Super Naruto System’s Rapid Upgrading

Chapter 797 Self-created avatar technique

After school, he used stones to teach the brats who were still unwilling to give up, changing the bags on their heads from one to two.

Li Zhenxing went straight to the shop selling chakra test strips...

I bought a test strip, and there was nothing to say. Try your best to inject the chakra in your own bones into this test paper, and then watch the changes.

First there were some traces of fire, then a small opening was opened in the paper, and it was a little wet again, and then covered with a layer of dust, and then the paper was divided into two halves, light and dark.

Finally, when Li Jiexuan thought the change was over, the whole test paper suddenly froze into a huge ice cube.

"Is my strongest attribute the ice attribute?"

Li Zhenxing was a little puzzled, but before he could nod his head, a thunderbolt sounded, and the ice cube in his hand was suddenly split into two by a huge thunderbolt, and the test paper inside was also directly smashed into pieces.


Li Zhenxing nodded. It seems that his attributes basically cover all the ordinary chakra attributes, and have derived stronger mutant ice and thunder attributes.

But what Li Zhenxing didn't know was that after he left, the flower under his feet quickly withered and then quickly grew again.

This is the power of life and death...

"Thunder attribute and ice attribute?"

Li Zhenxing thought to himself: That is to say, if he wants to learn the clone technique, it is most powerful to use these two chakra attributes as the basis.

In terms of difficulty, the ice attribute is naturally simpler, perhaps even simpler than the multiple shadow clone...

After all, ice is an object with a solid state. If you want to use the ice attribute chakra to cultivate the avatar, the first characteristic you have must be to have real attack and defense capabilities.

In addition, it may also have effects such as freezing buffs...

But it looks too mediocre!

After all, the most important thing about avatars is enough agility. In terms of Bing, there must be some lack of flexibility.

If you want to say it, even if it is cultivated, it can only be used as a substitute for the substitute technique. While the clone leaves, use the ice clone to apply a certain amount of freezing back injury and decelerating frostbite effect to the opponent.

It is also a good match...

However, Li Zhenxing always felt that something was missing.

"Less destructive power!"

Li Zhenxing pinched his chin, and he could clearly feel that although the ice attribute avatar has the advantages of being easy to learn, moderate and easy to use.

But he still doesn't like it...

The reason is also very simple, that is too moderate. Li Zhenxing pinched his chin: Since he has such a talent, he shouldn't try to follow the path of the mean.

It’s not that it’s good to take a slanted sword, but it’s just that if you don’t have the courage to challenge, you will never be able to achieve yourself!

Thunder clone!

In Li Jiexuan's impression, it seems that there is no such ninjutsu. I don't know if it's too difficult to practice, or it's not practical.

However, Li Zhenxing decided to try to practice...

The chakra attribute with Thunder as a double is bold in a sense, after all, his shortcomings are very obvious.

Too violent, incorporeal, not easily controlled...

There are also ninjas who are accustomed to thunder, and there are thunder masters like Kakashi who can cut lightning. But the most striking thing is...

Once Thunder made a move, they couldn't control Thunder's direction!

To put it simply, the reason why Thunder is so powerful is precisely because of its indomitable speed and its violent explosive power.

However, Clone Jutsu is a ninjutsu that requires precise mastery of Chakra. This is the principle of creating a clone, using chakra to imitate the human body, and releasing the transformation technique without relying on itself.

To put it simply, it is to use only Chakra itself to complete the transformation...

If you think about it this way, the difficulty can be imagined.

If you count it seriously, the substitute technique is the most difficult among the three body techniques, followed by the clone technique, and the transformation technique is the easiest.

However, it is such a ninjutsu that requires strict chakra mastery and cannot be accidental, and wants to combine with the most violent and uncontrollable Thunder Chakra.

The difficulty can be imagined...

Almost impossible!

However, Li Zhenxing had a premonition: almost impossible, but not completely impossible, if he is willing to do it, he can do it!

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