Super Role Player

Chapter 29 3 points versus 3 points

"Stephen, Klay, we need the team to play more intense firepower now, don't suppress yourself anymore, attack as much as you like! Try as much as you like!" Steve Kerr also means a bit of a chicken soup coach, but compared to ordinary The chicken soup coach, Steve Kerr still has something in his stomach. At least the Warriors' current offense cannot be produced without relying on his tactics and his chicken soup.

Soon, the timeout ended. Stephen Curry gritted his teeth and glanced at Anxi, who had scored 11 points in a row and was red-eyed.

At this moment, Stephen Curry is also full of fighting spirit.

The Warriors this season are a bit like the Kings back then. It’s not that the Warriors’ tactics are like those of the gorgeous Princeton Kings, but that the Warriors’ playing style is very similar. One word runs through it all – wave! A warrior is not the strongest warrior when he plays calmly. On the contrary, a warrior who flies in waves is the real strongest warrior.

Because of Yue Lang, several young players of the Warriors can express their personalities.

So, after a wave of paused adjustments, the Warriors began to release themselves and start to wave.

Stephen Curry controlled the ball to the frontcourt, and Draymond Green came over to set a pick-and-roll screen. Curry took a step laterally, dodged the defense, and immediately jumped up, suddenly shooting a three-pointer.

As soon as the ball was released, the crowd was filled with exclamations of surprise.

Because the ball was shot so sloppily, it looked like it was about to be struck.

Sure enough, just after returning from the timeout, Curry's hands were not yet warm. If he forced a three-pointer like this, his hit rate would definitely not be too high.

Only a bang was heard, the ball was struck.

The basketball bounced high, and Andrew Bogut reacted quickly to tackle Nerlens Noel and grab the rebound.

He turned around and threw the basketball directly to the outside. At this time, Curry had already turned around and was ready to defend. When he turned around and caught the basketball, he was already one step away from the three-point line.

In this position, Stephen Curry hit another three-pointer without any adjustment. This time it was a big three-pointer one step away from the three-point line!

The fans on the sidelines opened their mouths. This three-pointer was too far. One step away from the three-point line, Stephen Curry actually shot it without any scruples!

Judging from the flight trajectory of the basketball, it is really possible that the ball will go in.

If you let Director Zhang explain this game,

The moment he takes a three-point shot, he will definitely shout: "Hey, you dare to shoot this!"

Then before the ball goes in, he shouts again, "Oh, it actually happened!"

The next second, there was a swish sound!

The crisp sound of the net wiping sounded, and the three-pointer got into the basket accurately!

"Wow! A big three-pointer! Stephen Curry fired!" Kenny Smith applauded Stephen Curry's three-pointer impartially. This season, the Warriors are also one of the most popular teams in the NBA. Kenny Smith has watched many Warriors games and has a certain understanding of Stephen Curry's playing style.

When he saw Stephen Curry hit this big three-pointer, Kenny Smith knew that this game was going to be exciting!

"Big three-pointer! Stephen Curry is about to explode. The Stephen Curry who shoots three-pointers is the real Stephen Curry! Now, we can announce that the real Stephen Curry is here! The game is going to become exciting! "

On the court, Stephen Curry chewed his braces and shook his head in celebration.

Anxi shook his head and laughed. He narrowed his eyes. Many people may not know yet. In terms of three-pointers alone, Anxi is not inferior to Stephen Curry, and is even slightly better!

Anxi slowly controlled the ball from the backcourt. Countless fans on the sidelines were still in the excitement of Stephen Curry's super long three-pointer. They were still standing and cheering for Stephen Curry.

At this time, Anxi's slow control of the ball was magnificently ignored by the group of Warriors fans on the sidelines.

The Warriors didn't pay much attention. Klay Thompson, who was guarding Anxi, even high-fived Stephen Curry who was returning to defense. Only when Anxi controlled the ball three steps away from the three-point line did Klay Thompson turn his attention to Anxi.

Anxi, who was in possession of the ball, took another step. Two steps away from the three-point line, he suddenly stopped.

Klay Thompson was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, the next second, he saw Anxi suddenly pull up and took action!

"How can it be?!"

"No way?!"

Everyone was stunned. No one could have imagined that Anxi would take action directly!

This is two steps away from the three-point line! If Stephen Curry's three-pointer is a large three-pointer, then Anxi's three-pointer is an extra-large three-pointer!

Klay Thompson couldn't react at all. After all, it was the first time he had seen a three-pointer two steps away from the three-point line. Even Stephen Curry, who was very arrogant outside the three-point line, only had a few shots. This is the first time he shot a three-pointer from a big step outside the three-point line. Not even Stephen Curry has ever shot from such a distance!

"It's such a long distance, surely you won't be able to get in, right?"

This is the same thought among countless Warriors players and Warriors fans.

But the next second...


The crisp sound of net wiping suddenly sounded, and the entire Oracle Arena was shocked!

In! He actually got in!

Kenny Smith was confused for a long time, and Charles Barkley on the side kept reminding him: "Hey, buddy, there is no need for this, right? I remember Anxi made such a huge three-pointer in the playoffs last year!"

Kenny Smith murmured: "No, this is different, Charles, do you know what contrast is?"


"When Stephen Curry hits a big three-pointer one step away from the three-point line, and the Oracle Arena cheers wildly, you will think, Stephen Curry is too strong! But in the next round, Anxi still That kind of shock when I hit an extra-large three-pointer from a distance..."

Charles Barkley quickly understood that this was a kind of shock after contrast. Just like the expressions and reactions of Warriors fans in Oracle Arena at this time, everyone was shocked.

As Anxi celebrated on the court, Stephen Curry clenched his fists. In the next round, when the Warriors attacked, Stephen Curry moved laterally behind a screen and shot a three-pointer directly.

With a swish sound, come in again!

After two consecutive three-pointers, Stephen Curry broke out!

Stephen Curry had just scored a goal here, and Anxi controlled the ball to the frontcourt. This time Klay Thompson was on guard, but Anxi still took a step forward, completely ignoring Klay Thompson's defense, and hit another three-pointer. Come out!

Anxi's face showed his determination, and the three-pointer was scored very resolutely!


There was a crisp sound of the net being wiped, and another three points!

The fans at the scene were already going crazy. The three-point contest between Anxi and Stephen Curry suddenly started!

The next moment, Anxi continued to shoot three-pointers. This season, Anxi made very few three-pointers. This was the first time he shot so many three-pointers in this game. Everyone was inexplicably shocked.

This season, everyone is talking about how strong the Warriors' three-pointers are and how strong Stephen Curry's three-pointers are. But for Anxi, the more impression is that Anxi is a kaleidoscope on the offensive end. He has a variety of offensive methods. No one thought that Anxi's three-pointers would be so strong!

He actually had a three-pointer against Stephen Curry and even had a slight advantage!

powerful! too strong!

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