Super Role Player

Chapter 32 What smart people do

"Did you know that if you are suspended for more than 12 games, you can appeal to the league."

"Appeal? How many appeals can be reduced?"

"At least it can be reduced to less than 12 games."

Anxi immediately calculated and appealed, and the suspension of 5 games could be reduced, which was still a good deal.

At this time, Kobe Bryant on the other end of the phone continued: "But I suggest you not to appeal now. After this storm is over, no one will discuss the Oracle brawl incident, and then you can appeal again."

Anxi nodded, understanding.

Kobe Bryant on the other end of the phone was about to hang up.

At this time, Anxi smiled and said, "Bryant, why are you helping me?"

"What?" Kobe Bryant on the other end of the phone didn't seem to hear clearly.

Anxi repeated: "I said, why are you helping me? You don't look like a warm-hearted person."

"I watched your game. You played very well this season, averaging 33.6 points, 4.6 rebounds, 10.2 assists, 3.0 steals and 1.4 blocks per game. This data is very strong. You will have a great season. I don't want to see it. You ruined this season because of your suspension." Kobe paused, then lowered his voice slightly mysteriously: "And I think Mr. Adam Silver doesn't want to see you ruin this season because of your suspension."

Anxi feels that what Kobe Bryant said is right. Even Adam Silver will not be willing to see Anxi ruin this great season due to suspension. Therefore, Anxi firmly believes that Adam Silver will reduce the number of suspended games, but the shortened time Certainly not now.

Ivo Clark also called Anxi. As Anxi's agent, when his employer caused an incident with such a huge impact, Ivo Clark had to calm down the impact as soon as possible.

"An, what do you think now?" Ivo Clark didn't put forward many constructive suggestions, but Anxi has thought a lot and already has a plan in mind.

"Ivo, I already know what to do. Now help me make arrangements. In the next few rest days, I will go to the community to participate in service work. Also, do you have any friends in the media industry?"

When Ivo Clark heard Anxi's arrangement, he immediately understood what Anxi was thinking. He nodded: "Yes,

I have a good relationship with several local reporters in Philadelphia, as well as national reporters, including Yahoo’s Adrian Wojnarowski and Bleacher Report’s Kevin Ding. "

"Okay, don't bother your national reporters. Just ask them to help write a report. As for the local reporters in Philadelphia... you can arrange an exclusive interview for me about this fight. .”

Anxi quickly arranged everything, and then he was going to log in to his social networking account and send an apology statement.

Anxi's thinking is very clear. What he has to do now is to seriously admit his mistakes, not only in words, but also in actions.

In short, Anxi should try its best to establish an image, an honest and positive image.

But Draymond Green didn't think so. He was quite unconvinced by the league's punishment. Although he used malicious kicks, Anxi was the one who struck first. Why should his punishment be higher than the punishment? Anxi heavy?

Therefore, the unconvinced Draymond Green began to vent his grievances. He threw basketballs in the training hall. After the training, he used his Twitter account to express a lot of dissatisfaction with the league's punishment. He didn't dare to use the big size, obviously still afraid of additional penalties from the league.

However, in terms of action, Draymond Green still filed a complaint with the league through his agent BJ Armstrong.

BJ Armstrong is a very tough agent. When he faces the management of major teams in the league, he always behaves very tough. Now, he has to directly face the top management of the league. It is unimaginable. Yes, this Bulls three-time champion is still so tough.

He strongly stated that the league's handling of Draymond Green's 20-game suspension was too hasty. In any case, Anxi was the first to take action in the fight, and Draymond Green was the victim in the fight.

But obviously, when the punishment was just decided, BJ Armstrong made such remarks, which was a provocation to the authority of the league. Therefore, the league immediately announced that it would reject the complaints of BJ Armstrong and Draymond Green...

BJ Armstrong was still unconvinced and continued to appeal. He believed that the league's suspension penalty exceeded 12 games and had violated Draymond Green's personal rights.

This time, the league did not directly reject the complaints of BJ Armstrong and Draymond Green, because this time the complaints of BJ Armstrong and Draymond Green were in line with their rights and they could not directly reject them. However, the league did not directly respond. Instead, He used the procrastination technique, procrastinating and not giving any reply to Draymond Green.

Compared with the hard steel approach of BJ Armstrong and Draymond Green, Anxi and Ivo Clark's handling was much smarter. They began to show Draymond Green the approach of smart people.

Ten days later, Anxi appeared in an orphanage in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

"Hello, Mr. Anxi, thank you for coming!" The person in charge of the welfare home was a lean white man with glasses and gray hair. He shook hands with Anxi and then walked towards the welfare home facing Anxi.

The sports atmosphere in the United States is very strong. Even in orphanages, there are sports fields of various sizes, including basketball courts, football fields, and rugby fields.

There are many local basketball fans in Philadelphia, especially young fans, who have the largest number. The 76ers' championship last year suddenly cultivated many young fans born in the 2000s and even the 2005s.

These little fans are die-hard fans of Anxi. When Anxi showed up at the welfare home, more than 30 little fans of different sizes made loud noises. The immature children's voices combined into a wave of cheers. Anxi also waved his hands excitedly.

Admittedly, he came with a purpose in this community service activity at first, but after actually coming, Anxi was still very happy. He saw a group of innocent and cute little fans in the welfare home in Philadelphia.

As Anxi walked closer, the young fans gathered around him.

A short, fair-looking young fan with glasses and blond hair handed Anxi a poster and said in a bored voice: "Anxi, can you give me an autograph?"

