Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 125 Breaking the situation

Jiang Tian did not expect that the Municipal Public Security Bureau would be so fast. While Jiang Tian was still sleeping, he received a call from Zuo Daoming, saying that someone from the Public Security Bureau was coming and wanted to find him by name.

Without even having time to wash his face, Jiang Tian drove towards the LaCrosse Club.

The person from the Public Security Bureau was a policeman in his 30s. According to his own introduction, he was the director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Bureau of Political Affairs. His name was Dong Ming. Jiang Tian called him Director Dong.

There are also two policemen, two policemen carrying a plaque that reads: The police and the people jointly build a unit.

Even the "pilot" was directly erased, and the name was Shenhai City/Public/Security/Bureau/Political/Department and LaCrosse Sports Club.

It can be said that this plaque will be the talisman of the club from now on, and it can be understood in black and white. Who dares to go against the Public Security Bureau, and besides, it is signed by the Municipal Bureau.

Dong Ming handed the plaque to Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian immediately had the plaque hung up, and then enthusiastically invited Dong Ming and the others to sit in.

In the living room, sit down and make tea.

Dong Ming took a sip and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, the words on the plaque are still handwritten and painted by Qi Bureau. He also personally told me that I must deliver it as soon as possible. Why don't I come here early in the morning!"

The flattery is self-evident, just kidding, this is the person Qi Ju personally promised to take care of.

Jiang Tiandao: "There is a labor director!"

Only he knows that it is not the so-called Qi Bureau who wants to take care of him, but Secretary Song is protecting him, because he saved Gu Yongbang's life, and he can also increase his points in front of Gu Yongbang by helping him.

Jiang Tian asked Dong Ming to stay and experience the club's services, but he declined politely. He had to go back and deal with the bureau. Jiang Tian no longer tried to persuade him to stay, but someone quietly gave him a high-end membership card. VIP cards cannot be bought with money. Ordinary customers can only accumulate points one level at a time.

The other two police officers both got membership cards. The junior one was a little flattered, because in their eyes, people who can even reach the whole police would care about little people like them. They didn't expect the owner of this club to be such a good person. Suddenly, his favorable impression of Jiang Tian greatly increased.

In the police car, the two policemen did not dare to hide anything, "Director Dong, we received 2 membership cards, right..."

Dong Ming said: "Since I gave it to you, just keep it and come and exercise if you have nothing to do. Only in this way can you serve the people better!"

All the employees of the club looked at the hanging plaque and were very happy.

"In this way, our club can be saved, right?" an employee said.

"It's more than just preservation. Didn't you just hear that the head of the municipal bureau personally ordered someone to send it? That's the Municipal Standing Committee. Do you think a bureau chief of a district industrial and commercial bureau dares to go against him? In the future, we will The club is all about black and white, and the little gangsters have to tuck their tail between their legs when they pass through the door!"

Employees all lamented that if they follow the right boss, there seems to be nothing the boss can't solve.

In the office, Jiang Tian said to Zuo Daoming: "Lao Zuo, the city bureau has given us such a big gift. Should we show something to build relationships with people within them?"

Zuo Daoming said: "That's what we should do!" He was also startled in his heart. Who had the young boss in front of him invited? Did he really know Qi Bureau? I've never heard him mention it.

Jiang Tiandao: "Then in the name of the club, donate 1 million to the city bureau!"

"Is it too much?" Zuo Daoming asked.

Jiang Tiandao: "Old Zuo, what kind of society is it now? In a society of personal connections, I know the people at the top, but the people below are not the ones who actually handle the affairs, so I can take this opportunity to get in touch with the head of the city bureau. Guanxi, why not do it, this million is definitely worth the investment!"

"Then in what name?"

Jiang Tian thought for a while: "Let's just say that they sponsored the purchase of police cars. Anyway, we are the ones who paid for it. We have no control over how they spend it, as long as they know who donated it!"

"Okay, I will take care of this!" Zuo Daoming continued: "Mr. Jiang, I think the fact that we are cooperating with the city bureau and building a unit jointly built by the police and the people should be used to make a fuss about it?"

"How to do it?"

Zuo Daoming said: "Promoting this through newspapers, TV ads, and billboards. I think this is also a way to show our strength and will be beneficial to the future development of our club."

"Okay, you take care of this matter!" Jiang Tian said, "By the way, I asked you to help me contact the silver ingot last time. Is there any news?"

Zuo Daoming said: "I was about to mention this to you and contacted a buyer, but the buyer was not Chinese!"

"Not Chinese? Who are they?" Jiang Tian asked confused.

"He is a Japanese businessman. He is said to be a fan of Chinese collections. He was introduced to me by one of my seniors who used to do auctions!" Zuo Daoming said.

"How high a price can he afford?" Jiang Tian asked.

Zuo Daoming said: "I took the photos for you, and the other party replied that if you really have 20 such big silver ingots, and they are guaranteed to be authentic from the Qing Dynasty, it doesn't matter even if there are some flaws. The other party said that traces are history, and he You can bid 5 million to buy 20 silver ingots!"

"Five million? Lao Zuo, what do you think of this price? You are an expert in this field, tell me!" Jiang Tian asked.

Zuo Daoming smiled bitterly: "Although silver ingots from the Qing Dynasty were auctioned for more than 3 million last year and the year before that, the silver ingots at that time were well preserved and had certain historical involvement. To be honest, just by the silver ingot in your hand With that kind of quality, the market price in China would not exceed 100,000 yuan!"

"So low? I wanted to say the asking price was 8 million!" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows.

Zuo Daoming almost burst into tears after hearing this. He was offered 5 million for something with a market price of 2 million. He was still not satisfied and wanted to raise the price to 8 million.

But then Jiang Tian said to himself: "Forget it, since he is so sincere in wanting to buy it, I can barely sell it to him for 5 million. It's not an antique artifact anyway, and it's not bad to earn Japanese money!"

Then Jiang Tian raised his head: "Lao Zuo, help me contact that Japanese businessman as soon as possible!"

"Okay, then I'll get to work first if it's okay!" Zuo Daoming said.

"Well!" Jiang Tian suddenly shouted again, "Lao Zuo, you have worked hard during this time!"

Zuo Daoming stood at the door and said, "This is what I should do too!"

Jiang Tian looked at the time and saw that it was only around nine o'clock in the morning. He walked out of the club and drove out.

The straight side of Tianhu Park has always been closed to the public. The villas here are occupied by the most powerful people in Shenhai City. Lin Feng lives in Building 9 with his parents.

Jiang Tian was stopped at the door because he did not have a pass. The guard asked Jiang Tian to contact someone to take him out. Unfortunately, Lin Feng's mobile phone was not accessible. He asked the guard to help report, but was refused.

Just as Jiang Tian was negotiating with Awe, a voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Jiang Tian?"

Jiang Tian turned around and looked, well, his old enemy Qi Zhuqing, whom Lin Feng called the first sister of Deep Sea, was driving in from outside in his own Beetle.

"Move the car quickly, or I'll arrest you!" The guard saw a car coming in and quickly drove Jiang Tian away.

Jiang Tian was depressed and was about to get into the car and leave. Unexpectedly, Qi Zhuqing in the Beetle behind said: "He is my friend, let him in!"

Jiang Tian was surprised after hearing this. This woman actually said that she was her friend. You must know that the last time she was at the police station, her eyes made her want to chop herself with a chop/knife.

Could it be that she was setting up a trap for herself? If you let yourself in, and then call the police and say that you don't know yourself, then those armed police will definitely think that you are trespassing into the city/committee/home/family/courtyard, and they might shoot you with a gun.


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