Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 735: Draw a Dragon Ball

"Develop power!"

Li Jiexuan never imagined that one day he would come to this step: from the very beginning of Hokage, although he started from a humble beginning. There have also been combat teams, and I have relied on them to get a lot of help.

However, as the spokesperson's true potential exploded, his strength soared at a rocket-like speed...

Don't talk about power, just a teammate who may be of comparable strength today may be able to kill him without a single move tomorrow...

Under such circumstances, Li Jiexuan never thought of developing a power properly: as if as long as he keeps strengthening himself, he doesn't need anyone's help!

However, when he really reaches this height...

Only then did I discover that the spokesperson who seemed to have no upper limit also had an upper limit. That is close to god level...

Once you break through this last hurdle, you will become a god. Then you will be completely reduced to a slave to the system, not to mention eternal freedom, even a free breath is a delusion.

With the upper limit of power, the quantity has meaning...

The development of power turned out to be the key to Li Jiexuan's freedom. But luckily, he has a good wife - Tsunade.

Although their strength from Hokage can no longer keep up with their own, Tsunade has retained a complete power for Li Jiexuan by managing the management team.

A strong, wealthy, mature force that can change its direction at any time...

In addition, he also accepted followers of two spokespersons in the process, namely Yi Lianna and Zhang Ze.

Plus Inuyasha's Wang Ye...

The spokesperson team of three people, Li Jiexuan felt that as a starting team, it was enough. The spokesperson, the plot characters, and Li Jiexuan all have a usable foundation...

"Jie Xuanjun, are you back?"

Seeing Li Jiexuan, Tsunade handed over the new financial report with a smile: "Because of your recent gains and the existence of Jiwang, your earnings have increased a lot."

Li Jiexuan looked through it casually, only to find that his monthly profit had reached 12 billion points without knowing it.

12 billion a month is enough!

Tsunade was enthusiastic: "As long as we increase the overdraft, we expect to reach a net profit of up to 20 billion points per month..."

"Thank you, Tsunade!"

Li Jiexuan gently hugged Tsunade into his arms, and what followed was naturally a period of tenderness that he hadn't seen for a long time.

After the end, Li Jiexuan set the tone...

"Stop economic accumulation and invest all of these economic outputs in outstanding talents." Li Jiexuan squinted his eyes: "As long as they are talents with good character and talent, don't be stingy with points."

As soon as these words came out, Tsunade and everyone under Li Jiexuan immediately understood: Li Jiexuan, this big ship, decided to change course!

At this moment, Li Jiexuan couldn't help but count his accumulation for so long...

Needless to say, Naruto World, after returning from the spokesperson war, it has been put into development again. There are also One Punch Man, Sword Art Online, and other worlds that have not been fully mastered, which are also of great value.

From now on, this value is not only the output of their items and materials, but also includes the protagonist and other talents.

However, Li Jiexuan's currently most valuable world is actually a funny animation - Gintama!

No one knows how many monsters there are in the world of Gintama. After all, in such a world, no matter who it is, anyone dares to make a fool of it.

Once spoofing, those worlds will inevitably be involved...

It is simply an endless treasure!

Li Jiexuan thought about it, and one day he might as well ask Kong Zhi orangutan to draw a dragon ball for himself.

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