Super Resort System

Chapter 21: The big cat sucking scene

While Li Yang was busy preparing the set meal in the back kitchen, the three pairs of handsome men and beautiful women had already run to the vicinity of the female college students and happily sucked up cats.

The cheerful and long-legged girl also chatted with them a few words, and the boy who just ordered the cool looking ear studs turned into a big kid in front of the cat, and put his face on the head of Mr. Meow Inhaled last meal.

"My God, this guy is really heavy!" The man with ear studs picked up Mr. Meow.

"Let me hug me too!" His girlfriend tried to take Boss Meow, but she shook her head and shouted, "No no no, no, no, it's so heavy!"

"You've all seen the video of Doug and Teddy arguing? It's hilarious! But how can I make it bark like a dog?" said another long-haired girl.

"Then you have to ask the boss?"

"Look at this fold-ear cat!" One of the beauties with a very hot figure and dress said, pointing to the fold-ear who was treading milk on her chest.

The boyfriend next to her rolled her eyes at her and said with a grudge: "Why didn't I see you so happy when I touched it!"

"Go away!" The hot beauty kicked her boyfriend, and the other young people burst into laughter.

"Your package is ready!" Li Yang shouted when all six people's packages were ready.

The three boys were kicked over by the girls to serve the set meal. The man with earrings came to the bar, took a sip of his cat poop coffee, and immediately gave a thumbs up: "Authentic, worthy of the price!"

Li Yang smiled. The three boys brought the plates to a long table one after another. Several girls also gathered around, but instead of eating first, they fed the cat canned cat food and dried small fish and enjoyed it. Cat owners fawn on the feeling of ingratiating themselves.

Especially the oranges, in order to earn an extra bite to eat, he almost tried his best to amuse a few girls.

At this time, the three female college students were finally able to find time to enjoy the mousse cake and coffee.

The three girls ate very happily and took pictures from time to time. The long-legged girl also held her mobile phone and started to post pictures, and then sent them to the circle of friends.

Li Yang sat at the bar, picked up his mobile phone and took a photo of the guests as a souvenir. In any case, this was the first day of the cafe's opening, and it was worth recording.

Afterwards, he had nothing to do, so he flipped through the circle of friends, and happened to see the circle of friends posted by girls with long legs. The neat nine pictures were arranged reasonably, with bright colors and attractive pictures.

There are selfies after beautification, pictures of tickets and bracelets, pictures of corners of the storefront, pictures of delicate desserts and coffee, pictures of posing with cats, pictures of showing long legs by cats, and pictures with a group of cute people before. A photo of a cat.

The location information of "You Cat Inn" is also marked below.

I have to say that today's female college students are masters in taking pictures. The pictures are quite literary and petty, and the composition is also good. After adding filters, they have a sense of sight of a blockbuster.

And the cute cats in the pictures add a strong warmth, making people feel a kind of incomparable comfort and beauty when they look at the pictures, which makes people fascinated.

Li Yang silently praised the long-legged girl named "Vitality Girl" on WeChat. If every customer who came to the store could be such an excellent communicator, Li Yang would not worry about having no customers.

Soon after, several waves of guests came to the inn. They were basically locals who came to play cats after seeing the Douyin video. Some of them chose to leave because of the high price. Many people still choose to consume without hesitation.

The hall became lively all of a sudden. In a blink of an eye, all 26 seats were filled. Everyone was happily teasing, playing, and sucking cats. It was like a large cat sucking scene. .

Li Yang took out his mobile phone again, took a picture of today's hot business, and sent a circle of friends,

After all, this is the first time that the inn cafe is so popular, it is worth showing off.

Soon, it was time for the three female college students. After saying hello to Li Yang, they left the inn happily. And the three young men and women also spent money to take a photo with the cats before leaving.

Before leaving, Li Yang specially reminded them that a cat acrobatics show will be launched next Thursday, hoping to attract these customers to spend a second time.

Not long after the two groups of guests left, three groups of guests came one after another, and the inn was full again. Li Yang did not expect the sudden boom in business. He thought it would increase gradually, but he did not expect that there were no guests yesterday. It was full today.

It feels as exciting as riding a roller coaster!

But think about it, the location of your inn is not very good, so after everyone saw Douyin, they basically chose to come here this weekend.

In this way, there were a steady stream of customers in the cafe all day long, and Li Yang was busier than ever before, preparing meals for customers, directing cats to take photos with customers, chatting with customers, clearing plates and trash, and selling cat acrobatic performances to attract two. This time, Li Yang was so busy that he didn't eat lunch, but perhaps because he was happy, he didn't feel hungry at all.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the guests left one after another. When Li Yang sent off the last wave of guests, he collapsed on the sofa from exhaustion. He felt that he said more today than in the past year.

Seeing the cat masters who were still alive and kicking in the room, Li Yang expressed his admiration.

But think about it, this group of guys eats and drinks, and someone gives massages, it's really cool, and I have been serving guests for a day, and I have to shovel their shit for a while, alas—

It's not easy to make money!

Although he complained, Li Yang felt full and joyful in his heart. Today's popularity has strengthened Li Yang's confidence, and these guests will also become the free advertisements and word-of-mouth disseminators of the inn, which will influence more guests to generate consumption impulses. .

After a short rest, Li Yang got up again and ran to the computer to check today's revenue. Today, a total of 68 customers were received in one day, and the per capita consumption was about 200 yuan. Li Yang finally calculated the turnover.

"I'll go, 13,940 yuan!

Li Yang was pleasantly surprised. If he could have this income every day, the income from the cafe alone would almost be able to complete the system's turnover task.

With the income of more than 10,000 yuan, Li Yang was fully revived and full of energy. He ordered a takeaway first, and then began to clean up the hygiene.

But just halfway through, the takeout was delivered. Li Yang, who hadn't eaten for a day, was so hungry that his chest was stuck on his back, and he devoured the takeout.


Leaning on the chair, Li Yang burped a few comfortable burps with contentment, and he was really at ease physically and mentally.

After cleaning up the lunch box, Li Yang picked up his mobile phone and looked at the Douyin data. The total number of likes has risen by more than 800,000, and there have been a lot of comments. The number of fans has exceeded one million, and it has risen to 1.2 million. .

Li Yang was not in a hurry to check and reply to the Douyin message. He would just leave it in bed at night and reply slowly, and he would make time to post a new video later.

After turning off Douyin, Li Yang clicked into WeChat again. There were dozens of likes for the Moments message he posted this morning, and he was so busy today that he didn't even have time to look at Moments.

After replying to his friend's message, Li Yang was almost at rest. He was about to get up and continue to clean up when a reservation message popped up in the background of the computer.

Li Yang happily clicked on it and saw that it was the news of the reservation during the National Day holiday. A customer directly booked the room on the 2nd and the 3rd for two nights.

"Beautiful!" Li Yang snapped his fingers happily, then whistled and started cleaning up. He was more and more sure that his inn would definitely catch fire this Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.


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