Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 743 Strange things happen every year

Eternal Empire of the Sun!

This is exactly what Lin Zheng advocated in the Sun Group. He advocated using the current level of power as a benchmark to control new endorsers in all animation worlds.

Restrict the development of their strength, so as to achieve the goal of ruling the new endorsers like ordinary people...

In this way, even if they don't really become gods, they won't suddenly have their entire family slaughtered by a newcomer jumping out of a corner one day in the future.

It has to be said that this approach goes against the original spirit of the Sun Group...

However, when the previous Sun Group had failed. This is also a good way to try it!


"The idea he said is not like the Golden Sun Group, massacring and hunting new endorsers!" Li Jiexuan sneered: "Just because you can tell this plan, it doesn't mean it must be true."

The Millennium Emperor was very indifferent, and smiled casually: "The reason why our group is called the Golden Sun Group is precisely because we are more real and pure than the Sun Group."

"The plan in the sun group has been whitewashed!" The millennium emperor said with a smile: "As long as the plan is implemented, for the eternity of the empire, the spirit of gold will be implemented in the end."

The Millennium Emperor made it very clear that the reason why there was a gap in the plan was because Lin Zheng wanted to proceed step by step, and in the end everyone in the Sun Group had to accept this strategy.

Speaking of this, Li Jiexuan has already believed 60% to 70%. But looking at Liu Zhenxing's thoughtful expression, I'm afraid it will take some time to accept it.

Li Jiexuan can't say much, after all, he is a newcomer who just joined the Sun Group. Now if you do something casually, it is obviously not good to say that the head of the group is doing something behind his back!

In fact, this matter is not as serious as I thought. Lin Zheng just tried his own idea in private.

Li Jiexuan felt that even if this matter was put on the stage of Sun Group, the impact on Lin Zheng would not be too great...

After all, Lin Zheng has a large number of supporters in the Sun Group. And most of the conservatives also look like they know their destiny and enjoy the blessings, and most of them will not be so.

If so...

Li Jiexuan looked at Liu Zhenxing at the side: If he wants to continue to implement the plan, it depends on what Liu Zhenxing thinks.

If even Liu Zhenxing gave up and Li Jiexuan fought alone with the entire Sun Corps, even if Li Jiexuan was always confident, he would not be sure this time.

However, things are not that serious yet...

If Lin Zheng is willing to admit his mistakes, then he will give up the Golden Sun Group. As long as Li Jiexuan can complete his plan, maybe this matter can turn from a bad thing to a good thing.

All in all, the next step depends on Lin Zheng's decision...

However, what Li Jiexuan didn't expect was that. Liu Zhenxing quickly figured it out, nodded his head and said: "From now on, it seems that this golden sun group is indeed Lin Zheng's handwriting, no wonder Lin Zheng stopped it when he said several times that he wanted to wipe out this golden sun group." down."

Liu Zhenxing had an expression of sudden realization: Obviously, he just figured out some things that he couldn't figure out before...

Li Jiexuan grinned, he was really worried about Liu Zhenxing in vain: after arguing for a long time, he was just confirming this, instead of considering whether to give up.

After all, if you keep going, it is very likely that they will face off against the Sun Group...

Liu Zhenxing smiled and shook his head: "I didn't expect to go around and die again. If I knew it, I would just beat Lin Zheng up, and I would save so much useless work!"

Obviously, Liu Zhenxing was still very relaxed: in his heart, if someone else did this, then there might be a fight.

But if it was done by Sun Group's own people, then as long as it is clearly stated in person...

The spirit of the sun is beyond doubt!

This is the source of his strength...

The next thing to do is naturally deal with this millennium emperor. Li Jiexuan was actually thinking: Since this matter depends on Lin Zheng's thoughts, there is no point in killing one more young emperor.

It's better not to kill, but also slightly ease the relationship between Lin Zheng and save him a little face, maybe things can be handled better...

However, what Li Jiexuan didn't expect was that.

As if sensing that Li Jiexuan's murderous intent had subsided, the millennium emperor took the initiative to attack and killed him instead.

Helpless, Li Jiexuan could only do it. But this time, the thousand-year-old emperor was arrested again, allowing Li Jiexuan to kill him.

It looked like he was actively begging for death, and he was very relaxed, as if his long-cherished wish had finally come true...

The Millennium Emperor is dead!

But what is unbelievable is that Li Jiexuan has no intention of killing him. But he still took the initiative to give the head...

The operation is simply confusing!

However, Li Jiexuan believed that even if he told Lin Zheng to hear such words, he would not believe them.

After all, he himself doesn't believe it...

It's really strange that things happen every year, especially this year!

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