Super Role Player

Chapter 312 Weakened version becomes famous with 1 ball

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"The dark horse scored 45 points, and the Spurs reversed the Heat!"

"The rise of the Super Six, the Spurs successfully reversed!"

"Overwhelming the six superstars in the first battle, the magic in Kenny Smith's mouth - Anxi!"

In this way, after the game, Anxi became popular. He directly made the headlines of all sports media and sports websites, and then became the focus of everyone's mouth.

Spurs fans said this: "China An, great, the next Manu!"

"go-spurs-go! Anxi! Great Anxi!"

And the Heat fans said this: "The game is like shit, the defense is like shit, how can they let a role player score 45 points?" This is scolding the team, and of course there are optimists.

"The Heat lost this game so unjustly. They actually allowed a role player to score 45 points. This Anxi did play well, but it is a pity that he is only a role player. In the next game, he will not be able to have such a good performance." Show it, without Anxi, the Spurs are doomed, and the final victory belongs to Miami!"

And the neutral fans will not bring any personal emotions*, they say: "Great performance, from China Ann, fierce game, from San Antonio Spurs and Miami Heat!"

"Unexpected game, unexpected Anxi, 45 points, great, the first magical finals role player counterattack in NBA history!"

"Lin Crazy dominates the regular season, and An Crazy is about to dominate the finals! The yellow race is about to dominate the NBA!"

At first glance, the last sentence is a statement made by an Asian, but it can also be clearly seen from this that everyone believes that the victory of the Spurs is due to Anxi's outbreak.

Anxi dominated the game, and Anxi suddenly became the hottest player in North America. He became famous with one goal, but this kind of fame with one goal should be a weakened version, because before that, Anxi was already famous. Before that, he was already the league's super sixth man and the most improved player, he was also the strongest dunker of the yellow race, the strongest three-pointer, etc. Of course, although these titles are resounding, they are not as good as Anxi's This show in the finals.

On the domestic side, Anxi's 45 points have already made the domestic fans completely excited. Director Zhang and Yu Jia wrote a special column and put it on their Weibo as soon as the game ended. Su Qun, Xu Jicheng, Sun Zhenping They are all like this, and the most exaggerated one should be Yang Yi, who directly called this first match of the finals: The Battle of Anxi Conferring the Gods!

He believes that with this game, Anxi is enough to become a god. With 45 points in the finals, it is a good review of the history of the finals. The personal scoring record in a single game is held by Elgin Baylor, 61 points, and Anxi's 45 points. There are only 16 points behind Elgin Baylor's 61 points.

Excluding the years without complete statistics before 1985, Anxi's 45 points can rank fourth in NBA history, second only to Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson and Michael Jordan. Of course, this ranking is not rigorous, because there is no Count the data before 1985, such as Elgin Baylor's 61 points.

In the history of the finals, there are only 20 people who scored 40+ points, and only Dwyane Wade and Kobe Bryant are active players. Of course, Anxi has to be added now. The performance of the battle is enough to confer gods.

The domestic fans' evaluation of Anxi is much more rational than experts like Yang Yi. Zhong Dajun, the tiger attacking god, published a post, saying: "Anxi scored 45 points, which is indeed a milestone for Chinese basketball. What we should also see is that in this game, Anxi was not targeted too much by the Heat. It should be said that Anxi broke out suddenly in this game. The Heat didn't take Anxi seriously before the game, and Anxi exploded as a result. gone."

"Anxi's explosion is accidental. His real strength may be the strength of averaging about 20 points per game, but his real strength is that he can score 45 points in the finals.

That's wrong, that's over-praising Anxi, the higher the praise, the worse the fall, so, it's better not to follow the group of media people with bad intentions, don't praise Anxi too high, let Anxi feel at ease After the finals, he will prove everything. "

Zhong Dajun's post seemed very rational, so it also attracted many rational fans' comments.

Kuye Wuya said: "Master Zhong is right. We all know Anxi's strength. In this game, to put it mildly, the Heat didn't take Anxi seriously. As a result, Anxi was in such a good state that he broke out. , but I still have to say, Anxi played really well! The first in Chinese history!"

Niu Youshou said: "Anxi's explosion should indeed be blown up, but before blowing it up, think about it. Does Anxi really have the strength that you blow up? After thinking about it, let's blow it up. Don't talk about it, I have already figured it out. I'm going to blow it first."

Dial said: "Of course what the host said is correct, but Anxi's performance is not to be bragged about!"

Then the floor is crooked from the dial...

"With 45 points in the first game of the finals, Anxi is the best, and I want to blow it!"

"To put it bluntly, I can play this game for a year."

"Anxi, the pillar of Chinese basketball! In the future, he will also be the pillar of a certain NBA team"

"Hey, I don't know how American fans comment on Anxi's performance in this game..."

Zhong Dajun's rational post was quickly ignored, but the phenomenon of over-praising Anxi has been reduced a lot. This also made Anxi, who silently followed the major domestic forums, heaved a sigh of relief. This group of people who over-praise him are recruiting him!

The country is naturally full of joy, but in North America, the people who tout Anxi accounted for the majority. Among them, Kenny Smith, who explained the whole game, was the most active one. After the game, he and Charles Barkley were in the Turner Sports The TV station participated in a show, and the host was Shaquille O'Neal.

"Okay, the show has started, Kenny, Charles, as people who watched the whole game live, can you share your views?"

As soon as Shaquille O'Neal finished speaking, Kenny Smith, who was like a vanguard, said: "Anxi played the greatest performance of a small man in the history of the finals. He scored 45 points and was the biggest contributor to the Spurs' victory. For this game , that's all I can think of."

The greatest little man performance in history, well, maybe Anxi has understood why Kenny Smith is actively touting him, because Kenny Smith found his shadow in Anxi, and he seemed to see himself in Anxi!

Charles Barkley shook his head: "Shaq, stop discussing this with Kenny, he is already an avid fan of Anxi, talking about this with an avid fan, you can't talk about too many valuable things of……"

Kenny Smith looked at Barkley, but did not refute. Kenny Smith knew very well that he was indeed a bit fan of Anxi, so what Charles Barkley said was not wrong.

It didn't take long for Charles Barkley to really analyze the Finals.

"I think, for the people of San Antonio, the victory of this game is good news, but it is also bad news. Relying on Anxi to win, this is bad news that cannot be worse. As Kenny said, Anxi It’s just a small person, a small person, can he continue to explode? Obviously not, in the next game, without Anxi, how will San Antonio deal with Miami’s impact?”

What Charles Barkley said is very reasonable, and his statement has also been recognized by many media reporters and experts. They all believe that Anxi's 45-point magic will only be a flash in the pan, and although the Spurs won because of Anxi's flash in the pan, the point is , the next Anxi will be short-lived?

Even if Anxi can still maintain a good state, the Heat will not let Anxi continue to run wild. Don't you see, after the Heat strengthened their defense against Anxi, Anxi began to hit the iron continuously, and only scored 5 points in the fourth quarter.

Henry Abbott is especially a supporter of this kind of argument. He feels that Anxi is indeed crazy, but just like Lin crazy, a short dozen games in a season is the brightest moment of his career, and For Anxi, the madness of this game is the brightest moment of his career.

In the next game, Anxi was strictly guarded by the Heat until there was no threat.


For Anxi, scoring 45 points in the first game of the finals could only make him a little bit excited, but the system responded after the game and kept him excited.

"Ding, the system is being upgraded..."

Just this reminder, Anxi almost jumped up excitedly, the system has been upgraded? What exactly caused the upgrade? What will be upgraded in the end? Anxi began to look forward to... (to be continued.)\u003c/p\u003e

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