Super Pirate Ship

Text Chapter 96 Surrender

Ami was already scared out of his wits. Three clippers were blown to pieces by the opponent's cannons one after another. At this scene, his ferocity turned into fear, and he quickly asked his men to escape in the clippers.

This is not a cannon. It is simply a missile equipped with heat-seeking tracking!

And Jiang Tian was too lazy to waste energy and let him escape.

When the frightened Ami fled back to the island, other pirates on the island also heard the sound and came over. There were about a dozen good guys, but Ami was too frightened to go out to sea anymore. The other pirates attacked him. So accurate.

On the pirate ship, Jiang Tian was thinking about a question: how to make the other party surrender!

But all this must first let the pirates release Zhang Tuhao's people. Now that they know the pirates' lair, there will be many opportunities in the future. The first task this time is to save people.

However, it seems that the pirates on the island still have a stubborn mentality. Do they think that they can't do anything to them once they escape to the island?

The cannon adjusted its angle, and then there was a loud noise. The entire island shook a little the next moment. The power of the cannonball was more than ten or twenty times more powerful than a grenade.

The cannonball did not fall in the crowd, otherwise the dozen or so pirates would all have to answer for it. The cannonball landed 15 meters away from the crowd. There was no shrapnel, but a terrifying gas explosion. The guy closest to him was directly torn to pieces by the gas wave. , the lower body was missing, and the upper body was still screaming.

On the ground, a piece of scorched earth appeared. In the center of the scorched earth, there was a huge pit with a diameter of nearly 2 meters.

The other pirates showed fear when they saw it. After all, they were just ordinary fishermen.

Nigru hurriedly shouted: "Brother, let's let the people go. Look, they are adjusting the artillery again. The next shell may fall next to us!"

When Ami heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately said: "Let them go, Nigru, go and let those five Chinese people go, and move all their goods back!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Tian saw five Chinese people in tattered clothes. He did not get close. Instead, he drove the pirate ship to the west. Because the sea area he was in was a passage to the sea, he did not want to run into Zhang Tuhao's men.

"Brother Zhang, are they going to shoot us on the beach?"

A Chinese man saw several corpses on the beach, and his face turned pale with fear. They were the Filipinos who had just been escorted out, but they didn't see the American's body. Maybe it was sunk in the sea. I heard that pirates like it best. Submerge people into the sea and feed them to sharks.

Zhang Bing said: "Probably not, we are Chinese, not Filipinos, they don't dare!"

The five crew members walked tremblingly, and Ami came to them with a gloomy face: "Gentlemen, you are lucky, you are free, now board your ship, and then leave quickly, the farther the better, the cargo I’ve already given it back to you!”

"You, let us go?" Zhang Bing's face was filled with disbelief.

He also packed all the goods for himself. Could it be that Mr. Zhang paid a large ransom?

It must be, otherwise how could these ferocious pirates let themselves go!

The five crew members showed joy on their faces and were finally rescued. One crew member even cried excitedly. They were locked in a dark room for three days and three nights, and there were pirates with guns outside.

What is even more frightening is that in just three days, two groups of hijacked people were shot to vent their anger because their bosses could not pay the ransom. I am afraid that every night's nightmare will be related to pirates.

However, they were still worried about not being out of the control of the pirates. When they actually boarded their cargo ship, they were completely relieved. They hurriedly swarmed into the cab and started the ship. They wished that the cargo ship could get a pair of wings and fly away from here.

When he saw the cargo ship leaving the dock, Ami was relieved. The scourge of China was finally gone. Looking at the gunboat in the distance, the artillery was no longer facing the island, but the dragon's head was facing the island.

In the distance, Jiang Tian has no intention of taking action today. He will rescue the people first and come back later when there is an opportunity. He must plan a reasonable plan in advance, because the first obstacle to Jiang Tian's mission is that he has different languages ​​and cannot communicate. How can he convey himself? the meaning of.

Just when Jiang Tian was preparing to guard the cargo ship from a distance, Jiang Tian was suddenly surprised to find that at some point, the blond man actually swam 100 meters away, shouting loudly: "Help!"

Jiang Tian took off his mask and looked at the sea. Should he save him or not?

Seeing that the blond man was about to be swallowed by the sea water due to exhaustion, Jiang Tian took out a lifebuoy from the storage room, drove the pirate ship towards the other party, and then dropped the lifebuoy.

"Cough cough cough!"

The blond man quickly grabbed the lifebuoy and breathed heavily. He coughed violently due to the excessive breathing in his lungs. Looking at the situation, it seemed as if he was about to cough his lungs out. Jiang Tian felt uncomfortable listening to it.

The deck of the pirate ship was not high from the sea. Jiang Tian put down the lock ladder, and the blond man climbed up grabbing the lock ladder.

Then he lay on his back on the deck like a dead pig, motionless, staring at the sky. If his chest wasn't still heaving, he would be no different from a dead person.

The clothes on his body were ragged and there were many scars on him. It seemed that he had suffered a lot at the hands of the pirates.

Jiang Tianze stared at the blond man warily. Maybe he was an ordinary European and American who abided by the law, but he did not rule out that this guy was also not a good bird.


Jiang Tian still understood this word. In order to avoid the blond man's sight, he reached behind his back, then quietly took out a bottle of mineral water and threw it to the blond man.

As if he had found a treasure, the blond man unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured it into his mouth. After drinking all the water in the bottle, he gasped for air and said to Jiang Tian: "Thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Tian understood the words "thank you", but not the other words clearly. However, he thought that what the other party wanted to express was to express his gratitude.

The blond man said: "My name is David, who are you? Are you Chinese? Or Japanese? How should I call you?"

Well, although these English words did not exceed Level 4 English vocabulary, when they came out of this American's mouth, Jiang Tian only thought they were astronomical and could not understand them at all.

"I'm sorry, can you...speak a little slower? My English is not very good!" Jiang Tian said.

David repeated it word for word, and Jiang Tian understood it this time.

"Hello name is Jiang Tian...I am Chinese. What about you?" Jiang Tian said.

"I'm... an American!" David stood up and walked around, saying, "Is there... food? Food, I'm hungry!"

Jiang Tian suddenly realized and said to David: "Stay... here, don't leave, otherwise, my men... will kill you!"

Jiang Tian warned David, and David shrugged to show that he understood. He looked at the two old-fashioned cannons on the side of the ship. Is this what it showed its power just now? It’s incredible!

Soon, Jiang Tian came out of the cabin, holding a roasted chicken and two steamed buns in his hands. The roasted chicken was still warm. It had been in the storage room for so long, and it was still in the same state as when it was put in.

"Oh, that's so tempting, thank you!" David eagerly took the food and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Hey, David, why... you got caught... by pirates?"

In one sentence, Jiang Tian changed his words several times. David listened carefully and then showed a surprised expression. He also said word by word, "I... went on a trip... and then something happened!"

David looked around and said, "Why... don't you see anyone else?"

Jiang Tian shrugged: "My people... don't like you... and will kill you when they see you!"

Jiang Tian really planned this. If this Yankee dared to wander around on the pirate ship without knowing the truth, and discovered the secret that the pirate ship was unmanned, he would throw him into the sea to feed the fishes.



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