Super Role Player

Chapter 11 CBA Opening Game

In October, the CBA training camp was in full swing, and the big-name foreign players who came from afar from the United States also quickly felt the so-called Chinese characteristics.

Before the start of the season, the CBA has to conduct a so-called physical fitness test. Domestic players who do not meet the standards cannot register. Although there are no hard requirements for foreign players, these strong foreign players are also required to participate.

Although the foreign players did not understand what this kind of physical fitness test was for, they still participated in it for the dollars that could get into their pockets in the future.

For Anxi, this kind of physical fitness test is just a formality. Turning back and running 15 meters * 17 times * 4 groups, Anxi ran for 51 seconds, far exceeding the standard requirement of 65 seconds; other bench presses, squats and so on It is a piece of cake.

However, this has suffered a lot of domestic players. Originally, the domestic training was very irregular. Many domestic players suddenly encountered such a high-intensity physical fitness test. Only Meng Lingyuan and Liu Wei among the teammates of the Shanghai Metropolitan Team passed the test, and Meng Lingyuan and Liu Wei failed to pass the bench press and squat. So in fact, in the physical fitness test, all the domestic players of the Shanghai Metropolitan Team except Anxi failed. up.

Fortunately, there is another Chinese characteristic, that is, those responsible for supervision and testing can release water.

So the so-called physical fitness test became a formality, and the Modu team all passed the test.

After the physical fitness test, the new CBA season will officially start.

The CBA opening game is on November 20, and the Modu team will face the Shandong team in the opening game.

And on November 15th, news of the NBA lockout came again. The NBA player representatives and the executive committee of the trade union jointly decided to reject the new proposal from the management. The new round of negotiations broke down again, which means that the new NBA season has come to an end. Impossible to start on time, the lockout has to continue.

On November 20th, the Shanghai Metropolis team welcomed the Shandong team’s challenge at the Pudong Yuanshen Arena at home. Unlike the Shanghai Metropolis team, the Shandong team also caught up with the trend of the NBA suspension this season. They signed Alan Anderson, who has NBA strength. As a small foreign aid, the big foreign aid has also introduced Othello Hunter, a power forward who once played for the NBA Eagles, plus Sui Ran, Ding Yanyuhang, and Tao Hanlin, who are good domestic players. The strength of the Shandong team can be regarded as ranking first The CBA is at the forefront.

Before the start of the game, the head coach of Shanghai Metropolitan Team Daniel Panagio announced the starting lineup. Unsurprisingly, Anxi entered the starting lineup. In addition to Anxi, in addition to Anxi, the starting lineup also included point guard Liu Wei and shooting guard. Ryan Kelly, power forward Mike Harris and center Zhang Zhaoxu.

After several years of development in the CBA, many things are already very similar to the NBA, such as the appearance ceremony.

The DJ at Pudong Yuanshen Arena chanted the names of each player loudly. Mike Harris was the first to play, and the crowd cheered. When the DJ called Anxi’s name, Yuanshen Arena also burst into cheers Well, after all, Anxi is a future NBA player, and his popularity in China is still very high.

However, when he heard that Liu Wei, who was the last to appear on the stage, received cheers and screams that were obviously several decibels higher than his, Anxi still had to sigh that even if he was a future NBA player, he still couldn't compare to the magicians. The meritorious veteran of the capital team. If you don't add the word "future", maybe you can still spell it out.

"How is it? Are you confident in this game?" The game was about to start, and Liu Wei was standing next to Anxi when he was warming up, stretching his legs.

Anxi is also doing a simple warm-up. For Liu Wei's so-called confidence, he must have it. Not only is he confident, but Anxi also has a goal that must be completed-to prevent the death of Alan Anderson.

"Why don't you have confidence? I am not used to losing, so I will definitely win this game." Anxi is not used to losing. This is true. In the four years of NCAA, he has not lost much in UConn. Before Kangda,

Anxi has played in domestic high school leagues, and with that body, he has swept all kinds of games.

And this time playing in the CBA, Anxi even set a high goal for himself. He is going to play in the NBA, and he will go as soon as the NBA lockout is over, so Anxi decided that he must prevent death along the way. All the little foreign aid!

At the beginning of the game, Shandong team started with center Cao Zhenghua, power forward Wu Ke, small forward Alan Anderson, shooting guard Sui Ran and point guard Sun Jie.

Zhang Zhaoxu relied on his height to win the ball, and the Modu team started their first attack.

Ryan Kelly executed the first offense. In the CBA, many teams' offensive routines are singles with unlimited foreign aid, and the Modu team is no exception. Therefore, Ryan Kelly waved his hand to signal everyone to pull away, and Anxi also ran to the bottom corner. Freed up space for Ryan Kelly to play singles.

Ryan Kelly's personal ability is still very good in CBA. After all, not everyone has the defensive ability like Anxi. Facing Sui Ran's defense, Ryan Kelly easily passed the defender through a pick-and-roll, and then one step later Emergency stop jumper, 2 points hit.

Then, the Shandong team attacked, and Alan Anderson took the ball and faced Anxi's single defense.

At this time, the CCTV commentator focused on Alan Anderson, a big-name foreign player with NBA strength: "Alan Anderson, who played for the Charlotte Bobcats in the NBA, played in Europe before being signed by the Shandong team. Playing for Barcelona, ​​he was the MVP of the UEFA Champions League last season, and his background is quite big!"

For Alan Anderson, Anxi does not know as much as this CCTV commentator does, but Anxi knows Alan Anderson's technical characteristics, strong breakthrough ability, average shooting, and good at scoring goals in sports games. This is a completely different type of foreign aid from Ryan Kelly .

Knowing the technical characteristics of Alan Anderson, Anxi naturally understands how to defend.

Throughout the defensive round, Anxi kept a body distance from Alan Anderson to prevent Alan Anderson from breaking through.

However, Anxi’s defense did not make Anderson feel any difference. Even Anxi deliberately kept a distance and made Alan Anderson feel that the Chinese who was facing him was an amateur defensive player. .

Alan Anderson underestimated Anxi subconsciously. He felt that this Chinese was no different from other Chinese, perhaps even worse in defense.

So without any concern, Alan Anderson directly chose to break through, which is his best way to score. With one step, Alan Anderson quickly accelerated his speed, wanting to directly defeat Anxi's defense with his speed.

But how could Anxi, who had reserved a body space for a long time, be passed like this? He's not the kind of defender who just gets stepped over.

When Alan Anderson charged up, Anxi also followed quickly...

Soon, Alan Anderson, who rushed one step inside the free throw line, found that this seemingly nothing special Chinese player was actually sticking to him!

Alan Anderson was uncomfortable being posted, especially when he entered his attack range, Alan Anderson found that he couldn't get a single shot!

This Chinese defender, whom he underestimated, defended too well. His right arm was tightly pressed against his body, and his left arm was raised high, not giving him a single shot. He even used his height to block his sight. Keep yourself from seeing where the basket is at all!

Alan Anderson had no choice but to lean on Anxi, turn around, and throw the basketball to the basket. This unsure shot was undoubtedly missed, and Anxi took off and got the rebound!

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