Xiao Bei's tone was very calm, but everyone was shocked.

Brother, those are five small goals, not 5,000 yuan!

All of the people present looked at Xiao Bei with more fear and admiration.

How rich must this family be? Five small goals, just take them!

Xu Ya was behind him, looking at Xiao Bei's domineering look, and suddenly she envied Ji Qinglan a little.

So handsome!

Lin Fan was also stunned when he saw Xiao Bei's posture. He always thought that the five hundred million yuan Xiao Bei said to buy a car was fake.

This is how he always looks fearless.

But now he has taken it out easily, which shows how strong the other party is.

Although he was a little afraid, Lin Fan was still not afraid.

Even if you, Xiao Bei, are a dragon crossing the river, you have to lie down in Hangzhou!

"Okay, you have the guts, wait!"

After that, Lin Fan made a few phone calls, and half an hour later, a Rolls-Royce arrived at the scene.

A middle-aged man with the same identity as a butler got out of the car and came to Lin Fan's side.

He handed a document bag to Lin Fan.

"This is the transfer information of my car and the house. 200 million has been transferred to Chen Qi's card! Can we start now?"

Lin Fan is very confident in his driving skills.

After all, racing is something that needs to be practiced. Xiao Bei is so young and just got his driver's license. How can he play with me?

Chen Qi and the other two looked at Xiao Bei.

"Bei Zi, do you want to ask for help?" Chen Qi looked at Xiao Bei and said worriedly.

"Can Bei Zi do it? If not, it's okay not to gamble. If Lin Fan dares to cause trouble for you in Hangzhou, I will cause trouble for him!" Zhang Honghua looked at Xiao Bei and said.

"Yes, with the three of us here, don't be afraid in Hangzhou!" Fang Chun said.

"Thanks, guys, it's okay, let's prepare for the celebration banquet!"

"Mr. Lin, let's get started!"

"To be fair, let's all drive a bull!" Lin Fan looked at Xiao Bei and planned to handle things better.

Although his Pagani was not inferior to LaFerrari, he was also very confident in his strength. If he beat Xiao Bei with his own car and they didn't recognize it, it would be bad.

Hearing this, Xiao Bei nodded slightly: "Let's get started!"

After Xiao Bei finished speaking, he took Ji Qinglan to HCA's bull car.

Lin Fan also took his girl to their SSC's bull car.

Everyone was in high spirits at the moment. At this moment, everyone in HCA saw Xiao Bei's awesomeness for the first time.

"Oh my god, Master Xiao is awesome, he just took 500 million!"

"Brothers, I feel like we are going to witness history, 500 million is the stakes!"

"Too strong, is this the gap between the top second generation and us?"

"So handsome, brother-in-law is so handsome!"

Xu Ya was the most excited. When she first saw Xiao Bei, she thought he was very handsome, and she also knew that Chen Qi said he was very capable.

But no one knew his specific strength.

But now, they know. They had already overestimated Xiao Bei in their hearts, but now it seems that they still underestimated this super second generation who came to Hangzhou to study!

Accompanied by the roar, the two big bulls got on the track and came to the starting line.

Everyone also ran to the starting line, ready to watch the next peak showdown.

In the car, Ji Qinglan held Xiao Bei's hand.

"Husband, can you do it?"

"Girl, whether you and I can do it, don't you know it best?" Xiao Bei made a joke.

"Hate it, it's already this time, and you're still saying this!"

"It's okay, believe me!"

Xiao Bei smiled slightly. Seeing Xiao Bei's calmness throughout the whole process, Ji Qinglan was still a little nervous, but still chose to believe Xiao Bei.

At this moment, Lin Fan next to him lowered the car window: "If you admit defeat now, it's not too late. If you admit defeat, I can make you lose half!"

Lin Fan's arrogance can be seen.

Xiao Bei looked at Lin Fan and smiled slightly: "The same words, give it to you!"

"You are so arrogant, don't cry later!"

After saying that, the two closed the window.

Xiao Bei directly purchased a [Peak Car God] skill in the system, which can make Xiao Bei directly become the world's top racing driver.

It cost Xiao Bei 10 million Godly Rich Points.

Now Xiao Bei has a lot of Godly Rich Points, so he feels distressed. If he doesn't have it, he will spend money. What's wrong with that?

At this time, a girl in a black bikini walked in front of the two people's car with a bra.




As the girl's voice fell, Bra was thrown directly to the ground.

The two cars sped away like wild horses.

The two cars drove side by side.Soon they came to the first bend.

Lin Fan looked at Xiao Bei beside him, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Boy, let me show you what drifting is!"

After saying that, Lin Fan took the lead and drifted through the bend.

Xiao Bei followed closely behind, but was still ahead of Lin Fan.

After seeing that he had overtaken, Lin Fan drove while looking at the rearview mirror: "Boy, you will pay the price for your arrogance, follow behind and eat the exhaust gas!"

At this moment, everyone has come to the platform.

"Bei Zi was the first to turn, a little slower, and it will be a bit difficult to overtake Lin Fan next!" Chen Qi looked at it and said.

"Damn it, Lin Fan is bullying Bei Zi because he just drove for a short time!" Zhang Honghua cursed.

"If Bei Zi loses at that time, the money cannot be taken by Lin Fan. I don't think Lin Fan dares to touch Bei Zi!" Fang Chun thought for a while and said.

"Wow, come on, brother-in-law!" Xu Ya looked at the field and saw Xiao Bei falling behind. She clenched her fists and put them on her face to cheer for Xiao Bei.

Jin Yong, who had been isolated, looked at the field with a gloomy smile: "Xiao Bei, aren't you awesome?"

Both cars were very fast, and Xiao Bei kept biting Lin Fan.

Ji Qinglan looked at Xiao Bei who was driving with one hand: "Husband, we are behind!"

"It's okay, there is a hairpin bend ahead, believe me!"

"Yeah, come on, husband, I believe in you!" Ji Qinglan looked at Xiao Bei with admiration in her eyes.

Soon, the two cars came to the middle of the track, which was a series of hairpin bends.

Lin Fan looked at Xiao Bei in the rearview mirror: "Boy, after the hairpin bend, you can't even eat the exhaust gas!"

After saying that, Lin Fan pinched the thigh of the woman next to him.

But soon, he was stunned!

Because Xiao Bei accelerated directly.

"Does this kid want to die? Accelerate in such a place!" Lin Fan was stunned.

"Look, my brother-in-law is speeding up, is there any danger?" Xu Ya and the others also saw Xiao Bei speeding up at the hairpin bend on the high platform!

"Not good, Abbot, get someone ready for rescue immediately, Beizi's speed is going to be a problem!"

Chen Qi looked anxious, and then looked at Jin Yong who was sneering at the side.

He was so angry that he walked over directly.

He kicked him: "You bastard, if Beizi gets into trouble, not only you will suffer, but we will all be in trouble!"

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