Super Role Player

Chapter 35 Enraged

Stephen Curry controlled the ball to the frontcourt, looking a little sloppy. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

McAway stuck it up, reaching out to try to steal the ball, Stephen Curry flinched, dodged McAway's steal, and immediately became serious.

Stephen Curry suddenly thought of McAway's steals in double figures in his first show, and now McAway is well-known.

Anxi faced Klay Thompson. This season, Klay Thompson's status in the Warriors has been a little higher, and he can attack independently with the ball. However, Klay Thompson still failed to get the ball for the first ball. David Lee pulled to the high position and Stephen Curry directly screened a pick-and-roll and rushed into the inside.

The Warriors' tactics are actually all kinds of pick-and-roll and cross-running. The cross-screening of David Lee and Stephen Curry created an opportunity. McAway chose to surround David Lee who was about to run back, so he let go of Stephen Curry. inside.

Stephen Curry rushed inside with the ball, and the benefits of Cole Aldridge's first start appeared. A big man stood directly in the penalty area, stretched his arms, and blocked Stephen Curry's layup like blocking the sky. .

But Stephen Curry obviously wouldn't layup like this directly. He made a cross step and changed direction, then turned around and leaned on Cole Aldridge, threw the ball towards the basket with both hands, the basketball flew into the air, and then hit the ground. On the backboard, he got into the basket after rebounding.

Go in! Stephen Curry singles success!

After the ball, the two commentators of Turner Sports, Chris Webber and Shaquille O'Neal, began to discuss the 76ers' defense.

"The 76ers' defense is a bit poor. They seem to be playing man-to-man defense?" Chris Webber glanced at O'Neal, and O'Neal nodded: "Yes, man-to-man, but the defense just now, they obviously did not man-to-man. The man was in place, and Stephen Curry was missed, but compared to the previous games, the 76ers still have a certain improvement, at least they have a Cole Aldridge inside."

2:2 draw, the defense was not enough to attack, McAway held the ball for halftime, then passed the ball to Anxi, and Klay Thompson posted it again.

Anxi looked around, and Thaddeus Yang had already come out from the inside line and stood at the top of the arc to cover Anxi.

Anxi rushed over with the ball, and Klay Thompson stuck to Anxi, constantly reaching out to interfere.

With a bang, in the next second, he directly bumped into Thaddeus Yang.

Then he just watched Anxi walk away with the ball...

The same scenario played out,

Andrew Bogut on the inside line rushed towards Anxi. At this time, Anxi suddenly made a cross step, dribbled the ball under his crotch, and flashed past Bogut!

"Wow!" There was an exclamation from the sidelines!

After Anxi dodged Bogut, he jumped high, with a bang, a dunk! The dunk made the basket shake three times!

"Anxi's breakthrough dunk! He passed Klay Thompson and Andrew Bogut one after another! Beautiful dunk!"

Anxi scored a goal, Andrew Bogut picked up the basketball on the floor, slapped it hard twice, and then quickly sent the backcourt ball.

It's still Stephen Curry with the ball, but the focus of the Warriors' offense is not on Curry's side.

At a 45-degree angle on the left, Klay Thompson came around from the bottom corner, and Andre Iguodala also rushed over. past.

Stephen Curry's pass was timely, and Klay Thompson made a one-step catch-and-shoot jumper from beyond the top of the arc.

Anxi also caught up at this time. With a big stride, he stepped hard and jumped like a rocket. When Klay Thompson jumped to the highest point, Anxi also reached the highest point.

Stretching out his long arms, he pressed his big hand accurately on the basketball.

The basketball didn't fly out after the block, and Anxi exerted force in the block, directly pressing Klay Thompson to the floor!

There was a burst of exclamation from the sidelines, Anxi had already caught the basketball!

"Catch it! The 76ers' chance!" Chris Webber yelled, and Wachovia erupted into thunderous applause and cheers!

Then, the cheers became louder and louder, and Anxi had already rushed forward with the ball!

