The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next person to come to the rescue.

"Wenhan, what are you doing?"

A middle-aged woman stood aside and looked at her unstable grandson and shouted.

"Second aunt, your grandson? That's a bit too much!"

Wang Wenhan squatted down and took a closer look. Fortunately, it didn't affect the paint of Lufeng's car. It seems that they came back in time.

"Second brother, it's okay!"

Lu Feng took a quick look and found that the car was fine. The little guy just wanted to climb up and hadn't climbed up yet.

"Wenhan, my grandson didn't do anything excessive. He just wanted to play on the roof. It won't cause any harm!"

"Young man, this is your car, right? You don't mind, do you?"

The middle-aged woman said indignantly.

At this moment, her grandson, who was almost dragged to the ground by Wang Wenhan, was holding her trouser legs tightly, holding his mouth, looking sad, as if tears were about to fall to the ground.

"Wenhan, yes, isn't this car just an Audi? Just let the young man open it and take a look?"

"Wenqin's little grandson just wants to go up and play. It won't have any impact!"

Someone next to him also responded.


Lu Feng was stunned when he heard this, and his face was surprised. No wonder Wang Wenhan said that he would borrow his car to save face. This family of relatives is not easy to get along with.


Wang Wenhan looked unhappy. He knew that Lu Feng's car was new. If he let these naughty kids do whatever they want, it would definitely be scratched. Don't you have any self-awareness? If it is scratched, can you afford to pay for it? "Second aunt, your little grandson, go back to your own car to play! It doesn't matter what you want to play with! This car is not mine, it's my boss's! Don't think about it!" Wang Wenhan spoke softly, looking at the second aunt's family with dissatisfaction. This second aunt's family used to be at odds with his family. This time Wang Wenhan and Li Wenjun got married, but they didn't talk too much and gossiped. So now, at a glance, he saw his boss driving a new car, and came to comment on it and took the opportunity to show off. "Isn't it just an Audi? How about Xiaohao playing with it! It's not like I don't have one at home!" Wang Wenhan's second aunt Liu Wenqin spoke softly. Thinking of her own Audi A4L, she offered it to Wang Wenhan as the main wedding car, but Wang Wenhan refused!

Are there big differences between these two cars? They are both Audis, how can her own car not compare to this one?

He actually accepted a car from an outsider!

"Just for fun, second aunt, how does your Audi compare to this one?"

"Second aunt, don't you have any idea?"

Wang Wenhan spoke completely impolitely, with a sarcastic tone, shocking everyone around him.

I have never seen Wang Wenhan speak so tough to his elders in the past.

"You, you!"

Wang Wenhan's second aunt Liu Wenqin stretched out her finger, pointed at Wang Wenhan and trembled constantly, and was so angry that she couldn't speak.


Wang Wenhan's father came out. He had just seen a circle of people gathered here, but he didn't know what happened.

So he walked in and asked softly.

"Dad, it's okay! This is the main wedding car I told you about!"

Ignoring the second aunt who was shaking with anger standing beside him, Wang Wenhan turned to his father Wang Shengjun and said.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Just then, a heavily made-up, black-sleeved beauty with a figure below the sky-high height, barely 1.6 meters tall, walked in, looked at Liu Wenqin and the others, and shouted softly.

"A dog bites Lu Dongbin, and doesn't know the good heart!"

Looking at the woman's puzzled look, Liu Wenqin silently uttered a sentence, and then began to explain.

"I just want Xiaohao to get on this car to play!"

Liu Wenqin then pointed to Lu Feng's car.

"I didn't expect Wenhan to not let him! He almost made my grandson fall!"

Liu Wenqin said with dissatisfaction on his face.

The beauty turned around and noticed Lu Feng's car.

Audi, no, not the same model of Audi at home.

"Wenhan, is this your main wedding car?"

Wang Shengjun spoke softly at the side. He had no opinion on who Wang Wenhan said would be the main wedding car, as long as Wang Wenhan and Li Wenjun were satisfied!

However, when he heard that Liu Wenqin wanted to lend her family's car to Wang Wenhan, he was also dissatisfied.

That was clearly a smug tone, thinking that he couldn't hear it.

He refused.

Liu Wenqin's family got rich earlier, and among many relatives, they are relatively wealthy, but Liu Wenqin's way of dealing with people is really average.

I didn't accept it last time, so I remembered it, it shouldn't be that bad!

But I remembered that Wang Wenhan told him that Lu Feng's car must not be cheap, at least more than three million.

It is more than ten times different from Liu Wenqin's family.

Is there any controversy about being the main wedding car?

"Wenqin, don't let your grandson mess around and dirty my car, after all, it's a new car!"

Wang Shengjun spoke softly, his tone was full of comfort, but his words were a little wrong!

Unexpectedly, Liu Wenqin, after hearing this, just quit.

"It's just a new car! It's just a broken Audi!"

"Broken Audi?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng finally came out.


The black silk beauty spoke softly on the side. She just checked it on her mobile phone.

Here, this Audi is not their Audi!

"Shut up!"

After blocking her daughter's words, Liu Wenqin continued to speak to Lu Feng.

"Young man, isn't it just an Audi? Wouldn't you be reluctant to part with it?"

Hearing this, Lu Feng also laughed angrily, and the idea of ​​arguing just now disappeared directly. There is no need to say too much to such a person, as long as you can learn a lesson when you settle the accounts later!

And to be honest, it's just a car, it's really not that serious!

Take out the key, press the unlock button, the light flashes a few times, and the car lock is unlocked.

"Auntie, you are free!"

Gently pointing to his car, Lu Feng silently retreated to his brother's side.


Wang Wenhan spoke with a tangled face, he thought Lu Feng was trying not to affect him!

Although Lu Feng had such thoughts in his heart, he still shook his head!

"It's okay!"

"Go, little grandson!"

Looking at the happy face of the little grandson, Liu Wenqin spoke with satisfaction.

"Come here!"

A hurried voice came from not far away. Everyone looked over and found that Wang Xingbin, the son-in-law of Liu Wenqin's family, had already run over angrily.

He grabbed his son Xiaohao and brought him directly behind him.

Seeing that his son's feet were about to touch the paint of Lu Feng's car.

Wang Xingbin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xingbin, you are here?"

Liu Wenqin spoke softly to her son-in-law Wang Xingbin, her tone full of doubt.

There was no more arrogance in her words, after all, Wang Xingbin was the one in charge.

But why was he so anxious?

The child's cry was particularly loud.

Liu Wenqin looked down and saw her little grandson.

Wang Xingbin's rough action made her cry.

Liu Wenqin immediately came up anxiously and was about to take the little grandson from Wang Xingbin.

"Wife, you and mom, take your son home first!"

Wang Xingbin handed his son to the beauty standing beside him and spoke to Liu Wenqin in a deep voice.

"Go home, what home?"

Liu Wenqin heard this and spoke in disbelief.

She came to help Wang Shengjun's family, and her own son wanted to go back by himself?

Where would she put her face!

"I said go back!"

Wang Xingbin shouted in a low voice.

"Wife, take mom and Xiaohao back!"

He spoke to his wife in a solemn tone, looking at the stern look in his husband's eyes that he had never seen before.

The beauty in high heels realized that her husband had never been like this before.

Mom, you should be in trouble!

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