Super Role Player

Chapter 61 Selected for the Rookie Competition

The league announced the All-Star Game bench lineup and the rookie game selection list early. In the West’s bench list, the Spurs were still selected. Tony Parker was selected for the bench list, and Tim Duncan was eventually lost, because the Spurs were also selected last season. The league is first, so this season's All-Star game will be coached by Scott Brooks, who is second in the West.

As for the rookie game, the league also sent invitations to the Spurs. Both Anxi and Kawhi Leonard were selected for the rookie game. However, Lin Crazy, who has been hot lately, was not selected for the rookie game, so the league announced at the last minute that Jeremy Lin and the Heat would be added. Norris Cole entered the rookie game, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this supplement is obviously aimed at Jeremy Lin alone. It is impossible for the league to prevent such a hot Lin Crazy from participating in the All-Star Rookie Game, and Norris Cole is obviously a companion.

Anxi was selected for the rookie game, but the Spurs' record was not stable during this period. Because of frequent rotations, the Spurs lost 2 more games during the period of Lin Crazy. The current record is 28 wins and 5 losses, ranking first in the league First, both the Thunder and the Heat have a record of 26 wins and 7 losses, tied for second in the league. The Bulls have a record of 26 wins and 8 losses, ranking third in the league. Halfway through the season, the league's championship situation has gradually become clear.

The Bulls and Heat in the East have shown their strength to compete for the championship, while the Thunder and Spurs are in the West. The Lakers, who were originally predicted at the beginning of the season, struggled because of Phil Jackson's departure, and the upstart Clippers did not show their strength. The expected strength, but the Spurs, who were not optimistic before the season, broke out all the way and became the biggest favorite to win the championship. In this way, the only teams in the league that are still in contention are the Spurs, Thunder, Heat and Bulls.

On February 24th, Anxi flew to Orlando, and Tony Parker went with Anxi. In this All-Star Game, Parker will participate in the All-Star Game and the Skills Challenge. Like Anxi, Parker will also participate in two competitions . In addition to Parker, Boris Diaw, Manu Ginobili and Matt Bonner also went to Orlando together. They went to play. The All-Star Weekend is a major event in the NBA. Naturally, many NBA players watched the fun.

Kawhi Leonard didn't go with them. It wasn't until Anxi and the others arrived in Orlando that they got the news that Kawhi Leonard was injured...

If you don’t get hurt sooner or later, but you got hurt at this time, Anxi and the others guessed the reason. The Spurs have only three players participating in the All-Star Game. Anxi and Parker are both here, and Kawhi Leonard is injured. Think about it carefully. The two games in Anxi are related to his income, 500,000 in the three-point contest and 500,000 in the rookie game. This is an income of 1 million US dollars, and Popovich naturally cannot stop it.

The same is true for Tony Parker. Although Parker only has income from the main game, the total income is much more than that of Anxi. It is also the reward income from the sneaker contract, and the income from several endorsements in France, which add up to over 10 million. possible.

Arriving in Orlando, led by several veterans in the team, Anxi didn't have to worry about having nowhere to go.

Someone picked them up as soon as they got off the plane. Magic forward Hidotkoglu sent a seven-seater MPV to pick up everyone.

Why did Turkoglu send a car to pick Anxi and the others? In fact, it will go back seven or eight years. Hidotkoglu once played for the Spurs for one year. In that year, Turkoglu completed his transformation in the Spurs. After one season, he won a big contract with the Magic, so , And because of this, Turkoglu has always had a good relationship with several of his old teammates. The Spurs players who came back this time, Tony Parker, Manu and Bonner, all maintain a good relationship with Turkoglu.

When he came to Turkoglu's territory this time, he naturally wanted to entertain him.

The seven-seater MPV took Anxi and his party to a bar in downtown Orlando. Hido Turkoglu was waiting in the lobby. When Anxi and the others arrived, Turkoglu greeted them.

"Manu, Tony, you are here, come on, I have a private room upstairs."

Several people smiled and greeted a few words,

Anxi followed the big team into the private room upstairs. There were already several people in the private room. Anxi looked around and found that it was a few Magic players.

Ryan Anderson, Jason Richardson, and the big baby Glenn Davis, so there was another round of greetings and greetings. Anxi was more difficult. He was just a newcomer, and no one paid attention to him. Although he was mentioned in the greetings, he was almost Personally, he only cared about talking about himself, and after talking for a while, he put Anxi aside.

Jason Richardson from the Magic also tried to persuade Anxi to drink, but was pushed back by Tony Parker. Tomorrow, Anxi has a rookie game and cannot drink.

So Anxi hid in a corner drinking juice alone, listening to a group of people bragging about some recent affairs in the league, what old fisher Fisher stole Matt Barnes's wife again, Matt Barnes Don't know yet, wait.

Just as boring as Anxi is Ryan Anderson from the Magic. He is not a rookie, but because of his young age, he can't get along with a few veterans, and he has no interest in the so-called Fisher stealing people, but Anxi It made him a little interested, because Ryan Anderson will also participate in the three-point contest the day after tomorrow, so Anxi is his opponent.

"Ann, I heard that you will also participate in the three-point contest the day after tomorrow?"

Anxi was still listening to Tony Parker and the others chatting with great interest, but when she heard someone talking to her, she immediately turned her head and looked over.

"Yes, I heard that you also participated? Ryan." Seeing that it was Ryan Anderson, Anxi understood that this guy also participated in the three-point contest if he remembered correctly.

"That's right, my goal is the three-point champion, how about you?" Ryan Anderson smiled.

When Anxi heard Ryan Anderson's words, she couldn't help curling her lips inwardly, thinking: Who's goal is not the three-point king...

But he still said very modestly: "I just want to participate, I don't think about three-pointers or anything."

Unexpectedly, Ryan Anderson nodded: "Yes, you are still a rookie. This kind of competition is still a bit big for you. If you are not sure, you will play abnormally. Of course, even if you play normally, there is no chance. Unlike me , this time I am determined to win the championship, no one can stop me, you are still young, you don't understand these..."

Anxi was stunned. He looked at Ryan Anderson with a silly look. He didn't expect that just a humble word could attract Ryan Anderson's self-promotion, and this self-promotion couldn't stop, Ryan Anderson I have been bragging about how good I am, why I have been preparing for this three-point contest for 3 years, and I will definitely slap many people in the face this season.

Hearing this, Anxi was at a loss for words, he wondered if this person was already drunk?

When Ryan Anderson finished his self-indulgence, Anxi stopped paying attention to the Magic power forward who felt good about himself, and drank juice by himself.

The bar party ended soon. The Magic's Jason Richardson was already drunk, but the Spurs were very restrained, at most a little drunk. Obviously, the Spurs' team culture defeated the bar culture.

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