Because Anxi and Klay Thompson fought at the top of the arc, after Anxi finished catching the risk, none of the Warriors returned to defense, only Andre Iguodala ran wildly behind Anxi.

Rushing to the frontcourt, Anxi dribbled the ball twice, then made a layup easily, and scored another 2 points. Iguodala's pursuit and defense became useless.

He picked up the basketball and served it directly from the backcourt.

The Warriors' offense is very fast, but once they get up, there will be a lot of mistakes. Stephen Curry quickly wanted to make a cross screen in the frontcourt. McAway seized the opportunity, stretched out his hand, and it was a steal!

The fans are used to it. When McAway made his debut, they would exclaim and cheer every time he made a steal.

Now it's all about cheering...

Cheers echoed in the Wachovia Arena. After the steal, McAway rushed forward with the ball and made another fast break.

8:2, after the opening 2:2 tie, the 76ers directly beat the Warriors 6:0.

Mark Jackson stood on the sidelines and yelled, the game had just begun, and he didn't need to call a timeout yet.

Anxi's block and McAway's steal helped the 76ers establish an advantage, and the Warriors quickly got out of the downturn. Stephen Curry caught the ball and made a three-pointer after covering the outside line.

5:8, the 76ers' offense.

The outside line became Anxi to take the ball, and the players defending Anxi also changed, and Andre Iguodala directly switched over.

Iguodala is a veteran of Philadelphia. When he didn't leave the 76ers, he was considered the future of the 76ers. However, after waiting for Iguodala for a few years, Philadelphia fans felt disappointed.

Iguodala has shown a good second-in-charge quality, so he is not the savior that Philadelphia fans are looking forward to. Therefore, after Josh Harris bought the 76ers, he sent Iguodala away through a deal.

Last season, Iguodala played a perfect supporting role in the Nuggets, helping the Nuggets achieve the third outstanding record in the Western Conference. This season, when he moved to the Warriors, his role has not changed. He is still an assistant to the star. .

Assisting passing, assisting defense, Iguodala should be regarded as a top assist.

Defending Anxi, Iguodala showed his rich experience, one step away from Anxi, reaching out to interfere with Anxi's ball.

On the one hand, it left enough distance to prevent Anxi from breaking through, and on the other hand, it also made Anxi's holding the ball uncomfortable.

Anxi beckoned to the inside, and Thaddeus Young circled out again. Anxi dribbled the ball and accelerated to go around Thaddeus Young, but this time it was Iguodala's defense, as early as Anxi called for cover At that time, Iguodala was ready. When Thaddeus Young blocked it, Iguodala took a step directly towards the inside line, and then blocked Anxi!

With a bang, Anxi, who accelerated towards the inside line, directly collided with Iguodala. Godala's interference continued to push Iguodala towards the inside. In the confrontation of strength, Iguodala suffered a disadvantage, so Anxi slowly reached the basket.

With Iguodala's defense on his back, Anxi jumped under the basket, roared hysterically, and forcibly sent the basketball to the basket.

Iguodala once again had the upper hand in the physical confrontation. He was pushed a step by Anxi's force. Seeing that there was no way to interfere with Anxi's layup, he could only give Anxi a hand.

However, Anxi in the air still relied on his jumping and wingspan, and with a clang, he poured the basketball into the basket!

The referee's reaction was also very quick, with a beep, both hands pointed at Andre Iguodala, foul!

"Beautiful! An Xiqiang hit Andre Iguodala! It also caused a foul by Andre Iguodala!"

After the dunk, Anxi couldn't bear the inertia and fell heavily on the floor. Fortunately, he landed on his back, so there was no big problem. Anxi lay on the floor and gave Iguodala a cold look.

Iguodala reacted immediately, stretched out his hand to pull Anxi, and said sorry: "Sorry, Ann."

Anxi also stretched out her hand, stood up with Iguodala, didn't say anything, walked to the free throw line under the referee's signal, and bumped Iguodala's shoulder on the way. Obviously, now Anxi has been angered.

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