"mind control!"

Billions and millions of Chaomeng exert their power at the same time, and because of the same origin, the terrifying spiritual force naturally merges into one, turning into a terrifying giant palm with the size of a planet. .

"Get away!"

Seeing this palm with spiritual power, even Li Jiexuan could only avoid the edge temporarily: such strength has already exceeded the maximum threshold of being close to God.

No one can withstand this trick except the real gods!

However, the speed of this trick seems to be slow. But in fact, it was very fast, and many of them couldn't dodge in time, and were caught by this palm.


The spiritual force invaded the brain, instantly tampered with the will of these people, and violently erased their self-awareness, turning them into living dead who could only accept orders.

"It's really violent!"

Not long ago, he just gave up Zhang Tianlun's avatar, and Li Jiexuan is naturally no stranger to this method: it's just that his method of transforming Zhang Tianlun at the beginning seemed too gentle compared with these terrifying million supermengs.

However, such a violent method...

"I'm afraid it won't take long before my nerves will completely break down." If that's the case...

Li Jiexuan narrowed his eyes and ordered urgently: "Quick back, leave for now!"

Hearing Li Jiexuan's order, the near-spirit powerhouses who were not hit back hurriedly backed away: They are not fools, seeing such a weird attack, they naturally didn't want to be hit.

Immediately, the entire Sun Mie group fled thousands of miles away, temporarily avoiding the billions and millions of supermengs, avoiding the edge for the time being!

"1,300 people lost in battle!"

The statistician's face turned pale, just for a moment. They lost more than 1,300 people: Fortunately, he slipped fast enough just now, otherwise he might have been folded inside.


This number was expected by Li Jiexuan: in fact, if they did not retreat, it would not be surprising that this number was ten times larger.

After these million supermengs control the 1,300 people, they can immediately turn around and use them as cannon fodder, turning around to attract Li Jiexuan's firepower.

Such a trade-off, no amount of troops is enough to fight...

More importantly, there must be someone behind Chaomeng, and Li Jiexuan can't waste all his ideas on Chaomeng!

However, how to deal with these super dreams has become a problem...

The spiritual power of these Chaomeng comes from the same source, and under the perfect fusion, the near god level can't hold this terrifying power at all.

The quality is not at the same level at all!

Thinking of this, Li Jiexuan suddenly had an idea...

"That's right!"

Since the quality is not at the same level, it is not impossible for the quantity to be at the same level!

Li Jiexuan's eyes brightened: Even though he doesn't have a billion-dollar near-god-level powerhouse, he is an easy-going character with a billion plots.

Not to mention, other spokespersons, just in the world of Gintama, just find a damned celestial being and drag their planets over.

Not to mention one billion, tens of billions and hundreds of billions are not a problem!

Although the mental power of this billion Chaomeng is strong, its scope of action is also very wide. A slap is enough to be the size of a planet...

However, if this power is evenly distributed among tens of billions of people, or even hundreds of billions of people, it will not be worth mentioning!

Think and act...

Fortunately, it is not difficult...

"Everyone bring a dozen or so characters with you, and let them share your mental power for you." Li Jiexuan gave an order, and tens of thousands of near-god-level powerhouses immediately hid in the mighty crowd.

"Remember, as soon as these people can't hold back their mental power, they have to be replaced immediately!"

Li Jiexuan grinned lightly: "Let's go!"

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