Chapter 2 Permanent exemption from agricultural tax?

The current location of Qin Feng is Dagan Palace.

That's right, it's in the palace.

It's just that this imperial palace is different from that of the Forbidden City on the earth, because the Great Kingdom has continued from ancient times to modern times hundreds of years ago, so this imperial palace has also been renovated all the time.

Today, although the exterior of the palace is still antique, the interior has all been modernized. There are everything that should be in the modern era, and there are also what is not, and it will not affect normal life in the slightest.

In addition, the Dagan Palace has already become a spiritual symbol of the Dagan people. As long as the emperor lives in it, it will be very helpful for the consolidation of the country.

After finishing his clothes, he opened the luxurious door and walked out.

At the door, several assistants and secretaries were already waiting here. As soon as Qin Feng came out, he said: "Take me to the hall."

They are all modern. Even if they are still the emperor, they are still in this country, and they are still the supremacy of imperial power, but they no longer claim to be me, and there is no need to wear ancient dragon robes. Everything is in line with modernization.

Perhaps the only thing that is not in line is that all this is the emperor's.

The emperor is also the supreme existence.

The so-called hall is the Dagan hall arranged in the imperial palace. It has a considerable area and is mainly used for annual meetings and important events.

For example, the new emperor ascended the throne, which was held here, and the usual meetings with those first-grade ministers were in the Palace of Political Affairs.

Came to the door of Dagan Hall, but didn't go in.

Because the ceremony has not officially started yet.

At this time, the hall was already full of people, and all the first-rank and second-rank ministers who worked hard came, as well as representatives from all walks of life, and so on.

All foreign reporters arrived, and the entire hall was flooded with flashing lights.

At this moment, the person who is presiding over the meeting on the podium is an official from the Ministry of Etiquette, a first-grade official from a leading country.

The Dagan Country was actually partly similar to the ancient Ming Dynasty in the Yanhuang Empire.

For example, officials are of the first to ninth grade, and there are still points for correct follow-up.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were three provinces and six ministries, while the leading officials had two provinces and nine ministries.

The two provinces are the Central Ministry of Education and the Central Province, with the same pronunciation, but the former is for internal affairs and the latter is for the military, and they are irrelevant.

The nine departments are the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, the Ministry of Law, the Ministry of Law, and the Ministry of Commerce.

The promotion of officials in charge of the official department, the household registration and marriage and divorce, as well as land and the like are managed by the household department.

Needless to say, the Ministry of Finance is in charge of finances, as well as domestic banks.

The Ministry of Industry is the domestic infrastructure, and the Ministry of Etiquette is the school, film and television, culture, and diplomacy.

The Ministry of Criminal Affairs is responsible for arresting fast and managing the public security of the chief executives. As the name suggests, the Ministry of Justice is the court.

The last legal department and the commercial department, needless to say, manage the business.

The legal department is not the law of law, but the law of discipline. What's the purpose... It's to monitor the problems of leading officials... That's what it means.

The enthronement ceremony will officially begin soon.

After the ceremony was finished, Qin Feng walked in from the front door under thunderous applause and countless flashing lights.

From the entrance of the hall to the podium, there are red carpets. The two red carpets are people from all sides. They waved their hands under their genuine, perfunctory, worried, calm, or excited gaze. Walked all the way to the podium.

Even if the national power of the great leaders is frighteningly weak, the imperial power has long been ingrained in the souls of the great leaders. Even if some people are worried about the future of the great leaders because Qin Feng is too young, no one will go. Questioned whether Qin Feng, the only son of the imperial family, is qualified to become the emperor.

Standing in front of the microphone on the podium, underneath was a large swath of people, young or old, still standing and applauding, enduring unfailingly.

In addition, countless reporters took photos and recorded images to fully record the historical scene of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, for fear that one might be missed.

Standing in front of the podium for more than a minute, when Qin Feng raised his hand for the fifth time to signal everyone to sit down, the applause gradually stopped.

Soon, the hall fell into silence, and everyone's eyes were on Qin Feng.

Faced with so many people, faced with so many cameras, it is definitely a lie to say that you are not nervous.

Fortunately, Qin Feng’s character belongs to the kind where the more nervous the heart, but the calmer the performance. With a gentle smile on his face, he finally speaks for the first time: “First of all, everyone is welcome to come to my enthronement ceremony. On behalf of the individual, I would like to extend my welcome, and on behalf of the great cadres, I would like to welcome the arrival of foreign journalists."

On the table of the podium, there were more than a dozen A4 papers. This was a speech prepared by the Secretariat for him, but Qin Feng just took a few casual glances and put it down.

Because the content in this speech is all lackluster things, and the main continuation is the previous emperor...that is, his father's philosophy.

In fact, it’s no wonder the Secretariat, mainly because the previous emperor went too abruptly. His ascension to the throne started in a hurry. The Secretariat didn’t know its philosophy of governing the country at all, so it came up with such an old-fashioned speech. It is also understandable.

Putting down the A4 paper and scanning the audience, he suddenly said something astonishing and threw a bomb directly: "I have been working hard since ancient times. The miscellaneous tax rate oppresses the people so much that they don’t want to live.

But since I enthroned, all agricultural taxes will be permanently exempted, so that the people will live better, and the people will no longer have such a heavy burden in their lives! "

In the major countries, the agricultural tax is quite high, as high as 28% of the agricultural tax.

For a long time, the imperial family of the Dagan Kingdom has always been very good to the people, although many of the emperors in the middle have been relatively mediocre, causing the national power to plummet.

In this way, the people did not rise to the ground, and the last term and the last emperor have successively reduced some agricultural taxes, up to 28% today.

To know……

Before that, the agricultural tax was even higher!

And 28%, it has already made the big cadres very satisfied, so it can be imagined that Qin Feng has just taken the throne but suddenly and permanently abolished all agricultural taxes, and how much it has brought to all the big cadres who watched the live broadcast. Shock and ecstasy.

Looking at the hall again, the ministers suddenly changed color one by one. Qin Feng suddenly started to exempt all agricultural taxes permanently... This is definitely something no one expected.


This is the benefit from the emperor.

The emperor, at least the emperor of the great kingdoms, has always said nothing, even if he has not discussed with these ministers in advance, but since Qin Feng has already said it, it is obviously impossible to change.


Permanent exemption of agricultural tax?

Those who are already so poor that they can't get rid of the pot, without the agricultural tax of this heavy income, wouldn't they soon be bankrupt?

This new emperor...

What the hell are you doing!

All the ministers looked ugly, and their eyes were full of worries.

Worried for this foolish new emperor.

Worried about the new emperor, who is already in danger, has ushered in such a messy new emperor!

In short, the lively hall just now was trapped in an extremely solemn atmosphere.

It's extremely quiet. *

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