Super Role Player

Chapter 97 Got it


After ending the back-to-back series, the 76ers returned to Philadelphia to take a break.

Anxi also took advantage of this time to meet with Nike's top executives.

Anxi's sneaker contract was about to expire, and Li Ning was the first to come over, followed by Under Armor. Li Ning had a 10-year contract with a higher price, while Under Armor had a five-year contract with twice the price, so Anxi has never made a decision.

Now, Nike, the boss of the NBA sneaker industry, couldn't help it anymore and sent Dong Wei, vice president of Nike China, to negotiate a new sneaker contract with Anxi with full sincerity.

Dong Wei sounds like a male name, but she is actually a strong woman.

I made a call in the morning to meet with Anxi and arrived in Philadelphia in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of Ivo Clark, they went directly to the door.

Then, Anxi saw this strong woman. A thin strong woman who looked to be in her thirties, wearing a yellow coat, sat in front of Anxi.

They are both Chinese, one is a big star in the NBA, and the other is a regional executive at Nike. When the two met, they naturally talked about some things about their hometown.

Dong Wei's hometown is in eastern Guangdong, and Anxi's memories are almost always the capital, so nothing came out of the conversation after a round of chatting.

After thinking about it, Dong Wei said directly: "Xiao An, I won't talk in circles anymore. You are also an old player who has been in the NBA for two or three years. You should also understand the matter of sneakers. I am here to accept the boss's advice." The company has entrusted me to talk to you about the sneaker contract."

Anxi nodded and looked at Dong Wei.

"I won't go into details about our advantages at Nike. Let me just say one thing. Nike is the leader in the basketball sneaker industry. Neither Adidas nor Under Armor has the capital to compare with us, especially in terms of technology. Nike's basketball shoes are top-notch, and Nike's air-cushioned shoes are the strongest in the entire industry..."

Anxi listened to Dong Wei's introduction and nodded inwardly. Technically speaking, Nike does have an advantage, but Adidas also has the technical advantage of ultra-lightweight, so Anxi also feels that Nike's technical advantage is not as great as they imagined. It all depends on the specific contract terms.

Therefore, after introducing Nike's advantages, Dong Wei began to talk specifically about the conditions Nike was willing to offer.

"What do you think about the contract?"

Dong Wei asked Anxi's opinion. Anxi was not a fool. On the contrary, he was also a good person.

Dong Wei asked this question, which means that Nike has many plans for Anxi, so Anxi was not polite and put forward all his requirements: "First, I hope the life span will be shorter."

Dong Wei nodded.

"Secondly, there must be no missing conditions that match my current worth."

The second article Anxi talks about is relatively broad, but to sum it up, it is - customized sneakers, personal logos, etc. are indispensable.

“Finally, in terms of amount, I hope it’s at least the market price.”

Anxi guessed that Nike's offer might not be too high, or even higher than Under Armor. After all, Nike is the leader in the industry and does not need to pay high prices to poach star players.

Dong Wei nodded again. After listening to all Anxi's requests, he wrote and drew on a piece of paper and handed it to Anxi.

What was written on the paper was the contract price Nike was willing to give, a six-year contract with an average annual price of US$20 million.

Seeing this, Anxi felt a little excited.

This offer is the same as Under Armor's, with one more year. However, considering Nike's technical advantages, this extra year is not unbearable.

Looking at the standard conditions for players such as customized sneakers and personal logos, Nike also agrees to provide them.

Therefore, in Anxi's heart, Nike's offer has climbed to the first place.

First Nike, second Li Ning, third Under Armor.

However, Anxi did not agree directly.

He tilted his head and pretended to think for a while, and then said: "Ms. Dong, this contract is very generous, but compared with the quotations of other sneaker brands, the advantage is not big, so I want to consider it for a few days."

Dong Wei nodded to express his understanding, then stopped mentioning the sneaker contract and continued talking about domestic matters.

During the chat, Nike’s marketing advantages are always mentioned intentionally or unintentionally.

Indeed, compared to Adidas, Nike's technical advantage is not as great as imagined, but its marketing advantage is not small.

After chatting for a while, Dong Wei left. After leaving, Ivo Clark said something that made Anxi feel very reasonable.

"An, Nike's marketing advantage is not that important. You are Chinese, and you will have a vast market without Nike, so next time we talk, ignore the impact of marketing."

What Ivo Clark said makes sense. Marketing and marketing are Anxi's natural advantages. Thinking of this, Anxi suddenly felt that since he had such a big advantage, why not just create a brand of sneakers by himself?

With this idea in mind, Anxi immediately raised it: "Ivo, what do you think about me creating a sneaker brand myself?"

"Create it yourself?" Ivo Clark hesitated and didn't dare to answer. Creating a brand by yourself involves too many things, and Ivo Clark didn't dare to say anything more.

Abby happened to be there too. Anxi looked at Abby and asked her opinion.

"I think it's okay. There are many benefits to creating a brand by yourself, but the biggest question is, where does the technology for sneakers come from?"

Although Anxi does not have mature ideas about sneaker technology, he still has general ideas.

"Technology can be acquired. There should be a lot of small brands in the United States, right? You can definitely acquire one. As long as you have the technology, Ivo, that's it. I want to create my own sneaker brand. You can help me find a professional manager." , specially take care of this matter, and also find a team to design the logo of the personal brand first..."

"Where's the name? The name of the brand?"

"The name of the brand should be simple, just call it 'An'."

"Okay, no problem, I will do it as soon as possible."

Just do what comes to mind, Anxi arranged the things in one go, Ivo Clark nodded continuously, it was time for him to get busy again.

Anxi took advantage of the rest and stayed at home for two days while the plan to create humans continued.

Then, when Anxi was about to embark on a road trip to the Western Conference, there was an exclamation from the bathroom.

Anxi was startled. After rushing in, she only saw Abby slowly holding up a pregnancy test stick. The pregnancy test stick showed two red lines, that is, two bars.

Anxi guessed something, but wasn't sure.

"What do the two red lines mean?"

Abby blushed and looked at Anxi: "Yes."

Anxi looked surprised, then hugged Abby and cheered loudly. (To be continued.)

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