The three-headed dog was not happy.

Jiang Yuan's calm and confident words did not win the three-headed dog's applause.

Instead, the three-headed dog showed disdain and contempt in his eyes, and even cursed in a low voice: "You stubborn kid, I should have let you be eaten by the Hundred-armed Spider Demon earlier."

Dignity and honor have always been the mottos passed down among the strong.

For the weak, any confidence and right to speak are like toy armor for decoration, without the slightest deterrent power.

Jiang Yuan couldn't even deal with a young Hundred-armed Spider Demon, so how could he win the attention and recognition of the three-headed dog?

A promise without strength looks like stubbornness.

Having said that, the three-headed dog did not dare to disobey his master's order directly.

If he allowed the Hundred-armed Spider Demon to kill Jiang Yuan, it would undoubtedly be his fault.

Killing Jiang Yuan would undoubtedly anger his master.

Going against his master's wishes was obviously inconsistent with his beliefs.

However, Jiang Yuan's desire to tame it was undoubtedly a joke like an Arabian Nights.

『I only worship the strong. 』 The three-headed dog's voice was indifferent, with an extremely firm pride.

『Only the real strong can tame me and become my master. 』

『And your strength is too weak. Even a young Hundred-armed Spider Demon can kill you. I can't recognize you, let alone become your mount. 』

Jiang Yuan said indifferently: 『Then we can wait and see the result. 』

Looking at Jiang Yuan's confident attitude, the three-headed dog couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

After all, his master has a very good vision.

Since Jiang Yuan is valued by his master, he might really cause some trouble.

But the three-headed dog has a very firm belief, and he will never let anything that will hurt his master happen.

If Jiang Yuan really completes the three tasks, then Jiang Shaotian will have to spend eight or nine out of ten of his life to increase his strength, which is obviously a reality that the three-headed dog absolutely cannot accept.

"I wish you success, arrogant boy." The three-headed dog laughed loudly, and did not forget to ridicule Jiang Yuan before leaving.

Jiang Yuan did not move, but just stroked his chin with one hand and thought in his mind.

Soon, his eyes lit up slightly, and he obviously had thought of a certain method.


In the shadow not far away, Jiang Shaotian watched all this silently,

including the three-headed dog's non-cooperation, the various provocations it made to Jiang Yuan, and the fact that it brought the hundred-armed spider demon to intimidate, he saw it all.

For the sake of its own life, the three-headed dog certainly refused to cooperate with Jiang Yuan... Jiang Shaotian sighed silently.

He did not intend to help Jiang Yuan, because this was an initial test,

Although this test was very difficult, it could even be said to be incredibly difficult, and a little difficult to despair.

The three-headed dog was very strong, and even in the vast Tartarus, it could be regarded as a good general.

Even in the core area of ​​Tartarus, which was full of adult hundred-armed spider demons, the three-headed dog could move in and out freely with its excellent speed.

Jiang Yuan's current strength was obviously impossible to be compared with the three-headed dog.

This gap in strength was a bit like the gap between an ant and an elephant.

The difficulty of this test was undoubtedly quite bt.

But the real strong man was able to "do what others could not".

If he could not even pass this test, then in the future disaster, Jiang Yuan would only become a cannon fodder and a stepping stone for the real strong man.

"I hope you can pass these tests smoothly..." Jiang Shaotian shook his head and sighed.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid no one can stop the disaster. 』

"For the Dragon Kingdom, I am willing to sacrifice everything I have, even my life. 』


The three-headed dog lazily lay flat on the wide plain.

Although Tartarus has no sunshine all year round, which makes him very dissatisfied,

But when he thinks that his master is still by his side, the three-headed dog feels sincerely satisfied.

Although its knowledge is a bit poor, it has heard Jiang Shaotian say that canines have a much lower sense of security than other animals.

Therefore, canines often need the company and careful care of their owners.

And the response to the canine pet owner is naturally incomparable loyalty.

The three-headed dog shook its tail, hoping that the owner can always accompany it.

Accompanying him,

As for the so-called destruction of the world and the destruction of the country, these are things and emotions that are too far away from him. He can't understand them at all, and he doesn't want to understand them at all.

As long as the master is by his side, even Tartarus without sunlight is a paradise on earth.

The uninvited guest who just disturbed his rest soon came.

