Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 775: The Death of Lin Zheng

Full of energy!

The entire Sun Mie group made great strides all the way, and finally came to Lin Zheng's last main world: Pokémon Sun and Moon!

And here, Li Jiexuan finally met Lin Zheng, and everyone from the Reform Faction of the Sun Corps...


Li Jiexuan was a little puzzled: "Why didn't you appear in the first world and lead the team to destroy our team directly?"

"Because it can't be done."

Lin Zheng smiled and shook his head: "The battlefield of one billion Mewtwo Mewtwo is already the limit, and it will be useless to increase the number of people..."

"It's not that simple!"

Li Jiexuan narrowed his eyes: "If you want to do it, you can still do it."

Lin Zheng smiled and shook his head: "Maybe, but the result is actually similar. As long as I can't get rid of you at once, the result will only be slowly eaten away like a golden sun group."

"In that case."

Lin Zheng grinned softly: "Then I might as well use those defective products to consume your troops, gather the real strength, and crush you here!"

Lin Zheng's remarks sounded like there were no loopholes...

But Li Jiexuan was still uneasy.

But at this time, the arrow was on the string and had to be launched. Whether to fight or not to fight was no longer a matter for Li Jiexuan and Lin Zheng to decide.

That being the case, it is better to abandon distracting thoughts, fight hard, and win the war!


There was still no surprise in this battle: the 100,000-strong team of nearly god-level powerhouses was by no means an existence that could be easily wiped out.

Even though Lin Zheng has many means, but in the end, as Li Jiexuan predicted, he is a rootless apple and cannot last long...

After a long war that lasted for a year, Li Jiexuan's power increased instead of decreasing, but looking at Lin Zheng's team, it was already at the end of its strength.

The outcome is decided...


Li Jiexuan felt that this sentence was the one he said the most in the past ten years: "Why, you want to go this far?"

Looking at Lin Zheng in front of him, the uneasiness in Li Jiexuan's heart almost reached a peak, as if it was not Lin Zheng who lost, but him!

Li Jiexuan even wondered for a while whether the knife was on his neck...

"No reason."

There was still a faint smile on Lin Zheng's face, without anger, frustration, sadness or joy, just like when he first met Li Jiexuan.

"Jie Xuan, let's do it!"

Lin Zheng's voice was very flat, and he seemed to be extremely indifferent to his own life and death: he didn't seem to care about his own life or death.


Li Jiexuan's eyes widened, but he couldn't swing the knife in his hand for a long time. Logically speaking, as long as Lin Zheng is killed, no one in this world can stop him from walking on the right path and finding the truth.

But for some reason, Li Jiexuan was extremely hesitant when he came to this step, and even regretted: Did he do something wrong?

But, as I said before...

The matter has come to this point, to fight or not to fight, to kill or not to kill, it is no longer Li Jiexuan's decision, and suddenly...

"Master Jiexuan, you can't do anything, I'll help you!"

Huang Shanhe's eyes were red, and his face was full of greed. He rushed out from the crowd and grabbed Li Jiexuan's hand. A sword pierced Lin Zheng's heart fiercely.


Blood gushed out violently, and Lin Zheng didn't do anything to struggle for death, just like an ordinary person, his heart was pierced and he died within a few seconds.

Li Jiexuan, who did all this, widened his eyes...

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