As the purple Ferrari LaFerrari passed by, vehicles on the road automatically avoided it, fearing that they would hit this magical car whose repair cost alone would be millions.

Wang Xiuyue sat in the passenger seat, and gradually calmed down after the initial daze and excitement.

She grabbed the seat belt a little nervously, looked at her daughter and asked anxiously.

"Yinyin, if mom is not mistaken, this car is a Ferrari, where did you get the money to buy a luxury car? Could it be that my Yinyin is as lucky as the heroine in the koi article and won a sky-high lottery?"

Wang Xiuyue's imagination was opened.

In fact, reality is even more outrageous than fiction.

Qin Yin held the steering wheel of the Ferrari with one hand, and the car still shuttled steadily in the traffic, with explosive driving skills.

"Mom, don't worry. All my money comes from legal and formal channels. It's inconvenient to disclose the details."

After hearing Qin Yin's words, Wang Xiuyue didn't ask any more questions. She trusted her daughter unconditionally in her heart.

Nannan is simple and honest, and she won't lie.


The mother and daughter chatted casually.

Unknowingly, the car arrived at Yufu Haoting.

Ferrari was about to drive into the community.

Suddenly, two figures rushed out from the corner.


Qin Yin slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped steadily. She raised her eyelids and looked forward, only to see that the person who stopped the car without knowing the danger was Qin Zhiming.

There was a playful look in her eyes. She didn't plan to get out of the car, but stepped on the accelerator and the car made a sound of air waves, ready to rush straight over without taking a detour.


Wang Xiuyue's hand pulled Qin Yin's sleeve, and her eyes were dim as she looked at the couple.

"I want to get off the car and talk to him, to end the unfinished feud between us."


In order not to block the road, Qin Yin parked the car to the side in the corner, then opened the door and got out.

Qin Zhiming, who was waiting, saw this Ferrari LaFerrari worth half a billion yuan, and the greed in his eyes flashed and was well concealed.

He rushed forward pretending to be worried.

"Xiu Yue!"

"It's really you!"

Qin Zhiming rushed to Wang Xiu Yue, his face full of worry.

His eyes showed love and guilt, and he performed the emotions of a man in entanglement vividly.

Qin Zhiming's eyes were slightly red, "Xiu Yue, I saw a vegetative patient wake up in the news some time ago. I was so hopeful that you would be the one who woke up. I waited at the door of Yufu Mansion every day, looking forward to seeing you return home but worried that you would not wake up, and I would return home disappointed..."

"I have lived in regret every day for the past two years, regretting the sins I committed in the past. Every day after losing you, I have been like a walking corpse."

It is said that men do not shed tears easily, but the man in front of him was full of tears, and he told the lovesickness of the past two years in a tearful voice.

Some passers-by were moved and stopped to watch.

Faced with Qin Zhiming's affectionate confession, Wang Xiu Yue had a blank expression and did not feel the slightest touch. She almost felt sick in her heart.

She even couldn't help wondering if she was blind to fall in love with this cheap man who was used to acting.

Wang Xiu Yue was wearing a gray casual outfit, with no ripples in her heart, and looked Qin Zhiming up and down.

"You regret losing me every day? What a joke. You feel regretful and guilty even when your wife and daughter are by your side? I see that you are not haggard, but fatter than before. This is what they say: a happy heart makes a fat body."

"You drove my daughter out of the house, ignored my illness and ignored the medical expenses. A man like you who is so heartless is simply a beast."

"Now that my daughter has become rich, you come here to confess? Are you treating us like fools and wanting to trick us back to give you money to squander?"

"Do you think there is such a beautiful thing in the world? I suggest that you raise your pillow a little higher when you sleep, maybe you will have a sweet dream."

Wang Xiuyue's appearance belongs to the gentle and virtuous type, and she looks weak and non-aggressive.

But when she is arguing with people, she is eloquent and logical, and I was not deceived by her superb acting skills.


"Mr. Qin is ugly but he thinks he is beautiful."

Qin Yin covered her mouth with her hands and chuckled, then clapped her hands and praised Wang Xiuyue loudly.

Qin Zhiming lost control of his facial expression, his face was slightly ferocious and hatred was rising in his eyes.

He did intend to deceive Wang Xiuyue and Qin Yin from the beginning, but who knew that the two of them were not moved at all.

Wang Xiuyue recalled the frame-by-frame scene of falling from the building two years ago in her mind, and her brows were tightly furrowed.

"Qin Zhiming, when you and I were getting divorced, the stairs were slippery when I fell from the upstairs. It felt wet and moist, not like water."

"And why is it soCoincidentally, not only was the floor slippery, but even the handrail of the stairs at home was damaged. How could such a coincidence happen in the world? "

Wang Xiuyue has been thinking about this since she woke up. Countless speculations and doubts surged in her heart, and her eyes were sharp as a knife as she stared at the man in front of her.

Qin Zhiming: "!!!"

His pupils subconsciously contracted violently, and waves of storms rose in his heart, and cold sweat overflowed from his back.

"You are talking nonsense!"

"Wang Xiuyue, you are slandering, you are deliberately taking revenge on me for cheating!"

Qin Zhiming's heart contracted nervously. This woman really suspected the fall from the building two years ago!

Qin Yin, who had been letting Wang Xiuyue play freely and didn't say much, suddenly looked cold at this moment, with a cold and cold look on her beautiful face.

She keenly noticed the micro-expression of her scumbag father.

Qin Yin had doubts in her heart, sneered, and her momentum continued to rise, and her aura was magnificent.

"Mr. Qin. "

"Most coincidences in this world are man-made. You said my mother is lying? Whether it is slander or not, let the police decide."

Qin Zhiming is a cold-hearted person. It is not impossible for him to murder his wife.

Seeing Qin Yin take out her mobile phone to call the police.

Qin Zhiming never thought that just trying to test it would put himself in a swamp.

He avoided his eyes and dared not look directly at Wang Xiuyue, afraid that he would be found out. He stepped back and looked around.

Seeing Qin Zhiming looking for an escape route, Qin Yin looked at the security guard standing at the door of Yufu Haoting.

"Come on, stop him for me!"

"A reward of 500,000 will be given to anyone who catches him!"

Her voice rang out in the crowd, and her crisp voice instantly made the crowd of onlookers boil.

Not only the security guards, but also the crowd of onlookers rushed up, with excitement in their eyes, and tried their best to block Qin Zhiming.

"Charge! Charge! Charge! Five hundred thousand is mine!"

"Rich man, I'll give you a reward of 500,000 for catching someone, don't let anyone snatch this business from me!"


People die for money and birds die for food, people are in great surprise, and their bodies burst out with powerful strength.

Qin Zhiming hasn't run away yet, but he has been surrounded by people, the air has become dense, and not even a fly can fly out.

There is no way to retreat.

He can't fly even if he has wings!

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