The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Whether he was really tricked, others may not know, but Bifang himself must know.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was tricked, and he was very annoyed!

The friend who took him to stock trading was his college classmate. To be honest, they had not been in touch for many years.

However, at a private party two months ago, Bifang actually met his college classmate.

His college classmate was called Ye Qianru. According to her, she was currently working as a trader at a securities company on Wall Street in the United States.

This return to China was to invite some domestic clients to make money in the US stock market.

Ye Qianru was charming and sweet-talking, and with her promise of at least 15 points of profit a year, Bifang invested one million yuan in her without thinking.

That night, Bifang took Ye Qianru to play poker in the hotel all night, and then two days passed.

Ye Qianru told him that he had made a lot of money from his one million yuan in the past two days, earning more than 500,000 yuan in two days.

And she directly transferred 1.5 million yuan to Bifang.

Although 500,000 yuan is only more than 3 million Chinese yuan, for a top second-generation rich like Bifang, he doesn't look down on it.

But you have to know that he only invested one million yuan, and he made 500,000 yuan in just two days. What's the difference between picking up money from a sack?

It's so cool!

After playing poker with Ye Qianru that day, Bifang didn't think much about it, and directly invested another 5 million yuan in Ye Qianru with principal and interest.

This time, about a week later, Ye Qianru came with money again!

This time, 5 million MiGold directly turned into 8 million MiGold!

Directly earned 3 million MiGold!

Converted into Chinese currency, that's 18 or 19 million!

Even if Bifang is the top second-generation rich in China, he doesn't think 18 or 19 million is a small amount of money!

And he made 3 million MiGold in a week, plus the 500,000 MiGold he made before, that's more than 20 million Chinese currency!

People are greedy.

At this time, Bifang has gradually lost himself!

He knows that the stock market has risks and that he needs to be cautious when entering the market.

But at the same time, earning 3 million MiGold in a week also directly changed some of his cognition.

After he played poker with Ye Qianru again, he directly used his identity as the young master of Diehai Music Company to transfer 200 million MiGold from the company account to Ye Qianru's account.

After the first two experiments, he was convinced of Ye Qianru's strength.

He didn't want too much. He would be satisfied if he could earn tens of millions of Mi Jin in ten days or half a month with the two hundred million Mi Jin he invested!

The profits in the first few weeks were pretty good, and he was profitable every day.

But the day before yesterday, Ye Qianru told him that all the money was trapped, and now there was only 60 million Mi Jin left in the account!

Now, Bifang was dumbfounded!

Only 60 million Mi Jin left out of the two hundred million Mi Jin?

If his old man knew about this, he would beat him to death!

He originally thought of withdrawing the funds in the next few days. After all, he had already made a profit of 20 to 30 million Mi Jin, which was enough for him to squander for a while.

But who knew that Ye Qianru's news hit him like a bolt from the blue!

A loss of 140 million Mi Jin, such a big hole, even he couldn't solve it at all!

Originally, he didn't suspect that Ye Qianru had set a trap for him, but after being reminded by Chu Jiang, he woke up directly.

"It's possible that he was set up!"

Bifang stood up and didn't think about playing poker. He called Ye Qianru directly.

However, the phone number that was still available yesterday has now become an empty number!

If he still doesn't know what this means, then he is really stupid, stupid to the extreme!


Bifang's face was dark and he cursed.

Bifang's mentality really collapsed!

Such a simple scam, how could he not see it?

"What's going on now?"

Qin Yin looked at Bifang and asked in a daze.

"The number is no longer available!"

When Bifang said this, the others present also understood why he cursed just now!

"Two hundred million dollars!"

Bifang was very sad. He had played poker a few times with a stupid woman and was cheated of two hundred million dollars.

Jin, if this gets out, the rich second generation in the Shanghai circle will laugh at him for a whole year!

Of course, the worse situation now is that his 200 million Mi Jin is the funds embezzled from the company account. If this is discovered, even if he is the only son of his old man, he will probably have his legs broken, right?

Although he is also considered a top rich second generation in China, he can get whatever he wants, but that is 200 million Mi Jin!

He can still think of a way to get one or two hundred million Chinese yuan!

But for 200 million Mi Jin, he really has no way at all!

"Brother Cong, save me!"

Bifang has a good relationship with Wang Cong, and he also said with a wry smile while looking at Wang Cong.

"Don't look at me, I'm even poorer than you! Don't you know the current situation of our family?"

Even if Wang Cong wanted to help him, he was powerless!

"Brother Qin, save me~~"

Bifang looked at Qin Yin and said another sentence.

"Two hundred million MiGold! Do you think I have that much money?"

Qin Yin may have that much money, but to be honest, he would never lend it to Bifang to fill the hole!

Let's not talk about whether Bifang can pay it back, the key is that Qin Yin's relationship with Bifang is not good enough to lend him two hundred million MiGold.

In other words, even if Qin Yin has money, he won't lend it.

After all, two hundred million MiGold is really too much.

Bifang was rejected by Qin Yin and Wang Cong one after another. Among all the people present, Chu Jiang was the only one who could help him.

But he and Chu Jiang had just met, and their relationship could only be described as nodding acquaintances. He looked at Chu Jiang and hesitated to speak, not knowing how to start.

"Actually, it's not impossible to save you."

Bifang never said anything to Chu Jiang. Chu Jiang looked at his worried face and naturally understood what he was thinking.

Since you are embarrassed to speak, I will tell you directly.

Hearing Chu Jiang say this, Bifang, who was already desperate, instantly widened his eyes and looked at Chu Jiang.

He didn't expect that Chu Jiang, whom he just met, would be so righteous?

That was a hole of 200 million Mijin!

To Chu Jiang, he was actually just a stranger.

If Chu Jiang didn't help him, he couldn't blame Chu Jiang for anything.

"Mr. Chu, if you have any conditions, just tell me."

Bifang seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. His attitude towards Chu Jiang was much more respectful than before!

"The US stock market is still good. I'm just planning to go there to play these two days. How about this, you take out another 300 million Mijin from your company account, and I'll take you to the US stock market to get the money back!"

Chu Jiang's mouth corners slightly raised, and he laughed.

Hearing Chu Jiang say this, Bifang was stunned!

"Does this person think I'm stupid and want to defraud me?"

Bifang's face fell instantly. Thinking this in his heart, he looked at Chu Jiang with a sad face and said, "Mr. Chu, don't tease me at this time..."

"I'm not teasing you, I'm serious."

Chu Jiang said with a straight face, "But you will give me half of all the profits at that time, and I promise to make back the two billion yuan you didn't have."

Chu Jiang was really not joking with him.

After all, he held a stock market card and could predict the stock market changes within a week in advance.

If Bifang really had the courage, he wouldn't mind taking him to make back the two billion yuan!

PS: The new book is open, starting from today, it will never stop.

I will not watch dramas, travel, or get sick.

I will not play games or chat in the group.

I will work hard to write, life and death are like this.

I am a keyboard in the dark, a guard on the Great Wall of online literature.

Resist the cold flames and the light at dawn.

I dedicate my life and honor to writing!

This is the case tonight, and every night is the same!

(Please urge me to watch a video, please give me a free gift, and please give me a five-star rating if you are reading this book! The rules for adding more chapters are still the same as before!)

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