The three-headed dog frowned and looked at Jiang Yuan, who looked like a bloody man not far away, and frowned: "Why are there so many blood on you? Did you break into the core area of ​​Tartarus without permission? "

Jiang Yuan was covered with bright red blood at this moment, and even his black hair had turned black and red. There were several deep wounds on his body. Although they were not fatal, they were also quite serious.

Jiang Yuan's injuries were very serious, and the three-headed dog couldn't help but be curious. Could it be that this naive human was trying to challenge the strong men in the core area of ​​Tartarus without authorization?

There are countless monsters in the core area of ​​Tartarus, and the best among them are not even the ultimate monsters that the three-headed dog can match.

'You captured a young hundred-armed spider demon.' Jiang Yuan stretched out his index finger and pointed at the three-headed dog.

'I was attacked by an adult hundred-armed spider demon, which may be the parent of the young one.'

The three-headed dog was stunned and said in surprise: 'This... How could those hundred-armed spider demons know that I did it? Did I accidentally leave some traces?'

The three-headed dog looked at his paws with some doubts. With only a partial capacity of the brain, it was really difficult to think clearly about the key to this problem.

Jiang Yuan pointed to the body of the three-headed dog and reminded: 'Hair.'

The three-headed dog thought about it for a while with a guilty conscience. It was very likely that the hair it left behind led to the revenge of the hundred-armed spider demon.


It's all my fault?

But it soon found a reasonable explanation, and then said arrogantly: "Although you were attacked because of my fault, you also have your own reasons. '

Jiang Yuan glanced at the three-headed dog and asked: "What's the reason? '

The three-headed dog said with regret and heartache: "The reason you were injured... is because you are too weak! '

"As we all know, weakness is the greatest sin, and you don't have the strength to resist the attacks of those hundred-armed spider demons, so you will become a bloody man. '

"So I think you should reflect on your laziness and stupidity, why you don't have better strength to resist the opponent's attack. '

Listening to this victim-blaming theory,

Jiang Yuan did not choose to argue with it, but said calmly: "Then if I tell Jiang Shaotian that it was your fault that caused my injury, what do you think he will think. '

Hearing this, the three-headed dog suddenly had bad thoughts in his heart.

If the owner knew that he was a pet that would make mistakes, would he dislike him?

Will he lose his master's favor from now on, and will his master turn to favor other pets?

Thinking of this, the three-headed dog paused, his breath choked, and a fierce expression suddenly appeared on his face, saying: "You are not allowed to tell my master all this, otherwise I will definitely let you taste the most desperate pain in the world. '

Jiang Yuan ignored the threat of the three-headed dog and said lightly: "Then you have to agree to my request. '

The three-headed dog was stunned, and then he laughed while holding his stomach, and even laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

"You don't think that you can threaten me to surrender to you and become your mount with such a boring reason? It's really funny. '

To the surprise of the three-headed dog, Jiang Yuan calmly shook his head and said: "This is not my request. '

The three-headed dog looked at Jiang Yuan with interest, as if he was looking at a toy with a little fun, and asked: "Then tell me, what exactly is your request? '

Jiang Yuan pointed to his body, which was covered with blood and several deep scars.

'I want you to help me get revenge and kill an adult spider demon with 100 arms.' Jiang Yuan said.

The three-headed dog looked at Jiang Yuan arrogantly, and a trace of contempt in his eyes inadvertently flashed.

Humans, hatred is your nature.

You are a lowly creature who is willing to threaten me for hatred in exchange for the opportunity to ask for my help.

'It's a small matter.' The three-headed dog laughed.

'You wait here, I will come back from hunting soon and bring a few adult spider demons with me to vent your anger.'

But before it left, Jiang Yuan stopped it and said, 'I must go with you.'

The three-headed dog looked at Jiang Yuan in confusion and said, 'Why?'

Jiang Yuan said calmly, 'Only by seeing those

Only when the people who hurt me suffer can the hatred in my heart be alleviated. '

After hearing Jiang Yuan's reason, the three-headed dog couldn't help but despise Jiang Yuan even more.

The more timid and cowardly a person is, the more likely he is to retaliate against his enemy with such painful torture.

But the three-headed dog didn't care about the character of a person, so it nodded and said, 'Then for my master's sake, as you wish. '

The three-headed dog picked up Jiang Yuan, but this time it carefully avoided the wound on Jiang Yuan's body to prevent its sharp teeth from infecting Jiang Yuan's wound, otherwise, with the severe toxicity of its teeth, Jiang Yuan would die in a minute.

