Super Role Player

Chapter 26 Encountering the Boxing Champion

On December 25, 2011, the shortened season officially opened, and the league ushered in 5 matchups that day.

The championship-winning Miami Heat played against the Mavericks in the finals last season, the league upstart Clippers faced the Warriors, last season's regular season MVP Rose led the Bulls against the Lakers, the Celtics faced the Knicks, and the Magic Against the Thunder.

On the opening day, the Spurs have no game schedule, and they will have to wait until December 26 to usher in the first game of the season-an away game against the Grizzlies.

I have to say that the league staff who arrange the schedule is also a genius. The Heat's opponent in the first game is the Mavericks who lost them in the finals last season, while the Spurs' opponent is the Grizzlies who gave them a black miracle last season. There are many things to watch in the opening game and the slots are full. It can be said that the grievances and grievances of last season have been brought to the extreme.

On the morning of the 25th, the Spurs team went to Memphis. Gregg Popovich refused all media interviews, and the Spurs began to prepare for the season opener with peace of mind.

The tranquility within the Spurs does not mean the tranquility of the outside world. Regarding the new season, major media in the United States and even foreign sports media have reported and predicted it.

ESPN placed the Spurs fourth in the Western Conference in their preseason predictions, behind the Thunder, Lakers and Clippers. ESPN expert Mark Stein believes that the Spurs have to face the devil's schedule when the main force is one year older. The test, coupled with the fact that the Spurs not only did not have any effective signings this season, but sent away the team's chief backup point guard George Hill for a No. 15 rookie.

"In the new season, San Antonio will not have a point guard who can replace the French sports car at critical moments, and their interior doesn't even have a pure center! In the two preseason games, the Spurs have been using Tim Duncan and Tim Duncan. Yago Splitter went to the top center position, and what's even more embarrassing is that the Spurs didn't even have Tim Duncan and Thiago Splitter on the bench! After signing three rookies in a hurry, they only signed the injured TJ Ford and the embarrassing Eke Diogu, so they made up the 15-man roster, so what about the depth of the lineup?"

Mark Stein believes that the Spurs will not have any depth in the new season. Anxi, who has been checking the news on his mobile phone, can only sneer.

Anxi found some domestic news reports. Because of Yao Ming's retirement and the fact that Ah Lian has not yet returned to the NBA due to injury, Anxi has become the only thing to watch in China.

Tencent Sports also made a special topic on Anxi. They believe that Anxi can at least get a certain amount of playing time in the new season based on Anxi's performance in the CBA anti-death JR Smith, and Tencent Sports also quoted ESPN reports, saying that the Spurs The depth of the team's lineup is extremely poor. If Anxi can perform well and seize the opportunity, he can even become a member of the regular rotation.

For domestic news reports, Anxi can only look at them. Although the NBA has been in China for many years, domestic awareness of the NBA is still very little, or it is still in its infancy. For people like Anxi, it can be exaggerated. Just exaggerate. As for why the Basketball Pioneer newspaper was against the tune before, Anxi guessed that it might be that they wanted to set a counterexample to win the favor of domestic fans.

When the bus arrived at the hotel, Anxi was still reading the news.

"Ann, what are you doing?" Manu Ginobili leaned over. "Oh, are you watching the news? Haha, rookie, I advise you to watch less. Now, carry your bag!"

Anxi stretched her waist, and replied: "Manu, you don't understand, I just like to read these news reports, it's very interesting."

"Hey, when you behave badly, you won't think so." Watching Anxi help him carry his bag, Manu Ginobili stopped and continued to communicate with Anxi on this issue.

Anxi didn't take Manu Ginobili's words to heart,

poor performance? It's another way to watch the news when you're not doing well. But now Anxi doesn't even know if she can get a chance to perform, so why would she care about these things?

Because he helped Manu carry the bag, Anxi lived in the same room with Manu at night. As soon as he entered the room, Manu took out his mobile phone and listened to music.

Anxi heard from other teammates that Manu loved to listen to Latin music in his spare time during the game, so he didn't bother Manu, changed into his training uniform, and went out.

The hotel where the Spurs stayed in Memphis has a gym, and Anxi came to the gym wearing a Spurs training uniform.

One after another, Anxi felt very refreshed, a feeling of strength all over her body.

"Wow! Look at that man! He's been doing bench presses all the time!" Someone yelled in a low voice not far away. "4 times, it seems to be in the 150 kg class, and the strength is very strong."

Anxi only did 4 bench presses, and he really had no strength. He rested for a while, and then started to do other exercises.

"He started squatting, look." The two people not far away stared at Anxi, and they were really startled by Anxi's bench press.

A moment later, when An Xi came out from under the barbell, the two people who had been watching from a distance opened their mouths in surprise.

"Seven reps in the 100kg class is very strong. If it is the ultimate squat, he should be able to reach close to 300kg!" The younger of the two directly estimated Anxi's squat data.

"A good seedling, let's go!" The older one rushed towards Anxi without hesitation.

Anxi was about to come for a run for a while, when he was stopped by two short black men.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Martin Bunker and I am a boxing coach." The older one introduced himself.

"Boxing coach?" Anxi looked suspiciously at this middle-aged black man who looked really strong.

But this kind of suspicious look made this Martin Bunker think that Anxi was questioning his identity, and he hurriedly dragged the young black man out: "Him? Don't you know him?"

Anxi was even more puzzled now, he shook his head: "I don't know... Could it be?"

Martin Bunker was defeated by Anxi: "Floyd Mayweather? You don't know?"

Anxi shook his head again, Martin Bunker didn't know what to say anymore, and Floyd Mayweather was even more embarrassed. He has debuted for so many years, and in the land of the United States, no one really said he didn't know him .

"Okay, okay, let's not care about that much, I want to ask, have you ever practiced boxing before?"

Anxi shook his head again, as if he could only shake his head.

"That's okay, with your physical condition, it's still too late to start practicing now." Martin Bunker said in a low voice, as if to comfort himself. But he immediately reacted and looked at Anxi: "Then do you want to practice boxing? With your physical condition, if you connect with boxing, you can become the strongest boxing champion in the world, just like him, Mayweather!"

Anxi was a little dumbfounded for a moment, and only then did he understand why this black uncle came to him, because he wanted him to practice boxing? He refused without thinking.

"Mr. Martin Bunker, I wonder if you have noticed my clothes?"

Martin Bunker froze for a moment, and Mayweather reminded him: "San Antonio Spurs training uniform, this Asian is a basketball player."

Martin Bunker was suddenly disappointed. It turned out that this good seed was already an athlete, but in another field.

"Then I'm sorry for disturbing us." Martin Bunker apologized and was about to leave.

Anxi smiled and nodded, but Floyd Mayweather did not leave directly. He pretended to look at Anxi fiercely and said, "This is the first time I meet someone who doesn't know me, so we must get to know each other." !"

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