The two of them are still in a state of panic.

"Fair words? Guan Xiuli did the right thing. Not lending you money is for your own good. Filling the hole is ridiculous. It's just that she only paid you 100,000 yuan, which is a bit stingy. However, if a businessman is not smart, he will not achieve success, so, overall, I have a good opinion of her."

Zhang Hao said, "Don't call me in the future, we are not from the same world."

The phone was hung up.

"So cold and cruel. Is this a businessman?"

Wang Mei was so depressed that she wanted to hit the wall.

But the phone rang again.

It was her father who called. "Daughter, can you borrow 20 million?"

"I'm still trying to figure it out."

Wang Mei's heart ached. "Dad, I heard from several big bosses that it's hard to run a plastic mold company. If we borrow 20 million, can we really turn a loss into a profit? If we just fill the hole, it will be terrible."

"This industry is indeed more difficult. But it can still make money. Now the funds are not turning around. Once I have 20 million, I will attract one or two big customers. I will turn a loss into a profit. I already have a big customer... Dad will never lie to his daughter..."

"Then I'll think of a way..."

Wang Mei hung up the phone, thought anxiously for a while, gritted her teeth, and called Hua Qingxiang, "Alas, the public relations success , but the other party didn't keep his word..."

"Then you are really unlucky, but you didn't lose anything and you made 100,000 yuan. Don't be sad."

"I'm not sad, I'm just very angry... By the way, did you help the boss recruit another private stewardess?"

"I didn't recruit one, I was so depressed. They are all charming and beautiful, but they are not pure and innocent. They have all slept with others."

Hua Qingxiang said, "Have you changed your mind? Want to try it?"

"Is it really an annual salary of tens of millions, luxury cars and villas, and a ten-year contract? You are not lying to me?"

"Of course, how could I lie to you? But I have to ask you, do you meet the requirements?"

"Of course I meet the requirements."

Wang Mei blushed.

"Then it's you..."

Hua Qingxiang was particularly excited.

He immediately called Zhang Hao, "Boss, I found a super beautiful stewardess for you, who should meet the requirements. You will definitely like her. I will bring her to see you later..."

"That's good."

Zhang Hao smiled slightly.

He has returned to Juntianxia Hotel.

He is sitting on the sofa in the presidential suite.

After hanging up the phone, a bright smile appeared on his face.

This trip to the Magic City is basically done.

There is still some finishing work left.

And the harvest is also extremely huge.

Seven-star hotel, car rental company, two villas, yacht, airplane, two private stewardesses.

And billions of cash.

In addition, there is a high-tech gene research company.

This is worth one or two hundred billion, right?

So he told Liu Xiyu and Xie Lei on WeChat that he would go back in a few days.

He immediately called to confirm the losses of several companies in November.

However, the six-star hotel, watch shop, and local tyrant company have made profits again.

The profits of the hotel and watch shop are about the same as last month.

The profit of the rich company is not big, only 5 billion.

But the system compensation cannot be obtained.

The six-star hotel can make a profit, it is said that it is because of Li Xi, the smiling tiger.

He actually made a hotel work plan in Africa and sent an email back.

The hotel staff are all obedient.

No one dares to disobey.

Maybe, those unruly people and black sheep were fired by him.

As for the profit of the rich company, Zhang Hao can't figure it out.

Deng Xiaoli still locks the position, but can make money.

What can you do with such a stock god.

"Alas, I still have to make money by myself. If I rely on you, I have to beg for food."

Zhang Hao sighed deeply.

So he cheered up and called Zhang Damao, the general manager of Gaoke Gene Company.

This name was chosen.

Zhang Hao was too tired to complain.

"Hello, Chairman."

"You start recruiting scientific researchers."


Hua Qingxiang and Wang Mei met in front of Juntianxia.

"What happened to the PR this time? Tell me more."

Hua Qingxiang said angrily, "At worst, I can find the boss and help you to fight for justice. You are just a bastard. It's so infuriating. How dare you lie like this."

"In fact, this time it was really bizarre. The rich man who came to invest was Zhang Hao, who flirted with me in front of my girlfriend. The night before yesterday

I also met him at Juntianxia Hotel, and he made me feel like I was in heaven..."

"What? It's my boss Zhang Hao? Wang Mei's PR is actually him?"

Hua Qingxiang was stunned, touching her forehead for a long time and not saying anything.

"I really misjudged him this time. Although he is a playboy and a lecher, he is actually a good person. He didn't sleep with me under such circumstances. And he is really amazing, too amazing. He shocked several genetic experts with just a few words. They respectfully called him teacher. Obviously, he is a master in the field of biology..."

"It is said that he will become the richest man in the world next year. Such a rich man is really awesome. In front of him, I feel ashamed. He asked me not to contact him again because we are not from the same world. I don't want to see him anymore. I really lost my dignity."

"He is also very cold and ruthless. He actually said that Guan Xiuli was right not to lend me money. And this is what he said about the social beating, the turmoil is dangerous, and there are intrigues. This time I really got a few lessons. I will never forget it in my life. "So, I thought, I probably can't borrow money, so I'd better be a private flight attendant and earn tens of millions a year, so that I can live happily and support my father with the salary." Wang Mei's face was full of complicated expressions. "It's really hard to borrow 20 million, even 2 million is hard. You're right. Let's go up." Hua Qingxiang comforted. But she was a little worried, Zhang Hao seemed dissatisfied with Wang Mei. Will he still recruit her as a private flight attendant? "Mr. Wang, this is Wang Mei, and she is also the top flight attendant." Hua Qingxiang said when they came to Wang Ke's office. Let's check the body first, this is the most difficult stage. God knows if Wang Mei is lying or has rolled in the sheets with others. "So beautiful. "

Wang Ke secretly admired.

Also very satisfied.

Two private stewardesses like these are in line with the boss's status as a wealthy man.

Soon, the physical examination was completed.

The result was of course good, pure and innocent.

"This is the contract, do you see if there are any problems? Are you willing to accept it?"

Wang Ke said, "If you are willing, I will take you to see the boss."

Wang Mei looked at it carefully and said, "I would like to add a small condition, that is, can you pay me two years' salary in advance? I need it urgently?"

"You should raise this condition with the boss in person."

Wang Ke said, "However, I think it's not a big problem. The thing our boss doesn't lack the most is money."

So they took Wang Mei to see Zhang Hao.

On the way, Wang Mei also found an opportunity to whisper: "Qingxiang, is this hotel owned by your boss?"


Hua Qingxiang nodded, with a mischievous look on her face, "Actually, you know the boss, don't jump up later."

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