The sound of coughing and knocking on the floor was just a short alternation of two sounds. The people who had been talking just now stopped talking. The directors knew clearly that this was Gu Xingsheng's action. They were silent and looked closely at Gu Xingsheng and Lu Feng. Gu Xingsheng was the leader of their group, and he was and is still the leader now. "Director Lu, you know, how can we sell the shares of Jixing Automobile!" Gu Xingsheng thought for a while, spoke softly, and looked at Lu Feng. In fact, he already knew who Lu Feng was. After all, he was still popular as the chairman of Wanxing Entertainment. However, now that he could take over Jixing Automobile, it was not just that simple identity. After all, the previous chairman's surname was Lu!

"Okay, Mr. Gu, let's be frank. Your shares are 10.21%. I offer 15 billion and buy it directly!"

Mr. Gu's pupils shrank. Jixing Automobile is a listed group with a market value of about 80 billion.

His shares, a little more than 10%, are worth 8 billion.

After all, market value is market value. It depends on the actual price. Jixing Automobile can't afford this price.

Jixing Automobile has been falling behind in recent years.

Now Lu Feng is offering 15 billion, so he is making a lot of money.

"Mr. Lu! The price you offer is too high!"

Gu Xingsheng is very self-aware. The price offered by Lu Feng is basically twice as much.

"No need to say more, sell or not! This price!"

Lu Feng spoke easily and shook his head. He just wanted to spend money.

In addition to the technology derived from the Xiaolingdong Dawn Morning Sun Sports Car, Jixing Automobile must be completely controlled by himself.

Killing multiple birds with one stone, cutting the Gordian knot!

Gu Xingsheng glanced at Lu Feng meaningfully. As long as he agreed to it, he would immediately have 15 billion.

But he also saw that Lu Feng wanted to take back the shares, which meant that the future of Jixing Automobile must be very complicated.

But that had nothing to do with him.

"I'll sell it!"

Gu Xingsheng spoke up and agreed in a very relaxed tone.

He didn't want to, nor did he dare to offend Lu Feng.

The identity of the chairman of Wanxing Entertainment was enough for him. Who knew what else was behind Lu Feng!

Seeing Gu Xingsheng so decisive, some people with a discerning eye understood it in their hearts.

"What about you?"

"Sign the contract now, and you can buy it at this price. I will buy it at a premium!"

Except for a few directors, everyone agreed.

More than 40 billion, more than 20% of the shares were recovered.

Looking at the bank card that can transfer money on the spot without any restrictions, everyone was slightly frightened. Such people are legendary figures among the rich people like them.

It’s right to sell the shares!

“You two, don’t you want to sell?”

Looking at the two directors sitting in the corner, even if Lu Feng said that just now, they didn’t move.

They were just playing with their phones.

Everyone looked over, and the two were still doing it by themselves without any reaction.

He signaled to the assistant behind him, and the assistant walked over and pushed the chairs of the two.

The two took off their headphones, looked over, and whistled softly at the assistant who had already run back quickly.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the air, put it in his palm and smelled it.

“Ah, is the board meeting over? If there is nothing else, I will leave!”

After that, he stood up and walked outside.

Lu Feng just smiled speechlessly. This is really, not taking him seriously at all.

After waving gently at the door, the security guard closed the door sensibly, and the two people finally reacted.

Turning around, they looked at the environment inside the venue.

Today, they only knew that the board of directors would be held, but they really didn't know what exactly happened!

"You are!"

Looking at Lu Feng standing up and walking towards them, the two forty-year-olds were wearing suits, but the suits were a little ill-fitting and the buttons were broken.

One of them asked in a deep voice.

"Tan Yi, Tan Er!"

"I'm here to buy the shares of Jixing Automobile from you today."

The identities of these two people are really interesting.

Lu Feng smiled and pointed to the seats next to him, motioning them to sit down and chat slowly.

Everyone in the venue also saw the situation here.

Tan Yi and Tan Er, these two people, everyone is not very familiar with them.

Every shareholder meeting, either they don't come, or they are like this, playing with their mobile phones as they please, and Director Lu didn't care about them before.

Tan Yi turned his head

, looked at Lu Feng, his eyes were filled with intriguing eyes.

Tan Er, turned around and looked around without caring.

"You want to buy the shares in our hands!"

Tan Yi, looked at the conference table, not far in front of him, there were documents, clear equity transfer agreements, obviously just signed.


Tan Er, spoke softly from behind, motioning to his brother.

The shares in their hands are not such a simple matter.

"Okay, sell it to me! I'm not discussing it with you, and I'm not notifying you!"

Lu Feng smiled, his expression was slightly cold. I didn't expect that some people left, but they could still leave behind their power.

Is it true, do you think you can't deal with them?

Tan Yi's expression tensed up in an instant.

When the Tianlong Group took the Lu family's children away, they didn't know.

Today, I came to the board of directors, and I was also curious to see who the chairman was. When I saw the person, I didn't pay attention to him.

They originally thought that this person was the same as them, and that Mr. Lu had found someone to take the place of a dead person.

But now, it seems that this is not the case!


Tan Yi, immediately stopped Tan Er from speaking.

"I want to make a phone call!"

"Please, time waits for no one, please do it as soon as possible!"

Lu Feng nodded gently. If Mr. Meng said it would be handled, then it would definitely be handled.

The phone was always busy, and no one answered.

Tan Yi's expression changed, and he thought for a while, and dialed another number, which was directly turned off.

Tan Yi's expression suddenly darkened.

Something was wrong, and he realized it.

Mr. Lu and President Lu's phone calls were not connected, so it was the masterpiece of the person in front of him.

His proposal to acquire shares, he had it in his hands!

But whether he could sell it or not, it was not up to him.

"Mr. Lu, your express document!"

At the door, the secretary came in with the document he had just received, knocked on the door curiously, and said it was urgent.

Lu Feng was also a little curious, looking at the document bag, what else was inside?

Tearing it open gently, everyone's eyes focused.

Looking at the A4 paper, it was obviously a document.

Lu Feng flipped it gently, and everyone looked tense and expected.

Until Lu Feng smiled, everyone became more curious about the content inside.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I need instructions!"

"No need to ask for instructions!"

Lu Feng shook his head and handed the document over.

Equity transfer agreement, signer, Lu Zhongming!

He is the original chairman of Jixing Automobile.

Tan Yi, seeing the signature on this document, his face changed drastically. How could it be possible, how could Chairman Lu Zhongming sign this document?

"So, sell your shares to me!"

Lu Feng spoke easily, looking at the two brothers who were shocked. The other directors were confused, but the document must be very complicated.

The two brothers who had stopped fighting signed the transfer agreement, so that all the scattered shares were in Lu Feng's hands.

Seeing that all the directors' shares were in his hands.

Lu Feng nodded with satisfaction. He didn't expect it to be so smooth and so simple.

But next, he had to do another thing, and this thing was the second fire.

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