The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were busy.

"All of you go out! Mo Tian, ​​you stay."

Mo Youming opened his mouth and told the other people in the conference room.

He clicked on the folder at this moment and finally saw the folder with his own name and the name of his son Mo Tianhe.

The anger in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he was filled with a strong sense of uneasiness. The folder was like magic, filling his mind with a strong sense of uneasiness.

After saying that, he looked at Lu Feng with a little desire.

Lu Feng shook his head!

"You all go out too, Qianyi, go and call Xiao Shou in!"

Lu Feng also spoke to Qiu Qianyi.

Soon, only Mo Youming, Mo Tianhe and his son, Lu Feng and Wolf Head were left in the conference room.

"Okay, Mr. Mo, if you want to see it, just look at it. It's no big deal! Isn't it!

Lu Feng spoke softly, but the wolf head beside him was confused. However, he didn't care about these things. His duty was to protect Lu Feng.

At this moment, Mo Tianhe beside him also found his name in the folder, and he became a little uneasy. There wouldn't really be something about him in it. He did it so well and so secretly.

Listening to Lu Feng's words, Mo Youming was not in a hurry to open it at this moment.

"Mr. Lu, I just want to know, what's in it? Please tell me!"

Mo Youming spoke softly, his face was originally pale, and now it was a little pale and scary. He really didn't have the ability to open the folder.

"You don't want to click it! Then how about Mo Tianhe, the emperor of vision, you want to click it? "

Lu Feng spoke softly, glancing at Mo Youming who was shaking and Mo Tianhe who was thinking beside him.

Mo Tianhe shook his head and refused.

"That's not necessary, let Director Lu and Director Mo come!"

His hands moved like a windshield wiper, fast and urgent.

"Director Lu, I'll come and see the contract!"

Mo Youming spoke softly, trying to change the subject, closed the folder and opened the contract again.

Lu Feng smiled again, without replying, it's okay, they all have to watch the video anyway.

Lu Feng will make them have to watch it.

The contract contains the valuation of all assets of Mo Youming Media Co., Ltd., the contracts of all artists, and all aspects of investment involved, as well as detailed information on operations, etc.

It can be said that it is almost a complete manual of Mo Youming Media Co., Ltd.

Mo Youming himself only has a half-understanding of the company's secrets involved in it. .

Wanxing Entertainment has such great power that it can investigate so clearly.

Mo Youming was a little scared!

He turned the page quickly and stopped reading.

This is the acquisition contract, he only needs to pay attention to the final price.

8.8 billion to acquire all the shares of Mo Youming and Mo Tian.

Looking at the final price, the actual price is actually very similar to the valuation of the shares of Mo Group in his hands.

He really didn't think about selling the shares in his hands, after all, it was the company he founded. It was his own hard work.

But Wanxing Entertainment was obviously well prepared.

"Mr. Mo, how do you see it? "

Lu Feng spoke softly. In fact, he really didn't expect that these two people would be so straightforward and didn't want to look at the information in the folder at all.

Mo Youming heard this and raised his head, with a look of scrutiny in his eyes.

This contract is too detailed and perfect, so he can't find any loopholes, and the price is reasonable.

That's not right, if there is really something in the information in the folder.

The price can't be as high as 8.8 billion.

'I've read it, and I have to say that Director Lu really made it clear in advance. What if I don't sign it?"

"Director Mo, let's not talk about anything else. The contract and the folder are in the computer. Why don't you take a look at it again! Also, the current price is not 8.8 billion, but 8 billion. Think about it carefully!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, Mo Youming saw the contract he had just flipped through. The transaction amount in it had indeed become 8 billion.

Mo Youming and Mo Tianhe were both shocked. How did this happen?

But in the blink of an eye, he immediately realized that something was wrong. How could the purchase price drop so quickly?

They wouldn't sell it for 8.8 billion, let alone 8 billion.

"Director Lu!"

Mo Tianhe spoke again, his tone was not as calm as before, but with a hint of warning.

Wolf Head was standing aside, stepping forward slightly and leaning forward.

"Don't worry, it's 7 billion now!"

Lu Feng spoke again.

This time, the first half of the sentence was addressed to Wolf Head. Wolf Head understood, but his body was tense and he didn't relax at all.

If the two men in front of him showed any signs of fighting, he would destroy them without hesitation.

Mo Tianhe could no longer hold back and was about to slam the table!

However, the screen of the notebook in front of him began to flicker, as if someone was controlling it.

He clicked into the folder named Mo Youming.

Mo Youming was silent immediately. He saw a video file with dense digital logos in it, and he felt something was wrong.

The folder was opened. It was a very old classic video from decades ago. It was so dense that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

Mo Youming was shocked. He knew what was in it.

Impossible. He had this hobby, but this video had been deleted by him. How could it still be there now?

It just flickered for a few seconds, and the video switched to another one.

The picture quality was slightly better, and for a few seconds, it continued, and the sound of the video playback was intermittent!

In less than a minute, ten videos flashed by, all of which were hobby videos he shot.

Then the screen was turned off, and Mo Youming sat down dejectedly in his seat, his body limp and powerless.

Unexpectedly, the computer screen began to click on Mo Tianhe's video again.

Mo Tianhe just wanted to get up and turn off the computer, but Lu Feng had anticipated it in advance and pulled the computer back.

Without paying attention, Mo Tianhe's body instantly fell on the table.

Seeing this, the wolf head quickly reached out and suddenly pressed Mo Tianhe's hands. His hands hit the table, and there was a loud sound, and there was also the sound of the wolf head's body hitting the edge of the table.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Lu Feng smiled and had already projected the computer screen onto the projector inside the conference room.

The quality of the video here is much clearer, and Mo Tianhe's figure can be clearly captured, as well as many male and female beauties.

It is indeed the progress of the times!

"Don't speak! Otherwise."

The wolf head glared, and the strong murderous aura suppressed Mo Tianhe from speaking. Mo Tianhe also glanced slightly just now and saw a weapon on the wolf head's waist.

He was panicking inside. This weapon, which could be carried on his body, he and his father couldn't afford to offend.

He could only turn his head and look at the picture on the screen.

The video in the picture was normal. For him, he knew that his father was also like this.

"Director Lu!"

Mo Youming spoke on the side, he was already a little scared.

Lu Feng must have a great background.

"Six billion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the contract appeared on the screen, and the transaction amount was six billion.

Mo Youming shut up immediately.

The picture was still flickering. Mo Youming and Mo Tianhe, the father and son, looked at each other and knew that they had failed.

This time, the picture paused for a while and did not appear again. The two just breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not the worst.

Lu Feng smiled, and then he could witness the scene of a loving father and a filial son.

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