Wang's uncle smiled stiffly.

"How could that be? Yinyin is really a joker."

"Nowadays, we live in a society ruled by law. There won't be such horrific things as you worry about."

Qinyin swung her left leg over her right leg.

"Oh, really?"

There was a smile in her eyes.

Being stared at by those phoenix eyes, Wang's uncle's heart beat faster and he felt a sense of pressure coming over him.

"Yes, of course."

He pinched his palm hard in a direction that Qinyin couldn't see, trying to calm down and racking his brains to find all kinds of reasons to coax Qinyin and Wang Xiuyue.

He made all kinds of calculations and spoke eloquently, trying his best to dispel Qinyin's concerns.

However, Qinyin looked indifferent and uninterested from beginning to end.

Wang Xiuyue looked calmly, still saying that everything was decided by her daughter.

Just as the uncle of the Wang family gradually became suspicious, a siren sounded from far away outside the villa, accompanied by a full sense of oppression.

The nerves in the brain were suddenly grasped!

The uncle of the Wang family's mind was blank for a moment, and he didn't even have time to spend extra time thinking. His body quickly jumped up from the sofa, as if there were piercing needles on the cushion.

He pulled up Mrs. Wang and subconsciously wanted to run!

The change happened in just a moment. Wang Xiuyue was confused by their actions and looked at her daughter with doubts between her eyebrows.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Sit for a while. Didn't you keep wanting to call me and my mother to go out and play? Don't rush to leave."

Qin Yin had a faint smile on her lips.

Her crisp voice sounded.

The housekeepers and servants in the villa went out together and surrounded the mother and son of the Wang family at lightning speed, making it impossible for them to escape the encirclement.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The uncle of the Wang family was blocked from going out. His face turned cold, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He decisively let go of the old lady's hand and stared fearlessly at the weak maids who were powerless.

He rushed out regardless of everything.

Unfortunately, even if he took out the breath of burning his boats, he could not break through this seemingly weak line of defense.

At the critical moment, the housekeeper Lily, who was wearing a maid outfit and seductive black silk on her legs, rushed towards him quickly and controlled the uncle of the Wang family with an unstoppable force.


The man was thrown to the ground and struggled violently, but he could not escape the control of the "soft and weak" housekeeper.

The remaining old lady Wang was not good at hands and feet, and was easily controlled by the other maids.

Qin Yin didn't even need to make a move. The mother and son were completely pressed to the ground, and their large-scale struggles looked particularly embarrassed.

The man's face was pressed against the cold ground, and his muddled brain became extremely clear at this moment.

He raised his head and glared at Qin Yin fiercely: "You little bitch knew our intention a long time ago. You did it on purpose. You were prepared."

"You deliberately delayed time and called the police to arrest us!"

Qin Yin, wearing a pair of expensive slippers, walked casually in front of the uncle of the Wang family, raised her foot and kicked the other's head casually, and then moved her foot away with a little disgust.

"Do you mean you want to create an accident and murder me and my mother?"

"I can't help it. Who made you stupid as a pig? It's hard for me not to see it. Your empty head makes me suspect that your brain is full of straw."

Low IQ is contagious, so it's better to stay away.

Qin Yin's casual tone and her smiling face hurt the eyes of the mother and son of the Wang family.

The uncle of the Wang family had a hideous face and bloodshot eyes.

"Fuck! I'm going to kill you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, his arm was dislocated.


The man howled in agony like a pig being slaughtered, with large beads of sweat on his forehead.

A thin layer of frost covered the face of housekeeper Lily, and one hand pinched the fragile neck of the eldest uncle of the Wang family.

"Who do you think you are? I advise you to be polite when talking to the eldest lady. If you don't behave, it will not only be your arm that will be dislocated next time."

Seeing her beloved eldest son injured, the old lady was heartbroken and angry, and she lost her mind and cursed at Qin Yin and her daughter.

"Stop! Stop! Don't hurt my son!"

"You two sluts, sluts, conscienceless dogs."

"If I hadn't been kind enough to save your mother's life, would she have lived to this day? I'm just taking back the life I gave her! What kind of murder is this!"

The police car drove into the villa.

The police who came in with big strides just happened to hear Mrs. Wang's explosive speech.

Because the call received was suspected of murder, it was a major case, so the police who came to perform the task were enoughThere were enough people to form a small team.

There happened to be police officer Tang Tian and police officer Chen Dong who were responsible for handling the cases reported by Qin Yin many times.

Looking at the mother and son of the Wang family lying on the ground, and then looking at Qin Yin with a familiar face, after listening to her explanation, they understood the relationship between them and were a little silent.

What is this?

After a while, Tang Tian sighed, reached out and patted Qin Yin's shoulder to comfort her: "Don't worry, we will investigate this case. Don't be too sad, it's better not to have such a family."

To be honest, they doubted whether Miss Qin really had no kinship.

Her father murdered her mother.

Now her grandmother and uncle want to murder her mother again.

Meeting only weird and perverted family members, this luck is also awesome to some extent.

Qin Yin smiled and accepted Tang Tian's kindness, "I have nothing to be sad about."

Wang Xiuyue had already understood what happened, and after the initial surprise, she also did not show any sadness.

He looked at the police on the scene with a tired face: "I'm sorry for troubling you today. I hope the police can bring the mastermind to justice as soon as possible."

The mother and son of the Wang family wanted to get rid of themselves and Yin Yin just to gain benefits for their own daughter. Maybe the other party was instigating the murder this time.

When Wang Xiuyue thought of the black-hearted venomous snake hiding in the dark, it might jump out and bite people at any time, and it was hard to guard against, she was very worried about Qin Yin's safety.

Chen Dong's face was serious.

"Don't worry, the police will never let any criminal go unpunished!"

This case not only involves murder, but one of the masterminds, Mrs. Wang, may also abduct and sell children. The time span is very long, and the investigation is not easy, but as long as it is man-made, there will be evidence.

The mother and son of the Wang family must have communicated with the mastermind behind the scenes, and it is impossible to be perfect.

"I'm innocent! Why are you arresting me!"

"Even if my son really wants to murder Wang Xiuyue and her daughter, so what? We haven't done anything yet, aren't they still alive and well?"

During the conversation, the police handcuffed and took them away amid the angry curses and shouting that they had committed no crime.

In order to cooperate with the police, Qin Yin and Wang Xiuyue got into a private car, and the driver drove behind the police car to the police station.

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