Chapter 7 Big dry blood-sucking worm

"In the development of business, self-production and sales are fundamental, but if you really want to make money, you have to export it. Otherwise, if you make it yourself and sell it to your own people, it's not much different from pouring your left pocket into your right pocket."

Qin Feng’s voice echoed throughout the conference room: “So if we want to make us and the people truly prosperous, the correct way is to earn foreigners’ money. In this way, diplomacy is particularly important.”

Qin Feng's voice became low and deep: "But as far as I know, our major countries have not yet determined the real diplomacy, nor have they really focused on diplomacy. What is diplomacy? At a lower level, diplomacy can enable us Dagan communicates with the outside world.

On a larger scale, diplomacy is about the development of a country! The diplomacy between this country is actually the same as being a human being.

For example, if a person is not well-connected, if you encounter a problem, no one will help you. But a person's popularity is very good. If you die, you don't need to speak, and they will help you.

Therefore, the importance of this diplomacy is self-evident. As the saying goes, there are more ways to help but less help. Diplomacy will also be the top priority of the leaders in the future! "

After speaking in one breath, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and added: "Of course, there is another saying that weak countries have no diplomacy. We are undoubtedly weak now, but commercial diplomacy is always possible.

Let’s set a tone today. The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Etiquette and the Ministry of Commerce should try their best to establish commercial interoperability with all over the world, and carry out commercial cooperation in all aspects, so that our products can be sold abroad. Earn money abroad! "

After that, these cabinet members nodded one after another, and while nodding their heads, they recorded Qin Feng's words one by one in their notebooks.

But Sun Mingli, the chief secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, scratched his head and couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, we understand what you said. But... But what can we do to export?"

Hearing this, everyone looked up at Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng smiled faintly and said: "In fact, we can sell a lot of things. Yes, our industry is indeed quite backward, but, including the superpower Eagle Country, all the things that cannot be used are high-tech products, right?

Can we produce clothes? Are these shoes and hats okay? Glasses and porcelain are all okay, right?

As long as we have good quality, low prices, high quality and low price, are we afraid that no one will buy it?

Moreover, this is still a fairly large market, but it is the first step for us to promote commercialization in an all-round way! "

After hearing Qin Feng's words, a group of people were busy again bowing their heads and starting to record on a small notebook. The expressions were completely different from the beginning.

Qin Feng's words kept saying: "The first step for these knowledgeable private businesses, although the tax provided to Dagan in this regard will not be small, but it is obviously not enough to support Dagan's rapid development and achieve corner overtaking."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice: "Then sell the resources! From the detailed data provided by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, we can see that we are extremely rich in resources. It's just that... the vast majority of these resources are exploited in the hands of large foreign powers. It is firmly intolerable."

Everyone's expressions changed.

Jia Fengqing quickly said: "Your Majesty, these resources...the big executives also get dividends...but the most important thing is that these resources were sold to those foreign forces that year..."

Qin Feng suddenly turned his head, his eyes became cold and cold: "Yeah, there are dividends, one component is red! What is this, you tell me?! Ah?!"

Qin Feng’s unspeakable anger: "Resources are resources on our own territory. As a result, they were sold to foreign consortia and large families at an extremely low price for some small profits. We can only get 10% of the dividend every year, 10%!!!"

"Tell me, how is this different from the territories we were robbed of back then!"

Qin Feng’s tone was cold and frosty: “We can’t afford to provoke those countries. Could it be that we can’t afford to provoke those consortia even if we are a big country? Big family? I don’t care what method you use, whether it’s a strategy or a direct one. It doesn't matter if you use force, in a word, within half a month, I must see all the blood sucking from our blood sucking out of us!

We develop our own mineral resources! We will develop all oil resources and natural gas resources by ourselves! In addition to domestic sales and strategic reserves, the excess is sold for money! "

After speaking in a cold tone, he took a deep breath, as if he was calming down his inner suffocation: "I don't know what you think, and I don't bother to ask when you made the deal with these resources and those forces, you played a role in it. What kind of role and what benefits have been gained. I can forget all these.

However, now that I, Qin Feng, is the emperor of Da Gan, then I have to be worthy of this throne, worthy of the people of the world!

So, half a month, at most half a month, all those resources must be recovered for me! Needless to say about this matter, if you are really unsure at that time, I will directly dispatch the army to take it back, but when that time comes...hehe, it's not going to be forgotten! "

There is no fish when the water is clear.

No matter how the two emperors killed a river of blood, it was obviously impossible to really put an end to some things.

At most, no one would dare to covet the Qin's throne, and no one would dare to disobey the Qin clan at will.

"Okay! Well said! It should have been so long ago!"

As soon as Qin Feng's voice fell, he suddenly slapped his hands on the table and shouted loudly.

However, this man is tall and burly, and he is wearing the only military uniform among the people present. It is the prime minister of Zhongshu Province and the iron-faced general Wu Xiansheng who is known as the right minister!

Wu Xiansheng’s face full of fleshy face can be described as radiant at this moment, waving his right hand, and said in a generous and powerful tone: "Your Majesty’s words are in my heart. The resources we have done, why let those people come? Mining?

And it only divides us into red! No, why should they distribute our dividends? This is our resource! The blood-sucking worms have long been unhappy, and the resources we have done this time must be recovered! "

After listening to Wu Xiansheng's words, everyone could only respond with a wry smile.

Actually... Qin Feng really wronged them, they really didn't profit from it.

However, these words don't need to be said, since your Majesty said half a month, then half a month is fine!

Although there is bound to be a lot of trouble, your Majesty has clearly made up his mind to die, so go ahead and do it well.


Those blood-sucking worms have indeed sucked too much blood over the years, and it is time to get rid of them!

If these blood-sucking worms are not eliminated, how can you be reborn! *

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