Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Seven hundred and sixtieth chapters for real

Take care of one thing and lose another, in a dilemma!

Using these two words to describe the current golden sun group is really appropriate. For a while, the Golden Sun Group seemed to have no good way to take Zhang Tianlun...

And with the passage of time, everyone slowly gathered around Zhang Tianlun as if they had found their backbone. Some of them were Saiyans who had just been promoted by using their blood, and some of them had their own strength close to the god level and had been targeted by the Golden Sun Group of.

When the two groups got together, Li Jiexuan was surprised to find out: "He actually has more than one hundred near-god-level masters just like that."

Moreover, this number is still increasing...

When the Golden Sun Group faced this situation, it seemed that the reaction became very slow due to the overstuffed organization, which seemed to be a bit of a threat to the tiger.

The strength of Zhang Tianlun's subordinates continued to grow, and finally at the suggestion of his subordinate Huang Shanhe, an organization was formally established, and the name was called: Mieri Group.

To put it simply and concisely, the purpose is to wipe out the Golden Sun Group...

As soon as the name came out, the Golden Sun Group finally focused most of their attention on Zhang Tianlun, organized a large number of hunting teams, and started the war.

But at this time, everything seemed a little late.

Zhang Tianlun's subordinates have gathered more than 500 natural near-god-level powerhouses, and more than 1,300 instant Super Saiyan powerhouses.

Because with the increase of power, the speed of this growth is still increasing...

Li Jiexuan predicts that the fastest speed may reach 300 new near-god-level powerhouses every day, most of them are instant Super Saiyans.

Quick success is quick success, but the combat power will not be compromised...

In addition to being slightly inferior in the variety of means, purely in terms of combat, the strength is not weaker than the average near-god-level powerhouse.

The battle is in full swing...

It seems that the Golden Sun Group did not expect that the strength of the Mie Ri Group would increase so quickly, and they looked quite caught off guard. The Mie Sun Group had an advantage in the early stage. Li Jiexuan did not expect this, but it also made Li Jiexuan feel The uneasiness rose again: the situation seems to be a little bit wrong...

"There's something wrong with this!"

Liu Zhenxing put on a relaxed expression, curled his lips indifferently: "This is not in your plan, why worry?"


After a long silence, Li Jiexuan slowly shook his head: "It's because everything is going so smoothly that I feel a little uneasy."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenxing was stunned, and curled his lips in disdain: "You people, you really think too much, everything is going well and you are suspicious..."

"If the Golden Sun Group really has a countermeasure, and he directly eliminates your team, won't it be safe?" Liu Zhenxing curled his lips indifferently: "This is a battle of strength, what kind of conspiracy can there be?"


Li Jiexuan remained silent: Liu Zhenxing said some truths, although the words were a little rough, the truths were not rough...

This is a match of strength!

It's just that Li Jiexuan originally thought that as soon as he appeared, he would definitely be attacked by the golden sun group like a thunderstorm.

But unexpectedly, when he was still fledgling, the Golden Sun Group would be indifferent...

It actually allowed him to develop a certain scale in this way, and passed the most difficult moment at the beginning.

He originally thought that he would be encircled and suppressed crazily, not only him, but even the entire Dragon Ball world would be vigorously encircled and suppressed.

He has even prepared countless backhands, just for his own escape...

Unexpectedly, it didn't work out!

"Hope, it's just that I think too much!"

Li Jiexuan shook his head helplessly: He had secretly thought about this matter many times, but he never had a clue. Since this is the case, it seems that he can only attribute the reason to his overestimation of his opponent?

hope so……

Before Li Jiexuan finished speaking, news suddenly came from Zhang Tianlun.

"Golden sun group, it's serious!"

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