Super Role Player

Chapter 73 Quadathlon (Part 2)

After Klay Thompson was Marco Belinelli. Belinelli was very nervous. Klay Thompson's 29 points put too much pressure on him.

After the first four people shot, the four people scored: Kelly Irving 18 points, Redick 20 points, James Harden 22 points, Klay Thompson 29 points, the scores were higher than the last, and for Marco Belinelli In terms of performance, he obviously needs to score a higher score than Redick, and preferably more than James Harden, otherwise his chances of advancing to the finals are really slim.

Eight people compete for three finals spots. Now, Klay Thompson has almost locked in one finals spot. This means that Marco Belinelli needs to compete with the remaining two people for the remaining two spots. The difficulty is still quite high. big.

Especially, considering that there are two perverts Anxi and Stephen Curry behind him, Marco Belinelli feels even more hopeless.

Nervous, coupled with the fact that he was not optimistic about Marco Belinelli's appearance, after five three-pointers, Marco Belinelli's score was fixed at 19 points, which was actually lower than Redick. , which means he has been eliminated early.

Marco Belinelli was also a little miserable when he was eliminated just after the competition, but there was nothing he could do about it. He made a mistake in his performance, and he could only bear the final consequences.

Marco Belinelli sadly exited the game. He and Kelly Irving were eliminated first. The two brothers sat together. At this time, no one in the audience paid attention to them, because the next person to appear was Stephen Curry... …

Stephen Curry appeared on the court. He still had his iconic movements, biting his braces and looking like a delinquent student. He was joking with his teammate Klay Thompson on the sidelines.

Just this action, coupled with the on-site host's announcement, suddenly burst into deafening cheers.

After Klay Thompson, the most anticipated appearance is Stephen Curry's appearance.

Soon, Stephen Curry walked to the sidelines. He pressed his hands on both sides of the court to signal the noisy spectators to be quiet. Then, he stood at the first shooting spot in the bottom corner, ready to start the game at any time. Preliminary competition.


As soon as the courtside whistle sounded, Stephen Curry grabbed the ball and shot it quickly.

First goal, scored!

Second goal, scored!

The third goal, scored!

The cheers at the scene were wave after wave. Stephen Curry showed a super fiery competitive state. He hit three consecutive three-pointers. His state seemed to be comparable to that of Klay Thompson before.

But this is in line with everyone's expectations. The three best players in this three-point contest are Klay Thompson, Anxi who has not yet played, and the other one is Stephen Curry. Curry's performance obviously did not exceed everyone's expectations. People's expectations.

At the second shooting point, Stephen Curry had the same rhythm as the first shooting point. Amidst the cheers of the fans at the scene, the sound of "swish" was heard all the time, and it turned out to be another five-ball hit!

Just like that, after finishing the first two shooting points, his score came to a full 12 points!

The audience on the sidelines was going crazy. Klay Thompson scored 29 points, but looking at Stephen Curry's pace, the score may be even higher. This is truly the strongest All-Star Three-Point Contest in history.

Stephen Curry is also very excited. The more excited he is, the more accurate his three-pointers will be.

At the third shooting point, Stephen Curry hit four more shots in the first four shots. Just like that, Stephen Curry scored 14 goals in a row, and his personal score reached 16 points.

It’s just that the last flower ball didn’t go in.

The fourth shooting point is Stephen Curry's flower ball point.

The flower ball spot is Stephen Curry's best shooting spot. He continued to perform strongly, hitting 4 of the five flower ball shots and scoring another 8 points. In addition to the previous 16 points, Stephen Curry's score has risen to 24. separated.

When Stephen Curry still had one shooting point left to shoot, Stephen Curry had already scored 24 points. Now it is ** Redick who is smiling bitterly. He survived Marco Belinelli.

But he was eventually eliminated by Stephen Curry.

Although James Harden has not yet been eliminated, Stephen Curry's score has surpassed him, which means that James Harden needs to compete with Anxi and Kyle Korver who have not yet played for the last promotion spot.

Anxi is very strong. There is no need to question this. Even Kyle Korver may be upset. James Harden has a hunch that he will not be able to advance.

