The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Jiang Yuan and Schubert drove quickly and soon arrived outside a seaside villa.

"The people of the Kuangfeng family were also frequent visitors to the Cathedral of Saint-Lo, so they have a lot of real estate on this island." Schubert introduced patiently.

"This is where the women who hosted this party live. A small part of them are direct descendants of the Kuangfeng family and have considerable power."

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. The Kuangfeng family is another hidden family.

If he wants to digest the remains of the evil emperor and auction them at a high price, he needs to do it at a party hosted by the people of the Kuangfeng family.

Getting the support of the Kuangfeng family has become the first goal at the moment.

"It is rumored that Song Xuefeng, the genius of the Kuangfeng family, has just joined the Xingluo Club recently. Now the whole Kuangfeng family is very proud of it." Schubert smiled bitterly.

"The people of the Kuangfeng family are probably too arrogant now. After all, there are many people who come to curry favor with them after hearing the news. I am afraid our trip will not be so easy."

Jiang Yuan frowned and asked, "What is the Xingluo Club?"

Schubert explained, "Most of the people at the top of the world's strongest list know each other, so they invite their acquaintances to form different organizations. The Xingluo Club is one of the top organizations..."

Schubert told the story slowly, and Jiang Yuan also obtained a lot of important information under his patient explanation.

The top of the world's strongest list is basically divided up by many hidden families.

And because different hidden families have their own network of connections, the relationships between those strong people are also close or distant.

Over time, some well-known strong people have established their own forces, and they often include some famous people on the world's strong list.

Among these organizations, there are three most famous ones.

They are Xingluo Society, Dimu Society, and Abyss Society.

Among these three organizations, Xingluo Society has a large number of strong people under its banner, and it seems to have a tendency to become the first force.

"Song Xuefeng of the Kuangfeng family is a new strong man in recent years, and he has an unruly personality and loves an unrestrained life. He originally did not intend to join any force." Schubert smiled bitterly.

"But I heard that she has been very popular in many occasions recently, defeated many veteran masters, and won the unanimous recognition of many powerful people in Xingluo Club. Therefore, she was specially invited to join Xingluo Club without many restrictions, formalities and processes."

Jiang Yuan was still a little puzzled and asked: "Why are the people of Kuangfeng Family so proud of joining Xingluo Club that they even refuse our request?"

Schubert said helplessly: "Because there are too many benefits to joining Xingluo Club. One of them is that if any member of Xingluo Club is in trouble, all members have the obligation to help."

Jiang Yuan immediately understood the current situation.

As the saying goes, if one person succeeds, all chickens and dogs will rise to heaven.

Since Song Xuefeng has joined Xingluo Club, it means that the family fortune of the entire Kuangfeng Family has reached its peak.

Any factors that want to be unfavorable to the Kuangfeng Family will be solved by countless masters of Xingluo Club.

If it were any person in the Kuangfeng Family, I'm afraid they would be grinning now.

I didn't do anything, but a super boss appeared in the family, which directly made the whole family the leader among the hidden families.

This is too much of a win without effort!

The Kuangfeng family also got on the train of recommendation and became an existence that ordinary hidden families dare not provoke.

"Now many small hidden families are ready to curry favor with the Kuangfeng family, and even many large hidden families dare not act rashly against the Kuangfeng family for the time being." Schubert said helplessly.

"I'm afraid that the people of the Kuangfeng family have to look down on us now. Whether they will agree to our request depends on their mood."

Xingluo Club... Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up slightly. It's not that he wants to join this organization, but he has a new idea.

"If I want to establish a new organization, the most convenient and quickest way is to poach people from other organizations, right?" Jiang Yuan felt a little interesting.

Schubert was shocked when he heard Jiang Yuan's idea, and quickly lowered his voice and said, "Don't ever think of that!"

Jiang Yuan saw his frightened look and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Why are you so nervous?"

Schubert whispered, "Now

The situation is very different from before. Recently, the three major organizations, Xingluohui, Dimuhui, and Shenyuanhui, jointly issued a statement, strictly prohibiting the act of poaching people. "

"According to rumors, there will be a major disaster next. Each organization must retain its own strength as much as possible. If people poach each other, it will only cause serious internal strife."

Schubert said helplessly: "If you really want to establish an organization, I also suggest that you join one of the three major organizations before considering other ones. After all, your reputation in the hidden family is not high now, and your appeal is basically zero."

Jiang Yuan said lightly: "Okay, then let's auction off the remains of the evil emperor first, and then consider establishing an organization."

Schubert nodded, and then walked with Jiang Yuan to visit the seaside villa.

It's just strange that the villa is surrounded by white windmills, and a choir's voice keeps coming out of it.

"Why does it feel like a funeral here? "Jiang Yuan asked curiously.

"There is indeed a funeral here. The white windmill symbolizes the carrier of the soul, and the choir chants basically words about rebirth." Schubert also felt a little strange.

Why is there a funeral?

Who died here?

Fortunately, Schubert had friendships with some people in the Kuangfeng family.

Soon after, a girl in white mourning clothes came out to greet Jiang Yuan and the others.

Schubert immediately asked who the funeral was for.

