Fu Yunyue has been busy investigating recently, and he is not aware of the earth-shaking changes in the Fu family.

He looked around and didn't see Jiang Nanzhi at the scene. His thick eyebrows frowned: "Where is grandma?"

Everyone knows how much Jiang Nanzhi cares about her aunt. Now that there is news about her aunt, why doesn't she show up?

Fu Yunyue's eyebrows were full of doubts.


Hearing his words, the originally lively living room seemed to be paused in an instant, and the atmosphere was stiff and silent.

Fu Yunyue keenly noticed something was wrong: "Is grandma's condition getting worse?"

"Yes and no."

Fu Yunyue's father Fu Chen sighed, then raised his hand and rubbed his swollen forehead.

"A few days ago, Fu Zhen took your grandma out, and they were robbed by a mentally ill patient on the street. The other party was emotionally excited and took out a knife to hurt your grandma. At the critical moment, Fu Zhen stepped forward to block the knife."

"Although your grandma was not injured or bleeding, she witnessed the crime scene with her own eyes, and her mental state was severely stimulated, resulting in memory confusion. Now your grandma remembers that Fu Zhen is her biological daughter."

Thinking of these things, Fu Chen had a headache. He leaned forward slightly on the sofa and said with his fingers crossed.

"We have considered doing a paternity test for Fu Zhen and using the report to tell your grandma that Fu Zhen is not her biological daughter, but the doctor said that her condition is already very serious and cannot be stimulated again."

After listening to his father's explanation, Fu Yunyue understood why Jiang Nanzhi did not appear on this important occasion today.

I think it was because he was worried about aggravating the stimulation.

His brows were furrowed as if he could pinch a fly to death, a deep light surged in his eyes, and a cold sneer came out of his throat.

"Oh, Fu Zhen would be so kind?"

He had asked people to keep an eye on Fu Zhen before, but he didn't receive any news that Fu Zhen returned to Hong Kong City.

He kept it a secret and rushed back to Hong Kong City, and a mentally ill person happened to rob people on the street?

These things are linked together, and no one would believe it if it was a coincidence.

Fu Ruihua noticed that Fu Yunyue was emitting a strong anger, "We also have some doubts about this matter and have been investigating it."

"If Fu Zhen is in collusion with the mastermind behind the scenes, our family will definitely not let her go."

Fu Youyao frowned: "It doesn't matter?"

Based on the current situation, this possibility is slim, but it has to be taken into consideration.

Fu Ruihua spread his hands: "This is simple. Our family is not short of money. If Fu Zhen really didn't do these shameful things, and she saved my mother, she has lived in the Fu family for more than ten years and has feelings for them. She also married into the Shen family through marriage. The relationship is very complicated. At most, Fu Zhen will be raised together with your real aunt."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was glared at by his caring daughter, and his wife Xiao Ruoshui also raised her hand and pinched him with a twitch at the corner of her mouth.

This answer is very realistic.

But it does not conform to the emotional acceptance range of people...

Fu Yunyue picked up the tea on the table and took a sip: "You haven't finished reading these materials yet? If you can still say something like what my uncle said after reading it, I admire you very much."

It stands to reason that as a junior, he would be a little rude to the elders, but Fu Yunyue couldn't vent his anger when he thought of the content of the investigation.

Hearing this, everyone picked up the materials and continued to look through them.

The information records in detail that Wang Xiuyue grew up in a family that favors boys over girls. She had to wash clothes and cook at a young age, and was beaten and scolded.

Growing up in such a family atmosphere, Mrs. Wang did not intend to let Wang Xiuyue go to school, and actually wanted to sell her to someone else as a daughter-in-law to serve as a betrothal gift for her eldest son to marry a wife.

Wang Xiuyue escaped from the mountains and came to the big city, where she met her ex-husband Qin Zhiming. The two got married and had children, but Qin Zhiming had secretly cheated on her.

In the end, he teamed up with the mistress to kill his wife.

Wang Xiuyue became a vegetable, and her daughter dropped out of school to work to earn medical expenses...

She lived in dire straits for the first half of her life.

The text is sometimes too light and people can't really feel the sense of powerlessness, but it still makes people feel blocked in their hearts after reading it, as if a huge rock is pressing on their hearts and making them breathless.

"I didn't expect..."

Fu Youyao tightly grasped the paper in her hand, and the memory of when she first met Qin Yin emerged in her mind.

Sister Yinyin was dressed brightly and beautifully, with a strong aura. Her outstanding appearance and temperament were no different from the daughters of wealthy families who were pampered with money.

At the dinner of the Huo family, Sister Yinyin was generous enough to buy an antique blue and white porcelain vase worth 100 million yuan.

And Xiuyue was elegant and virtuous. Standing with Uncle Huo, they looked like a perfect wealthy couple.

"..."Mr. Fu said nothing.

He tightened his grip on the cane, his facial expression twitched slightly because of the stimulation, and his eyes, which were usually full of wisdom, were filled with tears.

Mr. Fu stood up with a slight tremor, picked up the cane in his hand and slapped his second son Fu Ruihua's back hard.


The cane fell, making a crisp sound, and Fu Ruihua gasped in pain with a hideous face.

Being beaten by the old man in front of the younger generation, not only did he not dare to resist or complain, but he raised his hand and slapped himself hard in the face.


The slap fell, and his face was red and swollen.

Fu Ruihua: "I'm a bastard, I'm not a human being, I have no conscience, I'm sorry for my little sister. Dad, please continue to hit me a few more times!"

Mr. Fu snorted coldly and didn't do it again.

Fu Youyao said in a chilling tone: "Dad, fortunately you still have some self-knowledge, otherwise I, the unfilial daughter, would have killed my relatives for the greater good."

My aunt is obviously the real daughter of the Fu family, but she has been living outside and suffering all these years.

Fu Zhen, a fake, not only took over the magpie's nest, but also married into a wealthy family smoothly. Even if she is innocent, Fu Youyao can't stand Fu Zhen staying in the Fu family.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Xiao Ruoshui covered her face and felt that she couldn't bear to watch it.

Her husband is actually a good person, but sometimes he speaks without thinking.



During this period, the police secretly protected Qin Yin and her daughter. I don't know whether the mastermind felt that it was not easy to act recently or gave up the "assassination" plan against them. Qin Yin and Wang Xiuyue have been living in peace.

The police withdrew their personnel. Huo Shengjun, who was far away in Beijing, rushed back overnight to take care of Wang Xiuyue after learning about Haishi.

Qin Yin returned to work at the company.

Shengshi Entertainment's staff is gradually sufficient. Even though she has not handled things during this period, the company is running in an orderly manner.

In the chairman's office, special assistant Shen Linxi is reporting to Qin Yin on the recent situation of Shengshi Entertainment.

At this time.

The voice of the system sounded in my mind: [Host, as a person bound to the Shenhao system, how can you always make money without spending money? ]

[Ding~ Please spend 50 million cash within three days. There is no reward for completing the task. After all, what is the difficulty of spending money?

If the task fails, the host will receive a bad luck buff that lasts for a week. Many ways of bad luck are possible. For example, being hit by a flower pot falling from the balcony while walking, or being defrauded, etc. ]

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