Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 104: make trouble

The long line, the group was tired and hungry, but it was still far from Changdong City, and there was no place to rest. Everyone is hungry, and all we can do now is rush to Changdong City as soon as possible. It is said that people from Tianzhou are already being accepted in Changdong City, and now they can only expect to rush to Changdong City earlier.

This long team is basically a procrastinator. Except for the leading youth, the other people basically didn't talk much.

"Everyone sticks to it, and it's almost to Changdong City."

Just dragging the tired body, taking a heavy step, and continuing to move forward.

The time is gradually going towards noon, and the light rain has been removed, and the weather is not clear. If there is another big sun, it will be really unbearable.

Even if the weather conditions are good, the long journey and the lack of food and water have already reached the limit.

Finally came to Changzhou, but Changdong City was still a bit far away. The young man who took the lead finally exhausted his strength and fell to the roadside.

"No, the second son of Su's family fell."

"Ah, Xiao Su can't do it?"

In the waves of the team, there was finally a lot of discussion, panic and eagerness. Someone used to explore the breath and found that they just fainted, and they didn't know the exact situation.

"Xiao Suduo is so good, but his foundation is too weak."

"Let's take Xiao Su with us."

"Bringing more people is a burden, we can't walk ourselves."

At this time, I was only able to take care of myself and my family, and this "Xiao Su" and "Su Jia Erwa" were not their own.

A group of people who were still on the move stopped and gathered around this young man, discussing where to go and taking a break.

After a long discussion, it was originally dry-mouthed, and it was even more uncomfortable, and finally an old farmer stood up. The old farmer has rough hands and his face is full of traces of years.

"Xiaosu came with us, we also have to take Xiaosu to Changdong City. It's not far from Changdong City. If you don't want to take Xiao Su with you, you want to keep him here. I personally carried Xiao Su to Changdong City." The old farmer's tone was very firm. He said that he squatted down and was ready to carry this "Xiao Su" on his back.

"Daddy, what are you just doing? Just give him the outsider food and water a few days ago, and now he still has to carry him. Can you carry him outside of Changdong City with your bones?" A middle-aged man Also came to the old man, intending to stop.

"Then leave him here? Has your conscience been eaten by the dog? What kind of person is Xiao Su, you don't know? You care about it, anyway, Xiao Su I am in control."

This old farmer also seemed lean, probably because of long-term labor, he still had some strength, and he carried the fainted Xiao Su on his back and was ready to go.

"Dad, daddy." The middle-aged man called a few times behind him, but did not get an answer. The old man had already started stubbornly, and with some unstable pace, he just started.

Without progress, the old man was breathless, not full, and even lacking water to drink, where did it come from? But the old man was still walking persistently. The old man's son also took the rest of the family behind the old man, only to sigh.

The team hadn't stopped because of these episodes, and it was just one of the villages that had just stayed. People in other villages continue to hurry, and now it is normal. The family slowly fell behind, mainly because the pace of advance was too slow.

"Dad, let me put it down, let me come." The old man's son saw that the old man was almost unable to support it, and hurried over to help. The old man looked at his son, but he finally compromised. He was old, and if he continued to do so, he might not be able to go to Changdong City.

Just when the two handed over, they heard different movements in the front. Originally, there was no one willing to speak along the way, but now they heard the loud noise in front of the team, which should be from the front of the team. .

"Look, there are soldiers, some people."

"It's Changdongcheng, it's here to pick us up."

"The City Guard of Changdong City sent someone to pick us up."

"We are saved."

The people in front sat down one after another, no matter where it was in the wilderness, sit down and rest. The old man and his family walked forward slowly, and saw the scene ahead.

There are a number of city guards in Changdong City, and there is also a rest place and reception desk. The old man's family approached here, watching the people walking in front of them have been sitting scattered, eating, drinking and resting.

"Don't worry, let's eat something and drink some water first, and then our people will **** everyone to Changdong City. Don't grab it, there is not much food here, everyone can only share a bowl of porridge. etc. When you arrive in Changdong City, you will be full."

The old man also saw some food not far away, the city guards were cooking porridge. Here is still handing porridge to the people, still boiling water, there are a few pots of water here, covered with wooden boards.

"Give me another bowl, I will starve to death." A common man quickly drank the porridge that he had just received, but he was still not satisfied and wanted to drink another bowl.

"Everyone can only drink a bowl of porridge. After a short break, they go to Changdong City, where the food is relatively sufficient." The city guards commanded by the side explained to the people who continued to ask for porridge.

"I don't care. I'm not full. I'll give me another bowl. If you don't give it to me, I won't leave." For such a person, the City Guard is disgusted from the heart. At this time, I still want to do things.

"Don't worry, everyone can only drink a bowl of porridge, rest and rest on the road as soon as possible. There are many people behind, this porridge is not necessarily enough, still be patient."

But the troublemaker just broke the bowl in his hand, "I'm hungry for several days, why don't you let me eat enough, you still have a lot of porridge, I think you are a full bag You must have prepared the excess food to embezzle yourself."

As soon as this leading man made trouble, many people soon followed him in solidarity. After all, a bowl of porridge is really not enough. Suddenly, there were quite a few people who responded. It is estimated that these city guards were relatively few, and they did not dare to easily do it.

"Come on, these official doggies want to embezzle food and want to starve us to death. They obviously have porridge, but they won't let us eat enough, then we will come by ourselves. Take these porridge and we can all I am full."

Faced with such remarks, the captain of the City Guard, who had been stabilizing the people's hearts and order before, was silent. You can’t do anything with these people, but if you let these people grab the food and divide it now, what should the subsequent people do? They were also hungry and rushed to Changzhou all the way.

"Everyone is quiet, quiet, the food here is limited, and there are many people behind. So they can only fill their stomachs. When Changdongcheng is reached, everyone will be able to eat. So, consider it for the people behind. ."

"Considering for them, have you considered for us? Why do we have food but not let us eat?"

"Everyone is like this. The people who came before, as well as those in the back, can drink a bowl of porridge when they come here. When they arrive in Changdong City, they will arrange accommodation and distribute food. Everyone can rest assured. After drinking porridge, rest Let's go to Changdong City at rest."

"I think you just deducted our food from it. How many meters is this bowl of porridge?" The troublemaker was more fierce, and more and more people supported him.

The old man came to the rescue point with the help of "Xiao Su" and stood with the city guards. "Everyone is quiet, there is not much food here, we have eaten these, and there are many people behind. If we finish the food now, then the people behind will continue to be hungry. Everyone withdraws one step. Right."

"Huh, where's the bad old man, what's the matter behind us?"

"You, if everyone in the front thinks so, you might not be able to drink a bowl of porridge now, you just wait to starve to death here." The old man is also very angry, how could there be such a "breed" like this People, patronizing themselves.

"I think we robbed these porridges, and they don't dare to treat us." The man who took the lead in making trouble finally made such a decision, which also made the City Guard Squad here more vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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