we have reserved the venue!"

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