Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 710: The Purpose of the Golden Sun Group


Even Zheng said casually: "She is the guy who provided us with hunting news. Seriously, she can be said to be the leader of our team!"

"Team leader?"

Li Jiexuan nodded, and then asked some key questions. But I don't even know what to ask about this...

What he knew was really simple. In his opinion, the identity of his Golden Sun Group was similar to that of a fisherman, and the name "hunting" was also very appropriate.

Every time they set off, they have to hand in 100 million points, which can be regarded as bait, boats, fishing nets and other investments that fishermen need to invest in fishing...

However, in the process of hunting, it may not be possible to hit every shot. Sometimes even if you kill a few spokespersons, it may not be worth the fare.

This sense of difference makes them not feel at all that they are doing something harmful.

As for murder?

Don't be kidding, aren't spokespersons just creatures that want to kill each other? Wouldn't it be too ridiculous to talk about killing people at this time?

That being said, they never considered it. What kind of despair this situation is for the spokesperson below!

Li Jiexuan couldn't help thinking of Zhang Ze and Elena. These two people used to work hard to escape the war and hunting...

If you still don't understand, why not explain it in this way.

If the spokesperson system is a game, the selling point of this game is to increase the level and strength, and then fight and kill each other.

As for the Golden Sun Group, they are veterans who entered the game earlier. In the words of the previous life, they are big bosses, and they are the second-ranked guild in the entire server!

Logically speaking, such a big boss guild has no time to deal with these newcomers or those younger brothers who have not fully grown up.

However, the Golden Sun Group is just so shameless. They didn't want to challenge for the first place, so they stayed in the Novice Village every day, killing a group of newcomers when they came.

Relying on the little copper coins from killing newcomers every day, I gradually become stronger...

Thinking about it this way, isn't the behavior of the Golden Sun Group much more shameless?

"It seems quite shameless."

They nodded repeatedly, but quickly smiled: "But if you give me a chance to choose, I will still choose this way."


Li Jiexuan was a little stunned: According to the routine, shouldn't you say: If you give me another chance, I want to be a good person?

"Of course."

Even Zheng shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly: "This is not a game, people will really die. Although Tu Xinshou Village is a bit shameless, it is still safe."

"If you mess around outside for nothing, it's easy to die." Even Zheng glanced at Li Jiexuan and Liu Zhenxing: "Not to mention, people like me who stay at home will be recruited..."

Hearing this, Li Jiexuan was also a little speechless.

In a sense, even this person is right, and even seems very sincere...

This is also the brilliance of Shi Zheng: once he confesses, he really has something to say, and he never lies or messes up.

In this way, it is easy to relax the vigilance of the opponent...

"Okay, don't talk about these things."

Li Jiexuan narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Since you don't know anything, then take us to meet that rose, and we'll ask her directly."

"Can not be done!"

Without waiting for Li Jiexuan and Liu Zhenxing to get angry, she quickly explained: "Group leader Rose is only responsible for notifications, and she will never reply to our messages."

"And I don't know what her main world is." It seemed that she was afraid that Li Jiexuan would not believe it, so she shook her head with a wry smile: "There is no mutual love between us members."

"If there is a chance, no one would mind killing the other party, and make a good fortune!"

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