The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Lu Feng turned his head and glanced at Wang Hui, a little curious. Did he want to compete with him?

If he lost, it wouldn't be his face that would be slapped. After all, he was unknown, so it wouldn't be a big deal if he lost. But Wang Hui was not. Wang Hui was a first-level coach. As far as Lu Feng knew, a first-level coach was the highest level in the Nantian Club.

If he lost, it would be a big loss!

"Coach Wang!"

The security guard on the side also spoke in surprise.

"Aren't you afraid of losing?"

Lu Feng asked curiously.

"I was so eager to get the upper hand that I spoke too quickly. But even if I lose, it doesn't matter. There are always people who are better than me!"

Wang Hui smiled, but the confidence in his tone was definitely overflowing.

"Okay, let's try it?" Lu Feng nodded, "I'll use this gun, what do you think?"

"Then I'll use this one!"

Wang Hui smiled and pointed to the Desert Eagle on the other side of the gun stand.

That one is not the revolver in front of Lu Feng, which has problems. It is also one of the most convenient guns he often uses.

"Okay, how do we compare?"

Lu Feng silently loaded his Desert Eagle, and smiled when he saw Wang Hui choose the Desert Eagle.

Choosing the same gun, what should I say, fair? Confident and arrogant?

Let him be.

"Five magazines decide the winner, what do you think?"

Wang Hui also silently loaded the Desert Eagle and began to adjust it with the Desert Eagle in his hand. Lu Feng still put a lot of pressure on him.

"Okay, you try the gun first, we'll start in ten minutes."

Lu Feng nodded silently, watching Wang Hui start to aim.

At the same time, I don't know if Lu Feng and Wang Hui's words were heard by others, or the news was spread unconsciously!

In just a few minutes, many people in the venue gathered not far from the two shooting positions of Lu Feng and Wang Hui.

There were security guards, guests who came to play with guns, and some shooting coaches.

"Brother Feng, do you want to compete?"

Xu Wenxuan asked a little curiously. He just heard it, or it was said by the security guard next to him.

Wang Hui, but the top shooting expert of Nantian Club, after all, is a first-level coach. Lu Feng would not be overestimating himself by competing with him.

Lian Fei on the side was a little surprised. Could it be that Brother Feng's shooting skills are also superb? He can challenge the first-level coach of Nantian Club.

"Brother Feng, come on!"

Looking at the worried and ready-to-speak situation of everyone, Lu Feng smiled slightly.

"You'll know after the competition!"

At this moment, Wang Hui had already walked up and gently invited Lu Feng.

Lu Feng nodded and walked to the gun platform.

"The first magazine!"

Wang Hui spoke softly on the side and told Lu Feng slightly. Lu Feng couldn't help but stare a little, looking at the target not far away.

At this moment, the target seemed to be reduced, and the ring showing the number of rings on it appeared clearly in front of Lu Feng.


In no particular order, a shot was fired almost at the same time!

"10 rings!"

The safety officers on both sides reported the number of rings on the counter almost at the same time.

"All ten rings, did you see it?"

"This is too surprising!"

"All full marks, then the next shooting, how many rings will these two people get?"

Before everyone finished discussing, continuous gunshots came.

Listening to the eight shots, Lu Feng nodded silently. Wang Hui next door was really good and could keep up with his shooting speed.

"Eight shots, eighty rings!"

"Eight shots, seventy-nine rings!"

Listening to the data reported by the two security guards at the side, not only the onlookers were stunned.

Even Wang Hui's heart was filled with a trace of disbelief, and a puzzling look emerged in his eyes.

Just now, he almost followed Lu Feng in every shot. The huge recoil of the Desert Eagle made it difficult for him to control the shooting posture with one hand.

When the last shot was fired, he knew that it might be a little crooked.

But the baffle between the shooting positions separated Wang Hui from seeing Lu Feng's movements, otherwise it would be even more unbelievable!

Lu Feng held the Desert Eagle in one hand and the bullet in the other hand, and the bullet of the Desert Eagle was gently fiddled with his fingertips.

"Wang Hui has lost, who is this guy?"

"Want to know? I'll check it out?"

"Don't you know the rules and discipline? What are you checking? Let's go up and discuss it later!"

"This guy's physical fitness is also abnormal!"

The two capable first-level coaches standing by said with a surprised smile.

"Wang Hui has to be serious!"

Looking at Wang Hui's silent action of holding the gun with both hands, a first-level coach spoke softly with a tense expression on his face.

Wang Hui ignored the noise of the people around him. After all, in addition to being a first-level coach of the Nantian Club, he is also the gun king in the active military.

Losing, this is not easy!

"The second single magazine!"

Wang Hui's faint voice came, and the tone was not as relaxed as before!

Lu Feng has already changed the magazine and loaded it.

"It's OK!"

Lu Feng said softly.

"You go first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Feng had already held the gun with one hand in his right hand and started shooting.


The sound of the Desert Eagle echoed throughout the audience, and the onlookers were silent.

Lu Feng's right hand was like steel, tightly clamping the Desert Eagle, and the huge recoil seemed to have no effect on him at all.


It came from the side.

Lu Feng listened to the unhesitating gunshots on the side and smiled slightly without hesitation.




"The third magazine!"

"The fourth magazine!"

"The fifth magazine!"

As the last gunshot fell.

Everyone watching the game was already stunned. These two people were almost like gun gods. None of the rings in the following shots were less than ten rings, all of them were ten rings.

Watching his last shot, the total number of rings displayed on the side was 400 rings.

Wang Hui walked over, and at this moment he was smiling, without the solemnity and seriousness when shooting just now.

"I lost!"

Wang Hui said softly, shaking his head as he spoke.

"It's just that they are evenly matched!"

Lu Feng also replied. He also saw the number of rings displayed on Wang Hui's counter, 399 rings.

But he didn't know which shot Wang Hui had missed.

At this level, I believe that it is possible to shoot 400 rings.

"Wang Hui, you claim to be the best in the club, now, you are exposed!"

A teasing voice came from the side. A man wearing a short-sleeved shirt and with strong muscles came over and hugged Wang Hui's neck, and said with a smile.

"Li Ming, at least you can't beat me in shooting. What's wrong? You are confident now, otherwise we will compete!"

It took a lot of effort for Wang Hui to move the arm of the man named Li Ming, and looked at him a little unhappily.

"Young man, are you professional? How about we try it?"

Li Ming's eyes were a little scrutinizing. Looking at Lu Feng's body, Lu Feng was a little scared by him!

Hearing Li Ming's words, Lu Feng was slightly stunned. Is this another challenge?

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