Jiang Yuan only felt a gust of wind whistling past his ears and face. It was obvious that the three-headed dog was moving very fast.

'Have you reached the core area? '

'No. '

'Have you reached the core area? '

'Stop nagging. It's too early. '

'What about now? '

'Shut up. It's too early! '

'We should have reached the core area now, right? It's been so long, let me down. '

'Why are you in such a hurry to come down? '

'Listen to me, or we'll die together. '

The three-headed dog was stunned, and it was hard for him to believe his ears.

How dare Jiang Yuan, a weak human, say such a thing?

The three-headed dog ignored Jiang Yuan's injuries, threw him to the ground with a slap, and teased, "What did you just say?"

Jiang Yuan patted the dust off himself, then looked directly at the three-headed dog, and said lightly: "I said you have to listen to me in the future, otherwise we will die together. '

The three-headed dog laughed and said: "Is there something wrong with your mind? Is the atmosphere here too scary, making you a lunatic? '

Jiang Yuan did not answer it, but chose to use practical actions to illustrate his thoughts.

He took off the pendant hanging around his neck-the Eternal Fire Pendant.

Then Jiang Yuan continuously injected his Eight-Part Skill into the Eternal Fire Pendant.

Soon, the three-headed dog's face suddenly stiffened, and there was no longer any contempt or ridicule on its face, but a strong sense of vigilance instead.

It was because the Eternal Fire Pendant, under the infusion of Jiang Yuan's Eight-Part Skill, was becoming more and more dazzling.

At first, it was just a small spark, which was not noticeable at all.

But soon, it turned into a small ball of fire the size of a pigeon egg.

And the light of this fireball was gradually rising, gradually illuminating a lot of areas.

This is the core area of ​​Tartarus, where there is no light all year round.

But Jiang Yuan's actions at this moment are bringing light here.

"Stop! Your stupid behavior will attract countless terrible beings." The three-headed dog roared in a low voice.

Everyone knows that lighting a ray of light in the darkness is not a romantic thing.

This is actually seeking death.

Because in a dark environment, once a ray of light appears, it means that this ray of light has become a thorn in the eyes of all dark creatures.

This is a bit like dripping a drop of blood in the sea, and the sharks in the entire sea area will move at the sound of the wind and hunt in pursuit of the smell of blood.

It can be said that Jiang Yuan's behavior is no different from suicide.

But this is exactly Jiang Yuan's purpose.

Jiang Yuan said lightly: "Be my dog, listen to me, or die together."

The three-headed dog was shocked and angry. At this moment, it finally woke up and realized everything.

"You got hurt on purpose, lured me and you to the core of Tartarus, and then threatened me with life and death? "The three-headed dog roared.

"Damn it, you can actually ignite the light! And the range is so large! I was careless, but do you think I will give in so easily? '

"I tell you, even if I die, I will not agree to your request. '

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: 'It doesn't matter if you die, but will your master be sad because of this? '

The three-headed dog felt nervous. He had been with his master for many years. If he died, his master would be sad for a long time.

Jiang Yuan continued to smile and said: 'It doesn't matter if you die, but will your master fall into danger because of your death? '

The three-headed dog was worried. As long as Jiang Yuan continued to ignite the light of the eternal fire, once he attracted the strongest in Tartarus, his master would be hated.

And the master would be in danger without his help.

'You are a demon, you are a devil, you are the real evil! 'The three-headed dog roared unwillingly.

In Jiang Yuan's pupils, a trace of cruelty and murderous intent emerged, and he said: 'I never said I was a good person. As long as I can achieve my goal, I am willing to do anything! '

The three-headed dog hesitated again and again, and was really tangled in his heart.

But thinking of his master... he still felt that Jiang Yuan was right.

If he rejected Jiang Yuan, his master would not only be sad, but also might fall into danger.

Although he was willing to sacrifice for his dignity, he was unwilling to implicate his master.

Jiang Yuan seemed to feel that something was missing, and slowly walked into the three-headed dog.

For some reason, the three-headed dog felt a chill in his heart and subconsciously took two steps back,

as if the person approaching him was not a weak human, but a demon from hell.

Jiang Yuan showed a dangerous smile and said: "Make your decision quickly, otherwise the eternal fire in my hand will burn completely, and then everything will be too late. '

'Many things in the world only have one chance, I hope you won't make a decision that you will regret. '

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