This little blond fan looked like the smallest fan in the orphanage. The other little fans actually made way for this little blond fan lovingly and waited obediently beside him without disturbing this little blond fan.

Anxi smiled and said, "No problem."

Then, he asked: "What's your name?"

"Clarence Clare." The little blond fan continued to say in a bored voice.

At this time, Anxi began to sign his name on the poster, but at first he wrote - ":"

Obviously, this will be a very different signature from others.

Anxi continued to ask: "Do you like basketball very much?"

"Yes!" Clarence Clare nodded sharply.

"So what kind of player do you want to be?"

"A shooter, just like you did in the last game, take a three-pointer two steps away from the three-point line!" At the end of the sentence, Clarence Clare actually waved his little fleshy hand, looking very excited.

The child fell into his expectations for the future again, and Anxi smiled and continued to write on the poster: "I wish you become a great shooter and dominate the NBA!"

Finally, Anxi signed his name, "Anxi"!

Clarence Clare happily took this special poster, then held it carefully in his hand and walked aside, leaving the place for his little brothers who had been waiting behind him.

A week later, a high school student named Clarence Clare emerged. He wore sports glasses and dominated Pennsylvania with absolutely accurate three-pointers. He could even shoot two or three steps away from the three-point line. Although he is thin, he can make all long-range shots if the opponent does not guard him from half court. This scene shocked many NBA scouts.

They even began to urge the league to allow Clarence Clare to participate in the NBA draft early.

Of course, that was ten years later. Now, Anxi is still at the welfare home in suburban Philadelphia, signing autographs and taking photos for every young fan.

After finishing all this, the person in charge of the welfare home handed Anxi a microphone. Anxi cleared his throat and began to speak: "I'm very happy. I'm very happy to be here to see you. You are all very cute children. I know you We are all very loyal basketball fans. Maybe in ten or twenty years, you will become an NBA star, or even a great NBA superstar. But before that, what I want to say is, If you want to become a great NBA superstar, you must do the following things well, and you must start from a young age..."

"You need to establish a good outlook on life, you need to work hard, God will reward hard work..."

Anxi found that his unscripted speech became more and more like the speech of a leader of the Celestial Dynasty. There was nothing he could do about it. He had been exposed to it since childhood and would always be affected by it.

But when he saw that the audience in the audience was a group of whites and blacks, Anxi knew that he needed to make some changes.

A reporter from a local Philadelphia TV station held a camera to record Anxi's speech. This scene will be broadcast on the Philadelphia TV station in the evening. If Anxi has the access, he can even get it to be broadcast on Turner Sports TV and ESPN TV.

This is Anxi's publicity campaign. In name, he is using this kind of community service to make up for his mistakes. In fact, he is giving the alliance a step down. He wants the alliance to know his response to this fight. How perfect the recovery was, let Adam Silver know that at the appropriate time, Anxi's number of suspended games can be reduced.

Of course, when the speech reached this moment, Anxi's original intention had changed.

He felt that since he was here, he had to do more practical things.

So, he told a little story to the group of young fans in the audience.

"When I was a child, I also liked basketball very much. My father also liked basketball very much, so he let me practice every day until I was bored."

"Later on, I became a little reluctant to practice football. This situation is very common, and maybe this will happen to you too."

"When I started to be reluctant to practice football, my dad started forcing me to practice football. But as time went by, my dad suddenly realized that I had not made any progress because I was not practicing football sincerely and with all my heart. So, after a while, no one forced me anymore..."

"My playing skills gradually declined during that period. My father didn't care about me, no one cared about me, and I even started not practicing."

"Until one day, the school held a class competition..."

At the end, Anxi summarized the core idea of ​​the story: "In short, playing basketball requires a persevering heart. We need to persist, and what we need is to persist consciously, not to be influenced by others. If If you can keep practicing, maybe success won't be far away."

After Anxi finished speaking, the audience burst into applause. Of course, the children's applause was not loud enough. Only a crackling sound was heard from the audience, and the young fans clapped their hands excitedly.

Anxi saw the little blond boy wearing glasses, the little boy named Clarence Claire. He also clapped his hands vigorously and seemed very excited.

So, Anxi continued: "For example, if you become a great shooter next, then starting from today, practice a hundred three-pointers every day, from near to far, and one day you will succeed. The premise is, You have to persevere, rain or shine.”

Anxi pointed to the open-air court in the welfare home and expressed his meaning clearly.

Clarence Claire clenched his fists, all Anxi's words were heard in his ears, and maybe he was remembered in his heart.

After speaking, Anxi began to help the young fans in the welfare home practice football under the filming of the TV station. At the end of the community service activity, Anxi brought a batch of sports supplies and basketballs, including his own Philadelphia No. 7 jersey. , and a batch of Descendants of the Dragon sneakers with specific shoe sizes were given to young fans in the welfare home.

A community service that was mostly for show ended like this.

This community service event was broadcast on a local TV station in Philadelphia and spread out. However, the initial version was only a short version of the TV station's broadcast. I don't know where the full version leaked out, so many people watched the full version of the video. , began to applaud Anxi's initiative to admit his mistakes and make up for his mistakes through his actions.

At this time, the time is ripe, and there is no need for Anxi and Ivo Clark to appeal to the league. Just before Christmas, the league announced that the suspension of more than 12 games was not in compliance with the U.S. federal law, so Anxi and Draymond Green were suspended for no more than 12 games. Will be reduced to 12 games.

At this time, Anxi has missed 6 games, and the next Christmas game will be the 7th game Anxi has missed.

Anxi thought he would definitely miss the Christmas game, but on December 24, the night of Christmas Eve, the league referee committee made another announcement overnight.

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