Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter seven hundred and eighty first you won

After reading the contents of the note, Liu Zhenxing's mood is also very complicated: From the current point of view, this matter is indeed the case, and Li Jiexuan is indeed "it".

It's just that Liu Zhenxing didn't expect that from the beginning to the end, he was the one who knew nothing about these things. Both Lin Zheng and Yue Shang were just using him...

His bond with the sun group, the glory and trough of this life, and his encounter with Li Jiexuan are all in the calculation of Lin Zheng and the others...

At this moment, Liu Zhenxing suddenly didn't hate "it" so much. After all, although Li Jiexuan created this world, he never controlled his life.

On the contrary, it was the Sun Spirit that he had always admired. In the name of finding the truth, he had always been used as a pawn and manipulated at will.

Having said so much, or maybe it's just because "it" is Li Jiexuan...


Liu Zhenxing didn't know what he was thinking for a while, he only knew that he couldn't stay here in a daze, and he wanted to find him.

"Jie Xuan?"

But when Liu Zhenxing came to the world of Gintama, he found that the whole world was shattering, and everything here was collapsing.

Li Jiexuan sat alone on the edge of a fragment of the world, smoking a cigarette, silently staring blankly...

"Sure, are you here?"

Li Jiexuan raised his head reluctantly, his face was full of vicissitudes and a wry smile.

Liu Zhenxing was stunned, shouted in a panic, and looked around: "What's wrong? Where is Tsunade's sister-in-law? And where is my nephew?"


After a long silence, Li Jiexuan slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring: "It's gone, Tsunade, my child, Hokage, One Punch Man, as long as there are traces of me, they are gone!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhenxing, who didn't even know Li Jiexuan's real identity, was really angry for the first time, and punched Li Jiexuan fiercely in the face.

"You idiot, what did you do?"

Liu Zhenxing beat Li Jiexuan fiercely, using only a man's most powerful fist, one punch after another...

Li Jiexuan didn't fight back, but when Liu Zhenxing was panting, he grinned wryly with his ridiculous mouth with two knocked out front teeth: "You know, all of this is fake!"

"Fake your M's head!"

Liu Zhenxing punched Li Jiexuan hard on the nose, and Li Jiexuan sat down on the ground with stars in his eyes.

Liu Zhenxing rushed up angrily, punching and kicking, while growling: "He is fake all day long, a man who can't even protect his wife and children is the most stupid fake!"

The beating never seems to stop...

Li Jiexuan didn't fight back either, just let Liu Zhen act, his eyes were full of pain: No matter how painful the fist is, can it be more painful than the heart he lost just now?

Li Jiexuan raised his face that had been beaten into a pig's head: "This is my explanation to the world!"

"Give Nima's generation!"

Another punch.

"Since I created this world."

"Chuang Nima's creation!"

Another punch.

"Then I can't keep restricting it." Li Jiexuan continued before Liu Zhenxing called, "Isn't this what you have always wanted to do?"

"I'm Nima!"

It was another stormy beating. After a while, Liu Zhenxing beat and scolded while panting heavily: "I was young and ignorant, and I was blinded by those lunatics. Now I have awakened!"


Li Jiexuan coughed dryly and shook his head: "It's okay, your character is still so straightforward, should I say you are naive? Or naive?"

"You don't care if I'm naive or childish."

Liu Zhenxing grabbed Li Jiexuan by the collar: "I know you can do it, just change my sister-in-law and my eldest nephew back for me, and I will let you go."

"I can't change it back!"

Li Jiexuan smiled and shook his head, before Liu Zhen could make a move, he stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "You just said that you were only deceived by them before, so how do you know that you are not deceived by me now?"


Liu Zhenxing choked for a moment, came back to his senses suddenly, and punched while cursing: "Stop trying to get around me with these philosophical shit, my old Liu won't do that!"

It's really Liu's philosophy...

Li Jiexuan smiled and shook his head, looking at the already fragmented Gintama world: "Since you don't know whether I have deceived you again, then let this world not be deceived again, okay?"

"not good!"

Liu Zhenxing gritted his teeth, tears welled up in his eyes.

Li Jiexuan shook his head with a smile: "I have to say, Lin Zheng and the others are a respectable opponent, and they plotted against me from the beginning to the end."

"Although I don't want to admit it."

While Li Jiexuan's existence slowly dissipated, he waved Liu Zhenxing out of the shattered and disappeared Gintama world: "You have won!"

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