Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 2 Advancement

Returning to the rental house, lying on the bed, holding a few RMB, Jiang Tian still can't calm down the excitement in his heart. Haha, he made 36,400 yuan in one day. If his parents knew, they would be extremely happy. .

By the way, I have to call home to make the two old people happy.

But when holding the phone, Jiang Tian hesitated. How could he explain it?

He said that he was favored by the goddess of luck and got a magical ship. Not only could he fish well, but he could also become a pirate after upgrading?

Think about it and forget it. Wait until you have a good reason later. Besides, we don’t have much money now.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone rang.

"Hey, Shen Xing, what's up?"

Shen Xing was Jiang Tian's dormitory classmate, and they even worked part-time as an intern in life insurance during the summer vacation of their junior year. However, the guy had a girlfriend, so he didn't share a room with Jiang Tian. Students in college want to go out to work part-time and accumulate more social experience to prepare for future employment.

"I invited a customer over the phone. Let's go together to capture the customer tomorrow. Then we will calculate our results!" Shen Xing's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jiang Tiandao: "You are interested, but I have something to do and I won't be able to go tomorrow. Please help me ask for leave!"

"What's the matter?" Shen Xing asked.

"It's a bit of a private matter!" Jiang Tian didn't tell the truth. Brothers are brothers. It's best for this kind of thing to be the biggest secret in his heart.

"All right!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Tian suddenly jumped up from the bed, spread out the rice paper on the desk, picked up the calligraphy pen, and wrote a line: Don't be poor if you are poor, and don't be crazy if you are rich!

More than ten years of hard work have made Jiang Tian good at calligraphy. Jiang Tian is warning himself to live a normal life and never lose yourself.

Early the next morning, Jiang Tian rode his little electric donkey to the beach again, took off the mini boat from his neck, and then gave a command. The mini boat disappeared from his palm, and an old wooden boat appeared on the beach.

Before setting off, it is better to enter your thoughts in advance: catch large yellow croakers over 30cm!

Then he set off. Today he brought some food and fresh water. He planned to go a little farther. There were only so many types of sea fish nearby.

I searched the Internet yesterday and found that there are only about 400 species of marine fish in the entire East China Sea. Is it possible for me to detect all the fish on the bottom of the East China Sea?

It's impossible. The detection depth is only 20 meters. The entire East China Sea can scan up to about 200 species. If you want to scan 500 species of fish, you can only expand the sea area.

You have to go to the Yellow Sea yourself. If it's not enough, go a little further, to the Japanese Sea or even the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese Sea is rich in fish because of the warm ocean currents.

Of course, if you advance to one or two stages, the pirate ship will still look like this dilapidated one. Given Jiang Tian's courage, he would not dare to go that far. There are many storms in the far sea, and such a small ship, no matter how powerful it is, will still capsize.

Along the way, I didn't catch much. Many of the fish I had already scanned yesterday. Occasionally, there were only three or two fish that slipped through the net.

Looking at the boundless ocean in front of him, Jiang Tian really couldn't find his direction. Fortunately, this pirate ship was as shabby as it was, and it had all kinds of magical functions and could sail automatically.

In order to save time, Jiang Tian always drove the speed to the maximum speed, 20 knots. Anyway, no matter how fast the speed was, as long as it was scanned, the pirate ship could collect and record it.

"Coordinates 123.31, 29.73. We have traveled 100 kilometers. We have scanned 92/500. There are still 8 types left to advance to the first stage!"

However, these 100 kilometers are driven by the river and the sky, not in a straight line. The circle can cover a larger area. Otherwise, a mere 100 kilometers would allow the pirate ship to drive for 8 hours!

The wind and waves in the distant sea are obviously much greater in the offshore sea, but it is strange that although the sea water rises and falls, and sometimes even waves of one or two meters sweep over, the pirate ship can be as stable as a mountain.

Jiang Tian keenly noticed that the waves tended to be gentle near the pirate ship.

It seems that this is also one of the major functions of a pirate ship. No wonder it has the qualifications to go to sea and become a pirate.

Although Jiang Tian has completely mastered the pirate ship, not all functions are clear. The pirate ship will not take the initiative to tell Jiang Tian, ​​and many of them need to be explored slowly by himself.

There are some functions that it has but you don't know about, like the positioning and navigation function. Jiang Tian didn't know that the Corsair had this function until he needed it to check.

On the way back, Jiang Tian finally asked the pirate ship to collect information on 100 species of fish.

"The completion progress is 100/500. Do you want to choose to advance?"


The hull shook slightly. When Jiang Tian looked at it, he was surprised to find that the pirate ship had become larger and wider. It used to be 4 meters long, but now it is about 8 meters long. It is no longer shabby and has a brand new look.

"The scanning range is 100 meters in radius and 50 meters in depth. The speed is increased by 20% and 125 cubic meters of storage room are obtained!"

"Storage room? What is it?"

The next moment, Jiang Tian "saw" a 5*5*5 space with nothing in it. The appearance of this storage room made Jiang Tian overjoyed. He no longer had nowhere to put the fish he caught.

A message prompted again: "Received a superpower reward, possession, do you want to activate it?"

"start up!"

Jiang Tian didn't expect that advancing to a higher level would have so many benefits and powers. A large lobster happened to be swimming in the shoal next to him. It was about the size of a palm and about 10 centimeters long. Jiang Tian stared at the big lobster and said to himself: "Possession" !”

The next moment, Jiang Tian only felt his eyes flashing. There was a blue sea in front of him. He saw a piece of coral and some colorful sea fish passing by his sight.

And he can also control the body of the big lobster, Jiang Tian drives the big lobster to crawl towards the coral.

It's amazing, it's really amazing. This power is good, it allows you to appreciate the style of the deep sea.

Suddenly, a grouper about 30 centimeters long rushed out from the front. It was dark brown with multiple stripes and spots on both sides. Its sharp teeth were exposed and it rushed toward the big lobster ferociously.

Jiang Tian was startled and quickly pulled out of consciousness. When his vision returned, what appeared in front of him was the sea.

Jiang Tian looked down and saw that the big lobster nimbly hid in a crack in the stone, while the grouper reluctantly bit outside the crack, stirring up a mess of water.

Jiang Tian felt it was fun and kept his eyes on the grouper. He wanted to possess the grouper.

One minute, two minutes...

Jiang Tian discovered the sad fact that he seemed to only have one chance to possess someone, and could not possess him at will.

An urge to slap himself to death arose in Jiang Tian's heart. Such an incredible power was wasted on a 10-centimeter giant lobster. Jiang Tian wanted to cry.

If he had known that possession could not be changed at will, Jiang Tian would have been extremely cautious. No matter what, he would have chosen a great white shark or a blue whale or a killer whale to possess him. If he was lucky, he would have chosen a giant squid. That is the real overlord of the deep sea.

It is said that the giant squid can reach 80 meters in length and weigh 50 tons. The Norwegian Kraken controlled by David Jones in "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a terrifying giant squid with a body length of 150 meters.

A superpower that could run rampant in the underwater world was ruined by him.

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