The crab shell was cut off and the crab shell was cut off.

Just when Su Wanting and Ye Yiran were squeezing each other, Jiang Yuan finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He just wanted to have a quiet meal.

He didn't expect these women to be so dramatic, which was really beyond his expectations.

"I have a way, you guys stop making trouble." Jiang Yuan said.

As he spoke, he took a knife from the table and gently stroked the blade and edge. He felt that it was very sharp and smiled with satisfaction.

Then he quickly raised his knife and cut the crab shell into two.

Not a cent more, not a cent less, completely and neatly cut it into two pieces.

He gave it to Su Wanting with his left hand and to Ye Yiran with his right hand.

Jiang Yuan said, "Is this okay?"

Su Wanting raised her eyebrows, smiled to Jiang Yuan's face, and said, "Not bad, not bad."

Ye Yiran also restrained her temper, showed a sweet smile, and said, "This is a good idea."

However, there was still a cold light flashing in the eyes of the two women, and they were secretly competing with each other.

Jiang Yuan was too lazy to watch their intrigues, and turned around to tell Su Qingqing about the origin and history of Yunjin cheongsam.

This somewhat special table battlefield also calmed down temporarily.

But the good times did not last long.

After the second dish, bluefin tuna, was served, the problem came again.

Tuna itself is an extremely precious ingredient, and wild tuna is listed as an "endangered species" by the World Conservation Union, which is rarer and more precious than giant pandas.

Seven years ago, Tiangong Auction House in Nancheng once auctioned a 222-kilogram top-quality bluefin tuna at a sky-high price of 11 million yuan.

Su Tianhao also spent a lot of effort to purchase several of these top-quality tuna.

The texture and taste of different parts of tuna are very different. The belly is plump, the back is strong, the head and neck are thick, and the tail is the leanest.

The most expensive part of a tuna is a small piece of light pink fish meat between the middle and front abdomen of the fish. It has a rich and tender taste and is the most delicious part of the whole fish. It is also commonly known as "big fat".

In fact, there is an unwritten rule that only the women with the highest status at the table can take the lead in picking up the fish meat in this position.

Su Qingqing, Su Wanting and Ye Yiran looked at each other and chose to remain silent tacitly.

They gave the right to choose to Jiang Yuan, so that Jiang Yuan could decide who should be allocated the big fat part of the tuna.

However, Jiang Yuan believed that he had never eaten pork, but he had seen pigs run.

He had heard before that the most delicious part of tuna is the fish face.

It is said that in the past, when bandits caught a child, they would starve him for three days, and then put a steamed fish and a pair of chopsticks in front of the child.

If the child picked a large piece of meat from the fish back first, he would be released.

If the child started to dig into the fish belly, he would be detained for a few days.

If he started to eat meat from the fish face, he would undoubtedly be the most favored child in a wealthy family.

Jiang Yuan naturally didn't know that the way to eat tuna was different from traditional fish.

It was Su Qingqing who reminded him: "Jiang Yuan, the most precious part of tuna is in the belly. Only the woman with the highest status at the table can use chopsticks to eat this place first. Who of the three of us should start first?"

A fatal question!

Jiang Yuan immediately understood the trick when he heard it.

For the previous dish of butter crab, Su Qingqing could use the reason that today was her birthday as a pretext.

But now this dish of tuna is obviously for the woman with the highest status.

Then the question is, in Jiang Yuan's mind, which of these three women has a higher status?

Is it the eldest daughter of the Ye family, or the two daughters of Su Tianhao, the richest man in Nancheng.

Even if there are two daughters, the elder sister or the younger sister is more important in Jiang Yuan's mind.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan became a battleground on the battlefield.

And Jiang Yuan's reaction speed was also very fast.

He answered straightforwardly: "In fact, there is a rule in my hometown that only women of the lowest status can eat this part of the fish, so do you want to abide by the rules of my hometown?"

Jiang Yuan's simple words cleverly solved the problem.

As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you want to become Jiang Yuan's partner, you must undoubtedly abide by the rules of his hometown.

Then once you abide by this rule, the life-threatening question they raised will be lost.


Ye Yiran and Su Wanting showed unwilling eyes.

He escaped again, quite clever!

At this moment, Ye Yiran spoke again, saying: "Jiang Yuan, can you help me pick up the tuna meat, I can't seem to reach it here."

Su Wanting raised her eyebrows and said: "I can help you pick it up, I'm closer to you."

Ye Yiran smiled and said immediately: "How can I bother you?"

Su Wanting sneered and said: "Then do you feel embarrassed to bother Jiang Yuan?"

Ye Yiran turned his head and asked Jiang Yuan: "Jiang Yuan, do you think it's troublesome to help me pick up the food?"

Another life-threatening question!

Jiang Yuan felt a little anxious and held his forehead.

It seems that the wish to have a quiet meal today is impossible to realize.

These two women only cause trouble for themselves.

Various life-threatening questions frequently appeared, and he could not solve every one of them cleverly.

At this time, Su Tianhao came over with several bottles of expensive red wine.

"Brother Jiang, this is my private collection of Romanee-Conti Grand Cru red wine, a famous wine known as the world's wine king. Let's not go home until we are drunk today!" Su Tianhao said very generously.

Jiang Yuan finally found a chance to get out of this situation. He didn't want to be caught between several women and watch them intrigue.

He immediately raised his glass and said, "Mr. Su is polite. Let's have a few drinks."

As the scarlet wine was poured into the goblet, a strong aroma of wine was refreshing.

Jiang Yuan took a sip and felt that the fragrance lingered on his teeth and cheeks. It was a fine wine that could not be compared with ordinary wine.

With three stunning beauties around him and a fine wine in his hand, Jiang Yuan was in a good mood.

He couldn't help but get drunk. He held up his glass and kept toasting with Su Tianhao, chatting and laughing.

Jiang Yuan was drinking and talking happily with the richest man in South City, and they were having fun like brothers. If this were spread out, I'm afraid it would shock a lot of people.

And Su Tianhao's private collection really deserves the title of the world's wine king.

Jiang Yuan admitted that he couldn't drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but he was much better than ordinary people.

But at this moment, he just drank a little more than a bottle and felt a little unconscious.

This alcohol is strong!

And Jiang Yuan also took advantage of his good mood and simply sank his consciousness into the system space.

Let's take advantage of the good mood to draw the lottery today.

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