At the last shooting point, there was not enough time. Stephen Curry sped up his shot, but the accuracy was still there. He scored four of the five goals, including a flower ball. In the end, Stephen Curry also scored 29 points. Tied with Klay Thompson.

The primary school student also scored 29 points, and the scene erupted into violent cheers. Especially when the audience on the sidelines saw the primary school student pointing his finger at Klay Thompson on the bench, the cheers erupted again. It turned out to be Reached a higher level again.

Stephen Curry did not leave the game immediately because he knew that Anxi would be the next one to play.

"The next person to appear is - An! Xi!"

Anxi came on the stage waving his hands. Curry, a primary school student who had not left the field, rushed over and chest-bumped Anxi. The scene was filled with screams.

Anxi shook his head helplessly. He continued to wave and did not make any more moves. He stood directly on the edge of the three-point line, ready to start the game.

Unlike Stephen Curry's exaggerated pre-game performance before, Anxi acted very calmly, as if this game was not important at all, or in other words, as if this game was very easy for Anxi.

But some people think that this is a deeper show of pretense in Anxi. Stephen Curry put on a show by pressing his hands and gritting his teeth. When he arrived in Anxi, there was no show at all, but in fact it was just a show, a show. A silent and actionless show.

"Let's see if Anxi can achieve results comparable to those of Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry..."

Anxi stood next to the first shooting point and signaled to the referee that the game could begin.

The referee beeped and blew the whistle.

Anxi immediately started and grabbed the first ball.


There was a crisp sound of net wiping, and the first ball was accurately hit.

Then, there was another swish! The second goal came right after.

Then came the third ball, the fourth ball, and even the fifth ball...

After the first shot was made, and after five clear shots, all five goals were scored, and the whole audience cheered! Anxi also showed a fiery personal touch, and this three-point contest was exciting.

At the second shooting point, Anxi continued to adjust his shooting posture and state. The sound of swish was heard continuously, and he hit three-pointers in a row. Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson on the sidelines also began to look at the center of the court involuntarily, because Anxi shot It was fast and accurate, even faster than Stephen Curry, and the cheers in the entire Barclays Center became louder and louder.

The second shooting point was still a hit!

Then for the third one, at the top of the arc, the most confident position in Anxi, he sped up and shot a three-pointer with a wave of his hands. Five goals, all of them hit again!

In the first three shooting points, Anxi directly scored 18 points!

At the fourth shooting point, when Anxi steadily hit the first four orange balls, James Harden knew that he was also out. Before Kyle Korver had even played, Anxi, Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry will occupy the top three spots, which is in line with people's predictions before the game. This three-point contest is indeed a battle between these three people.

The last flower ball at the fourth shooting spot went in with another swish sound!

24 points, James Harden is out!

The scene was filled with cheers and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

The fifth shooting point is the flower ball point set by Anxi. Shooting at this point is not Anxi's best point, but he set up the flower ball at this point. The reason is that shooting flower balls from the last spot is more exciting.

The cheers at the scene were deafening, but Anxi was not affected by the heat wave. He stood at the last shooting point, the first flower ball, shua! In!

Then, the second flower ball! Uh-huh! Enter again!

28 points! Anxi is only 1 point away from tying Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson's scores in the preliminaries.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that Anxi has not missed a goal so far!

For the third flower ball, Anxi stabilized his body and shot quickly, voila! 30 points!

The whole place exploded, and no one knew who was taking the lead. A chorus of voices rang out.

"An! An! An!"

The fourth orange ball! Uh-huh! 32 points!

The commentator was immediately excited: "32 points! 32 points! Anxi tied the historical record held by Klay Thompson!"


Finally... the last flower ball was taken out with a bang, leaving regrets all over the ground.

Anxi missed the last flower ball and finally scored 32 points. This score tied the historical record held by Klay Thompson, but it was only one ball away from breaking this record. It is really a pity, good This is just the preliminary round, and Anxi still has a chance to go further.

The crowd cheered, "An! An! An!"

The chants continued, and Anxi waved his hands and walked to the sidelines, ending his performance in the preliminaries of the three-point contest.