"Our elders are good friends with the priest of St. Luo Cathedral, and they come from the same hometown. They suddenly heard the bad news of his death, so they were sad and held a memorial service for him according to the customs of their hometown." The girl in white mourning clothes said slowly.

"My name is Song Chen. What are you doing here? "

Jiang Yuan heard her voice was quite tender, and thought she was no more than 20 years old. Although she was wearing mourning clothes, it was difficult to hide her good figure.

This was a pretty girl. She was not stunningly beautiful, but she was also very attractive, and people couldn't help but like her.

When Jiang Yuan heard that they were paying tribute to the priest, he nodded in understanding. As the core figure of St. Luo Cathedral, the priest naturally had a wide range of connections.

Besides, they were the priest's fellow townsmen, so it was reasonable for them to pay tribute to him.

Schubert said politely: "We want to add an additional important auction item to the party in the near future. Although it is a bit presumptuous, I hope that you people in the Kuangfeng family can agree. "

The girl Song Chen was embarrassed when she heard this request, and explained: "Our party has strict process control, and the content of the auction has been determined long ago. It is not in accordance with the rules to rashly add an auction item. "

Schubert was anxious when he heard this.

If the remains of the evil emperor could not be auctioned off smoothly, and Jiang Yuan's strength could not be improved, then he would most likely end up in the hellhole of Rennes Prison.

That wouldn't do!

However, Schubert was quick-witted. Seeing Song Chen's white mourning clothes and the mourning of the surrounding choir, he immediately thought of an explanation.

"You are here to pay tribute to the priest with great fanfare, but do you know who killed the priest?" Schubert began to talk.

Song Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know. The priest is said to have died in a very strange way. We don't even know who the murderer is."

Schubert immediately said, "The murderer is a very powerful little monster, but fortunately this little monster has been solved by someone."

"And the person who solved this little monster and helped the priest to avenge his hatred is this Jiang Shao. Although he is young, he has extraordinary strength. "Schubert stopped pretending and came clean.

"Young Master Jiang has already killed the priest's murderer. Since you are the priest's friends and fellow townsmen, there should be no reason to refuse the request of such a benefactor, right?"

Schubert's idea was very clever. Since Jiang Yuan had avenged the priest, and the people of the Kuangfeng family were the priest's friends, the people of the Kuangfeng family would naturally give him some face.

But the girl Song Chen looked at him suspiciously and questioned, "Are you serious? Did this boy really help the priest to avenge his hatred? But even many elders of our Kuangfeng family praised the high-level astrology of the priest. "

"Even the priest couldn't deal with the enemy, and you said that this boy helped him to avenge him. I don't believe it."

Schubert thought for a while and said, "You don't have to believe it. Just tell the people of your Kuangfeng family what we said. "

Song Chen looked at the two of them doubtfully, but she was kindhearted by nature, so she decided to tell the truth.

In the beach villa, the four members of the Kuangfeng family

The elders were wearing mourning clothes and silently mourning the priest with poems from their hometown.

These were four middle-aged women of similar age, all in their thirties, the most charming age in a woman's life.

Although the four were all wearing plain white mourning clothes, it was hard to ignore the good looks of the four women.

But it was a pity that the lips of the three were slightly thin, which made them look a bit mean.

They came from the same hometown as the priest and were good friends who had known each other for many years. When they suddenly heard the news of the priest's death, it was inevitable that they mourned so loudly.

But when they were halfway through their mourning song, Song Chen rushed in and reported the matter of Schubert and Jiang Yuan.

After hearing this, the four of them were a little surprised and doubtful.

"The murderer of the priest was actually solved by a teenager?"

"Humph, ridiculous. The priest's astrology is so high that even many powerful elders in our family treat him with courtesy. If he died, how can a mere teenager solve the problem?"

"I'm afraid they deliberately made up a lie for the auction. The people of the Ryan family have always been cunning and good at business. Lying is as common to them as eating and drinking."

"The process of the party and the auction has been arranged long ago. If an auction item is added temporarily, it will break the rules."

The three middle-aged women all didn't believe it, thinking that it was just a temporary fabrication by Schubert.

But there was also the oldest middle-aged woman who said doubtfully: "Most people in the Ryan family are good at business. The most important thing for businessmen is reputation and integrity. Maybe we should call them in and take a look."

Although the other three middle-aged women didn't believe it in their hearts, since the oldest and most senior person among the four thought they should be called in, they naturally couldn't refute it.

"Let them in."


After Song Chen received the order, he immediately pulled Jiang Yuan and Schubert into the villa.

A few minutes later, Jiang Yuan, led by Song Chen, met the four middle-aged women of the Kuangfeng family.

They were the initiators of this hidden family gathering.

But as soon as Jiang Yuan saw them, someone spoke up.

"Young man, lying is not a good habit." One of the middle-aged women said indifferently.

"Although we know that you want to auction things, we will not let you go if you joke about the dead."

Three eyes stared at Jiang Yuan like lightning, as if they wanted to see through him.

"You don't belong to any family, but you claim to have avenged the priest. Do you think we will believe you?"

Facing these questioning eyes, Jiang Yuan did not waver at all, but smiled confidently and said: "One is one, two is two, Jiang never takes credit."

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