Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 942 The whole world is shocked

At this moment, all the warriors in the world are paying attention to the war taking place in the United States. It is unimaginable that a hydrogen bomb with an equivalent of tens of millions of tons cannot kill this monster. If a strong human saint-level man were in the center of the explosion, he would have turned into a monster long ago. Gray.

It is unprecedented for three powerful human saints to join forces. Even in China, where there are as many as nine saints, it is rare for three saints to join forces.

In an instant, the vitality of the world was chaotic. The blade of the holy angel, the cyan storm, and the pillar of fire swept into the universe from three directions with the momentum of destroying the world. The space could not withstand the tearing of such terrifying energy. , space cracks extend like spider webs, seeming to swallow up the beasts of the universe.

"This time, we will definitely succeed!!"

Everyone prays like this. Although the disaster occurs in the United States, once the United States cannot stop this monster, it is foreseeable that few countries and forces on earth can compete with it. After all, the United States is the leading force in the era of great disasters. .


The golden cosmic beast spreads its huge scale wings. The scales on its abdomen have been completely restored without any scars. Its golden eyes revealed a cold and violent light, and then it suddenly raised its head.


A high-pitched and terrifying roar sounded, and the roar shook the air, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, as if to declare its dignity and inviolability.

Immediately, under the incredible gaze of everyone, the big mouth opened. Its mouth was like a black hole. Everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers was swallowed up by it. The buildings on the ground were uprooted, including three saint-level strong men. The attacker's full blow.

Nothing can escape its devouring, not even the two holy-level monsters under it have escaped the fate of being devoured. They let out two wails as if begging for mercy, and threw their mountain-like bodies into the mouths of the beasts of the universe, becoming the universe. Energy replenishment for world beasts!


Celtic, Holders, and Lehman, the three saint-level powerhouses' expressions changed dramatically and they wanted to retreat, but it was too late. It was as if there was an irresistible divine hand that completely restrained them, and then their bodies could not be restrained. The ground flew towards the huge mouth like a black hole.

"No no no!!"

As saint-level warriors, they possess power within their bodies like raging flames and waves. However, at this moment, they are like ants, watching helplessly as death approaches, and are finally devoured by the beasts of the universe.

"Oh my god, how is this possible? This is the most powerful person on earth, a saint, and he was killed without any resistance!!"

"Is this monster sent by the devil to destroy the earth?"

"The end of the world is here!!"

No one wants to believe what they see, but the images captured by the satellite tell them that it is true.

At this moment, whether it is the European Union, the Holy See or China, they have all entered the highest level of defense. Missiles from several bases are ready to be launched at any time. Saint-level powerhouses have all been notified, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Hiss, this is a devouring cosmic realm beast, a starry sky golden beast. Even in the vast universe, it is a top-notch bloodline realm beast. It is rare to see it once in hundreds of millions of years. Unexpectedly, it appears on the earth. If it is caught by the starry sky powerhouse, If you know it, you will definitely rush to Earth like crazy!!”

At this moment, Huo Chi's exclamation came from Jiang Tian's heart.

"You finally woke up. You tricked me into taking care of this cosmic realm beast, but now I've been deceived by you. Although this cosmic realm beast is still in the holy realm, even the powerful demigods can't do anything to it!! "Jiang Tian complained to Huo Chi.

"Tsk, tsk, this isn't like your style, are you scared?" Huo Chi said.

Jiang Tian's eyes were fixed on the cosmic beast in the dark night, the starry sky golden beast. Its whole body was as black as ink, with golden secret patterns wrapped around its sharp corners. When the pair of wings covered with black scales waved, it set off a storm.

It is taking revenge on humans, angry, unprecedentedly angry. Its dark golden eyes look down, and there is nothing but coldness and cruelty in its eyes. It travels dozens of kilometers in one breath. Everywhere it passes, screams are heard from the ground. There was a sound of pain, a city base in the middle of the United States, a city with a population of nearly 10 million. At this moment, there were more than a dozen deep pits on the ground, all of which were swallowed up by the starry sky golden beast. The surrounding skyscrapers, communities, etc. were in flames, and the buildings were in flames. The collapse was as if it had been exploded by tens of thousands of tons of n gunpowder.

"Do you think this starry sky golden beast is the top bloodline in the universe?" Jiang Tian asked.

Huo Chi said: "It is not the top, but it is not far behind. The starry sky golden beast in adulthood has the strength of the main god level, which is equivalent to the realm of the immortal level in the prehistoric period, and it has a heaven-defying talent, that is Devour, if you can get the baptism of its blood, hehe, you have the qualifications to challenge those big players in the universe!!" Huo Xiao encouraged. "Furthermore, it has just been injured, and now it is only half of its strength. If we don't do anything now, we will wait until later!!"

In the dark night, over the middle of the United States, the starry sky golden beast flapped its wings, and its dark golden eyes looked down.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling golden light beam cut through the night, spanning hundreds of kilometers, and instantly hit the target of the starry sky golden beast that was venting its anger.


With a very brief sound, as if the head was scorched by flames, the dazzling golden light pillar directly pierced the starry sky golden beast's head. The entire upper part of the head and even the edge of its slightly raised left wing were pierced.

It was almost silent, with only a few brief "chis"! !

Turn into nothingness!

In an instant, only the lower half of the starry sky golden beast's head was left with the terrifying mouth, the nose disappeared completely, and the skull and the like were turned into nothingness!

The golden beam of light was extremely dazzling. After shooting through the golden beast in the starry sky, it continued to move forward in a straight line, and then flew into the atmosphere. It actually passed through the atmosphere and shot directly into the space full of bright stars.

Time freezes at this moment!

On all the screens around the world, the starry sky golden beast is in a flying posture, but its head only has a mouth, and there is nothing on it. On the right half, there is a dazzling light pillar that has been shot into space.

Everyone's eyes widened almost instantly, and then everyone went crazy!

"Success, the monster is dead and killed!!"

"The earth will not be destroyed!!"

"thank God!!"

Of course, there are also people who are not fans of God and raise questions: "Who killed this monster? Even the three saints in the United States can't kill it. If this is not a full blow from a certain force but an attack from someone How horrific this would be!"

Thinking of this, everyone shuddered! !

No one knew, because in the next moment, the body of the Starry Sky Golden Beast disappeared directly into the air! !

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