Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 35 Golden Pearl

PS: Thank you for the rewards from Zhensan, BUCK, Ruins of Smoke, Law, etc. Thank you, Taishan!

Just like tearing cabbage by hand, pieces of clam shells were broken off "kick-kick-kick". In the end, Jiang Tian was lucky enough to control the magic of the big lobster, and then used his claws to force it.

With a "click", the giant sea clam was finally opened.

There are more than a dozen oval-shaped pearls on the clam meat. What really catches Jiang Tian's eyes are not these small pearls, but the big pearl in the middle.

This pearl is naturally round and golden in appearance. Jiang Tian estimated that the diameter of this golden pearl is about 30mm and the size of an egg.

This is the first time Jiang Tian has seen such a big pearl, and the one in front of him is still so round, it is definitely the best pearl.

Jiang Tian remembered reading a report before, saying that a British woman in southern England picked up a natural pearl with a diameter of 17.4mm. It was round and weighed 33.14 grams. Experts from the auction house predicted that the market value of the pearl could exceed 250,000. British pounds, which is about 2.5 million yuan.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was simply ecstatic. The size and quality of the pearl in front of him were even better than the pearl found in England, and the price was certainly much higher than that.

Just as he was about to ask the big lobster to pull the pearls over, he saw that the big lobster had already begun to taste the mussel meat, and was eating it with gusto. It seemed to be a delicacy.


Jiang Tian felt that the lobster seemed to be particularly excited after eating the clam meat, as if he had taken a stimulant. Because of the possession, he could even feel that the cells in the lobster's body were active at ten times the speed.


The big lobster seemed to be going crazy, waving its claws and smashing the shell of the giant sea clam. Jiang Tian quickly stopped the big lobster's crazy move, so as not to smash the golden pearl.

After a while, the big lobster calmed down, but Jiang Tian was thinking, could it be that the meat of this old sea clam is inedible and contains toxins?

After observing the big lobster for a while, and seeing that there was no abnormality, he breathed a sigh of relief, directly took control of the big lobster's body, then carefully picked up the golden pearl, walked towards the big lobster's cave, and hid the pearl. Only then exited the body of the big lobster.

His consciousness returned to his body, and Jiang Tian continued to sleep.

The next day, Jiang Tian set off again, sailing to Shenhai City.

Not knowing how far they had traveled, a cruise ship appeared on the sea level, about 190 meters long. Since the pirate ship was invisible, Jiang Tian drove freely towards the cruise ship.

"When you have enough money to buy a cruise ship, then you are rich!" Jiang Tian looked at the luxurious cruise ship and fantasized.

Suddenly, several "bang bang bang" sounds pulled Jiang Tian back from his fantasy.

"It's gunfire!"

Although he had never heard gunshots in real life, Jiang Tian, ​​who had watched countless gunfight movies, judged immediately that a gunfight had occurred on the cruise ship.

Jiang Tian could vaguely hear the screams of the tourists on the cruise ship. There were constantly panicked tourists running and hiding on the deck.

"Did a ship hijacking occur?"

This reminded Jiang Tian of the purpose of the pirate ship. Taking piracy as its doctrine, he would not be asked to rob the ship in future missions. This made Jiang Tian somewhat reluctant.


From a distance, Jiang Tian saw a person jump off the cruise ship, and then there were about a dozen men in black on the cruise ship holding pistols or submachine guns, shooting at the sea. Suddenly, the sea turned red.

After shooting for a while, the leader in black stopped his men from shooting wildly and said a few words, which turned out to be Japanese.

In this vast ocean, not to mention getting shot, even if you don't get hit, it's a dead end.

The cruise ship didn't seem to be affected much, and continued sailing slowly, and soon disappeared from Jiang Tian's sight.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Tian still drove the pirate ship towards the scene of the accident.


The man who jumped into the sea finally surfaced from the bottom of the sea, breathing heavily. Jiang Tian really admired his ability to hold his breath.

Perhaps because he was shot, his physical strength was greatly lost. After a while, the man began to slowly sink again. Although the man was rowing his hands vigorously, he could not stop the sinking trend.

If there is no accident, this man will definitely die.

Jiang Tian thought about it and fished the man out.

Just as he gave the command, the next moment a wet man appeared on the deck of the pirate ship.

Upon inspection, the man was shot twice in the back, and swimming on the bottom of the sea caused excessive blood loss and fell into a coma.

"Hey, wake up and tell me who you are?" Jiang Tian patted the man's face.

Just when Jiang Tian was about to throw the man back into the sea, the man woke up leisurely. His will seemed to be unclear, and he said in a voice as low as a mosquito: "Send me back to Deep Sea City..."


Jiang Tian was stunned. He thought it was a vendetta between the Japanese. Now he was in a dilemma. Jiang Tian didn't want to be involved in such a dangerous incident, but this man was his compatriot. He couldn't be cruel to see him. Let's die without any help.

"Forget it, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, Amitabha Infinite Lord!"

Since the man's injury could not afford to delay, Jiang Tian pushed the pirate ship to sail with all his strength. The speed of 60 knots and the distance of 500 kilometers were completed in 5 hours.

Back in Shenhai City, Jiang Tian carried the man on his back and walked down a main road. Then he stopped a taxi and went straight to the Municipal People's Hospital. On the way, he called the police.

Let's leave this matter to the police.

When they arrived at the hospital, the emergency room was already ready. As soon as Jiang Tian paid the surgery fee, a police car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and a male and a female police officer got out of the car.

The male police officer has a Chinese character face, is in his forties, and has a medium build.

As for the policewoman, she has short hair above her ears. At first glance, she looks very delicate and graceful. She has fair skin and belongs to the girl-next-door type. There is even a greenness that has not faded from her face.

Hong Yu was also helpless. He didn't know why his superiors insisted on letting him take care of this fledgling policewoman. He hadn't brought anyone new for a long time. Wouldn't this be causing trouble for him?

When Jiang Tian was sitting outside the emergency room, he saw two policemen walking towards the end of the corridor. He felt as if he was receiving an amnesty. He wanted to explain the situation immediately and leave immediately. As for the surgery fee, forget it, just treat it as a few thousand yuan. Accumulating virtue.

"Comrade police, you are finally here, oh, I am Jiang Tian, ​​I am the one who called the police!"

Jiang Tian did not recognize Hong Yu, but Hong Yu, who was a criminal police officer, had a good memory and immediately recognized Jiang Tian as the young man who had the last bar fight.

"Hello, I am Hong Yu, the person in charge this time, and this is my deputy Tang Xiaoran!" Hong Yu nodded.

"Hello, officer!"


Tang Xiaoran has a good temper, smiles slightly, and is very quiet, which makes Jiang Tian very impressed. Are all police officers nowadays so good-looking?

"Start recording!" Hong Yu said to Tang Xiaoran, who took out the recording pen from his pocket, and then there was a question and answer between Hong Yu and Jiang Tian.

It was nothing more than how Jiang Tian rescued the injured man. Jiang Tian said that he found the man while fishing along the coast and did not know about the others. He sent him to the hospital as soon as possible and also called the police.

After the recording was completed, Jiang Tian left his contact information and left.

"Xiaoran, please send that person's information back and check Jiang Tian!" Hong Yu said after being silent for a while.

Tang Xiaoran said in surprise: "Captain Hong, didn't he say he was a student of Shenhai University?"

Hong Yu asked back: "The student ID card may be fake, and the ID card may also cost money. Do you believe whatever he says?" Although he himself did not think that the matter was related to Jiang Tian, ​​his rigorous style over the years still led him to investigate. Check the bottom of Jiangtian.

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