"With 32 points, Anxi has locked a spot in the finals. In this three-point battle, Anxi is temporarily the leader in this battle. He also has the opportunity to compete for the final king's throne!"

Finally, Kyle Korver appeared. He withstood the pressure and finally only scored 25 points. The score was very high, but unfortunately there were three perverts above, and Kyle Korver ultimately missed the finals.

In the final round, Anxi was eligible to arrange the order of appearance. In the end, he chose to play in the finale, letting Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry play first.

There was a break between the preliminaries and the final, and the discussion in the commentary box began.

"Anxi's state is so hot. As long as he continues this state, the final championship will definitely be his!"

"But Anxi's condition came too early. It's really hard to say whether the condition can be continued."

"Yes, the scores of Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry in the preliminaries are also not low, which shows that their condition is not bad. It's hard to say who will win in the end."

In the final round, Stephen Curry was the first to appear.

Because he scored 32 points in the Anxi preliminaries, Stephen Curry felt the pressure. This time his appearance was much more low-key, silently walking to the first shooting spot, preparing to start the finals.

His performance in the finals is crucial, because it will determine the final winner. Stephen Curry was very serious and careful. When the whistle sounded on the sidelines, he was like an electric shock. He reached out his hand like lightning, grabbed the first ball, and raised the ball. He flicked his hand and threw it.

Compared with the first round of preliminaries, he has obviously sped up his shooting speed, and he wants to save more time for shots that are not very sure.


The first ball was a solid hit.

After hitting the first ball, he turned around and picked up the second ball, almost in the same rhythm as the first ball, and then threw it out again.

The parabola is perfect. After the basketball passes the highest point, it falls straight down.


The second ball still hit.

The third goal is also scored!

The fourth ball, the fifth ball, all hits!

Exactly the same performance as in the preliminaries, scoring all five goals on the first point! Got 6 points!

The audience cheered again. Their voices were already mute, but after seeing this wonderful three-point contest, they felt it was worth it even if they really became mute in the future.

Stephen Curry rushed to the second shooting spot and continued to take shots.

Stephen Curry was still accurate at this shooting point, hitting 4 of 5 shots. The last flower ball was slightly missed. After the ball went in, it bounced out, which caused the fans at the scene to exclaim.

At the third shooting point, at the top of the arc, Stephen Curry made another 5 goals. He only lost 2 points in the first three shooting points and scored 16 points.

Then, at a 45° angle to the left, this position is Stephen Curry’s shooting spot. His shooting spot was also at this position in the preliminaries. This position is the spot where he feels the hottest when shooting three-pointers, and it is also the spot where he has the greatest control. Points, ball points are very important. One ball is 2 points, 5 balls is 10 points. Stephen Curry attaches great importance to it. He slowed down his shooting rhythm and began to deal with it seriously.

The first ball was aimed and thrown.

The arc of the basketball is very straight and the strength is perfect.


First goal, scored!

The second ball was still unhurried.

Better go in!

A burst of violent cheers broke out on the sidelines, and Stephen Curry's score continued to soar.

The third goal was scored!

The fourth goal was scored!

The fifth goal, no doubt, keep scoring!

In the end, after finishing the first four shooting points, Stephen Curry only missed one flower ball, which was a perfect performance!

"Wow, it's so strong. Stephen Curry performed so well! It is indeed the strongest and most exciting three-point contest in history. With the last shooting point left, Stephen Curry has already scored 26 points!"

Stephen Curry has the last shooting point left. If all the last shooting points are missed, then Stephen Curry will also score 32 points. If that is really the case, then this game will be crazy!

At the fifth shooting point, Stephen Curry himself realized the importance of the last five balls, so he was extremely careful with every ball.

Uh-huh! Stephen Curry slowed down the first ball and hit it steadily!

Then, the second ball was hit steadily, 28 points!

The third ball continued, 29 points!

The fourth goal was scored! 30 points!

The cheers at the scene suddenly stopped, and only the last bouquet was left. Everyone fell silent, held their breath, and stared at the last bouquet, not daring to miss it at all.

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