Super Role Player

Chapter 85 Birds

Anxi stood on the sidelines and moved his hands and feet.

With a beep, the referee blew his whistle. Anxi grabbed the first basketball in the bottom corner and threw it out.

Having participated in a three-point contest, Anxi knew that it was still difficult to shoot 25 three-pointers in one minute, so he tried to speed up his speed.

After the first ball was thrown, I didn't have time to look at it, so I grabbed the second ball directly. There was a swish sound from the basket, which told Anxi that the previous ball had been scored.

The second goal went in with a bang!

There was a burst of cheers at the scene. Anxi's progress was very fast. After the cheers, the third and fourth balls were also thrown out one after another.

However, these two goals were a little too urgent, and they missed two goals one after another.

Anxi stabilized the last flower ball, slowed down his shot, and then with a swish sound, he hit it accurately.

There was another cheer from the sidelines.

Then, at the second point, Anxi performed the same as the first point. The first two balls were all hit, and the last two orange balls missed. However, Anxi also missed the last flower ball.

Therefore, after the first two points, Anxi's total score was only 6 points, which looked very bleak.

But then, the three-point contest came to the most critical ball point.

At the top of the arc, the flower ball point set up by Anxi, all five basketballs are flower balls.

This position is very critical. How the Anxi preliminaries perform will basically determine this position.

On the court, Anxi had already grabbed the first flower ball, jumped up, and threw it out.

With a swish sound, a burst of white net flowers turned up...

Then the next second, another flower ball drilled in.

Then came the third one, which was also drilled in!

Three hits in a row! The New Orleans Arena is already in a state of excitement. If calculated by points, Anxi has scored 6 points in a row.

For the last two bouquets, Anxi still didn't relax at all.



After two clear shots, Huaqiu scored all five goals in Anxi! After three shooting points, Anxi's score has reached 16 points!

Then, Anxi maintained his touch in the last two shooting points, and scored a total of 10 points from the last two shooting points.

The final score of 26 points was still a high score that many people could not imagine.

Marco Belinelli, who played next, can prove this. Marco Belinelli placed the ball point at 45 degrees on the right side. In other words, after shooting the shooting point in the bottom corner, he then It’s just flower ball point.

Belinelli's first shooting point was pretty good, scoring three orange balls and a flower ball, and scored 5 points.

But then, Belinelli made a mistake on the ball point. At the beginning, he hit two shots in a row. Then he slowly adjusted and hit two shots. The last ball hit again. After the ball point, Belinelli Only scored 4 points.

In the last three shooting points, Belinelli scored a total of 12 points, and the final total score was 21 points, 5 points less than Anxi.

The third player to appear was Joe Johnson. The King of Eagles is already old. His performance in the three-point contest was mediocre. He missed all five shooting points. Joe Johnson's total score was only 16 points. There were only 3 spots in the finals. Joe Johnson Johnson's score basically declared the game over for him.

The same goes for Bradley Beal, who played the fourth time. His performance was mediocre and he didn't score any free throws. After five shooting points, he only scored 14 points, which was lower than Joe Johnson. In this way, Bradley Beal Delibere was already out early.

The fifth player to appear was Kelly Irving. Irving also performed very well. He made consecutive hits at the first shooting point and missed none of the five goals. However, he performed poorly at the flower ball point and only scored one goal. Therefore, the last shot was Points also missed one after another, so in the end Kelly Irving's score was only 20 points, but this score made Joe Johnson out early.

Because compared to now, the top three have become Anxi with 26 points, Marco Belinelli with 21 points and Kelly Irving with 20 points.

Joe Johnson, who was sitting next to Anxi, felt helpless and lamented the strength of young people.

Among the top three, Anxi and Irving were both drafted in 2011 and are juniors. Marco Belinelli entered the NBA in the 2007 draft. He is a little older. Not counting him, he is indeed a young man who won three games. The meaning of the competition.

However, at this time, on the bench, the Warriors brothers and Damian Lillard have not yet appeared, and the results of the preliminaries of the three-point contest have not yet been released. Everything is still possible, but Anxi, who is currently ranked first, is not too worried. , his 26 points were already considered high scores in previous years. They may be a little lower this year, but they are still a rare high score. After all, the three-point contest increases the score of each ball, not the number of balls. .

Damian Lillard came on the scene and he was extremely arrogant.

In recent years, there have been many talented point guards in the league, and Damian Lillard is one of them. Like Russell Westbrook and Stephen Curry, they always behave very arrogantly, but this kind of character is very They are lovable. On the one hand, their arrogant character makes them competitive. On the other hand, fans like to watch the showdown where they cannot give in to each other.

Behind the arrogance, there is also a certain strength to support it.

Damian Lillard stepped onto the court and then, after the buzzer sounded, began his three-point shot.

Hit three consecutive shots from the first shooting point, missed one shot, and then hit the ball again, scoring 5 points;

The second shooting point was the flower ball point set by Lillard. At this position, Damian Lillard continued his strong performance, hitting 3 of 5 flower balls and scoring 6 points again;

At the third shooting point, Lillard's touch began to decline, and he only hit two orange balls at the top of the arc. After three shooting points, Lillard scored 13 points;

In the last two shooting points, Lillard adjusted his touch again. He hit all the last two shooting points and scored 12 points.

Finally, after five shooting points, Damian Lillard scored 25 points, only 1 point less than Anxi!

Then, Stephen Curry came on the stage.

Curry was still shaking his head. Seeing Curry's look, Anxi couldn't help laughing.

But after playing, Stephen Curry immediately became serious.

Anxi on the sidelines also looked seriously at the center of the court. He wanted to see how much better Curry's three-pointers were than his own.


A whistle sounded on the sidelines, and Stephen Curry quickly grabbed the first basketball and shot it.


The first ball was a solid hit.

After making the first shot, Stephen Curry immediately turned sideways, grabbed the second ball, and then shot again in exactly the same manner as the first shot.

Still a swish sound.

The second ball still hit.

The third ball...shua...

The fourth ball...shua...

The fifth ball...shua...

all hit!

Stephen Curry's performance is shocking!

Then came the flower ball point. After Curry got the running position, he did not grab the ball immediately. Instead, he observed the basket, then seriously grabbed the basketball, and in a very standard posture, he took the first flower ball. Voted out.

The arc of basketball is perfect and the speed is not too slow.

Finally, with a swish sound, the flower ball went straight into the basket.

Then, the second flower ball made another swish sound and came in!

It wasn't until the last flower ball that it missed the basket with a bang.

There was an exclamation from the sidelines first, and then there was a flood of screams and cheers.

In the first 10 shots, Stephen Curry made 9 of 10 shots! Got 14 points!

The New Orleans Arena exploded, and everyone stood up, including Anxi.

Next, Curry also continued his fiery touch, hitting four of five shots on the third shooting point. He missed the final flower ball and scored another 4 points.

Then, in the last two shooting points, Stephen Curry scored another 10 points, with a total score of 28 points. He was only 1 point away from his own record. His score of 28 points also surpassed Anxi and became the first in the preliminaries. First, Marco Belinelli, who was third in the preliminaries, was squeezed out.

Belinelli on the sidelines was not depressed because of losing the game. Instead, he looked at Curry jumping on the court and uttered a series of exclamations: "You beast, you are such a beast!"

In the end, Klay Thompson has not yet appeared. At this time, the top three in the preliminaries are Stephen Curry who scored 28 points, Anxi who scored 26 points, and Damian Lillard who scored 25 points. This ranking means that, Anxi and Stephen Curry entered the finals ahead of schedule. It seems that this three-point contest is indeed the strongest three-point contest in history. (To be continued.)

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