Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 685: Grand Duke Rose

This time, there were no high-grade magic crystals in the production, and even the middle-grade magic crystals were only a few pieces, but this made Jiang Tian very happy. As long as there is output, it is good, and for magic crystal cannons, low-grade magic crystals are not available. Magic crystals can also be used.

Here, Jiang Tian was immersed in the production of magic crystals, while the Duke of Louis was shocked by the whole country. When Grand Duke Rose received the letter from Prince Jiang Tiantopiers, Long Yan was furious and immediately called for He discussed with several of his closest ministers.

"Take a look!" Grand Duke Rose is an old man with silver hair wearing a sparkling golden aristocratic crown. He has a ruddy complexion, a pair of eyes that reveal majesty inadvertently, a high nose, a downward hook at the tip of his nose, and slightly swollen lips. Thin and pursed from time to time, the clothes on her body were a brocade robe made of blue silk, and she wore a huge ruby ​​pendant around her neck. This is the most powerful person in the land of the Principality of Louis, the Grand Duke of Rose.

Several ministers picked up the letter and were curious about what was written on it that could make the Grand Duke so angry. However, soon after they quickly scanned it, several ministers exclaimed, "Is the Balgiri vein lost?"

This is simply a bolt from the blue. The biggest reason why the Principality of Louis can stand shoulder to shoulder with ordinary kingdoms and leave those forces that are also principalities far behind is because of the Balgiri mineral vein, which provides the Principality of Louis with a steady stream of wealth. .

"Grand Duke, I suggest that you immediately send the Green Dragon Army to exterminate. You must recapture the Balgiri Mine in the shortest possible time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" An old minister with a white beard stood up and spoke in a stern voice. , eyes as bright as fire.

"Yeah, without further ado!"

Several other ministers all seconded the proposal. On this matter, several ministers who usually quarrel with each other have stood on the same front, because the Balgiri Mine is the common interest of their respective families, and they I believe that the Grand Duke thought so too.

really. Just when you hear Grand Duke Rose stretching out his skinny index finger, don't underestimate this finger. It is the most authoritative finger in the entire principality, because every time the Grand Duke uses this finger to instruct his knights to execute criminals. I only heard him say, "The Balgiri Mine must be taken back, but we don't need the Blue Dragon Army. A hundred thousand troops are enough. Look carefully. This time, it is not the fault of other countries!"

Several ministers looked down and browsed again, and saw these words in the last signature: Lord Phillips of the Federation, Jiang Tian!

"Who is the lord of the Phillips Federation? Who is this Jiang Tian? And his tone is too arrogant. What does it mean to take back the ownership of the Balgiri Mine? The Balgiri Mine has always belonged to our Principality of Louis!"

These ministers were puzzled. It's no wonder that although the Duke of Louis collected the war status of the Phillips Federation, for these big shots, it was just a small matter. They didn't take it seriously, so they wouldn't pay attention to the civil war in the Phillips Federation. In their eyes, no matter how hard the Phillips Federation fought, it was just a struggle for power among the internal city-states, as long as it didn't affect the interests of the principality.

And because of the Guangming Cult's deliberate concealment, they didn't know that the entire 100,000-strong army of the Guangming Cult was wiped out.

Grand Duke Rose said slowly: "Jiang Tian is the lord of Bavaria!"

"Isn't the lord of Bavaria Count Prosise? This title was given to his grandfather by the Grand Duke yourself. Could it be that someone usurped the throne? This is simply ignoring the majesty of the Grand Duke!"

Duke Rose shook his head. These ministers were always fighting for power, but they didn't pay any attention to the situation in the Phillips Federation. They couldn't help but explain, "About half a year ago, Jiang Tian subdued Count Prossis and took over the city of Bavaria. Then he mobilized his troops and regained Morocco. "Luocheng"

"What? The rebellious Moro City was actually conquered by him. How is this possible?"

Grand Duke Rose continued, "After that, the Rhine City had a battle with the City of Bavaria. The return of the City of Bavaria with a heavy defeat raised the prestige of the City of Bavaria to a higher level in the Phillips Federation, and many city-states joined him!"

"The balance of the three major cities has been broken. He wants to unify the Phillips Federation!" Several veterans pointed out. Grand Duke Rose rolled his eyes. Even a fool could see it. Otherwise, why would he sign: Lord of the Phillips Federation!

Grand Duke Rose said: "In the past few days, I have received intelligence that Bavaria City and Moro City have joined forces to send 100,000 troops to besiege Rhine City. However, I did not expect that Jiang Tian was so courageous. Rhine City has not been captured yet. , actually dare to attack our Principality of Louis, haha, how bold it is!"

"Yes, he just unified the Phillips Federation, so what? One legion from my principality is enough to destroy him!"

"He is seeking his own destruction. Under the power of the Grand Duke, everything is like a chicken or a dog!"

Several ministers agreed. In their eyes, the military strength of the dozens of city-states in the Phillips Federation is not unified. The only ones that can be used are the armies of the three major cities. However, the Green Dragon Army has 500,000 soldiers on standby. It has a complete range of arms. Although it is not the most elite legion in the principality, it has reached the legion strength of a medium kingdom. It is not easy to destroy a new federation.

Grand Duke Rose slowly closed his eyes and waited for His Highness's ministers to stop chattering before he spoke, "Now there is a problem. Prince Pierce fell into their hands. They used this as a blackmail and wanted us to take Prince Pierce and Five Redeem all the thousands of soldiers!"

Several ministers naturally agreed. Although Prince Pierce's reputation was not good, he was the son of the Grand Duke after all.

"Mark, please work hard on this matter. Go and bring that incompetent and unfilial son back. Also, leave this matter to the Blue Dragon Army to solve. Well, let Cruz be the coach. He It’s time to practice some more!”

"Old minister, I obey the order!" The one who came out was an old man in his fifties, who was energetic and had a loud voice.

However, when several other ministers heard the word "Cruz", their hearts tightened. They looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes. The Grand Duke was accumulating military exploits for Cruz. What was his intention? , is it possible that he still wants Cruise to control the Blue Dragon Army? If this is really the case, the major families will never agree. The White Tiger Army was deceived by the Grand Duke using this method. How can it be done again? Originally, the White Tiger Army was deceived by the Grand Duke. The four major legions are controlled by several major families, while the royal family controls the imperial army. This has been a tradition for hundreds of years. However, if the Grand Duke wants to break this established agreement, how can the major families tolerate it. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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