Super Role Player

Chapter 77 The All-Star Game Begins

On the third day of the All-Star Weekend, the highlight and main event of the All-Star Game officially begins.

This year's All-Star Game was held at the Madison Square Garden Arena. In this Mecca of basketball, the All-Star Game became more formal, lively and heated.

Needless to say, the celebrities from all walks of life on the sidelines showed the advantages of the New York metropolis, and this All-Star game attracted much attention.

When Anxi arrived at the arena, the center of the arena had been arranged as a stage. The lights in the arena were dimmed and the appearance ceremony was about to begin.

Before the game started, the lights in the arena flashed continuously, turning the black cloth in the center of the court into different patterns, including the benchmarks of the 30 NBA teams.

Anxi was ready backstage, and the stars participating in this year's All-Star Game were also ready. Then, the appearance ceremony was about to begin.

Anxi is now the well-deserved number one player in the league. Whether it is the team record, personal data, or personal honorary performance this season, he is the number one player in the league, and he is far behind the second player. Therefore, Anxi deservedly made its final appearance.

He waited in the background. Carmelo Anthony appeared first, and then James Harden, Kevin Durant, Kyle Lowry, John Wall and others appeared one after another.

LeBron James is the penultimate player in the Eastern Conference. In the past few years, he played in the finale in the Eastern Conference. But now, Anxi has surpassed him, and it is no longer possible for him to be the final player.

LeBron James glanced at Anxi and ran out, and there was a burst of cheers in the stadium.

And then, over in the West Division, Stephen Curry made his final appearance, and the arena cheered wildly.

Although the elementary school student lost the three-point contest, his popularity in the United States has not diminished at all, and he still has many die-hard fans supporting him.

Finally, it’s time for Anxi to appear.

"Finally, let us welcome the swingman from the Philadelphia 76ers! Anxi!"

Hearing the DJ calling his name, Anxi quickly stood up and stood at the entrance of the passage.

After stomping his feet a few times, Anxi rushed out.


The heat in the arena suddenly surged toward Anxi. The fans at the scene burst into violent cheers. The cheers were louder than anyone who had ever appeared before. There was no way. After all, Anxi is the most popular in the NBA now. No.1!

After the appearance, the All-Star Game is about to begin.

In this All-Star game, the head coaches of the two teams are Brett Brown and Steve Kerr, both newcomers to the All-Star game.

Brett Brown never thought that he would be able to stand on the All-Star court and direct a group of big-name stars to play games. However, this season, the 76ers have ranked first in the Eastern Conference with a strong performance. The head coach for the All-Star game must be non-Bray. Trebron is none other than Teblon.

And Steve Kerr is a pure rookie. He just became the head coach of the Warriors this season, and then led the Warriors to a dark horse level performance. The current record ranks first in the Western Conference. Under his command, the Warriors also played a fast game. In a small-ball whirlwind offense, Stephen Curry also performed at an MVP level.

The two new coaches came on stage, and Anxi also went over to hug Brett Brown.

Before the game, Anxi had made an agreement with Brett Brown that Anxi wanted the final MVP trophy in this All-Star game, so Anxi still had a lot of opportunities in this game.

After a brief warm-up, the referee also appeared.

The referees of this game are several referees currently highly praised by the league. The chief referee is bald referee Joe Crawford, and the two assistant referees are beautiful referee Lauren Holtkamp and experienced referee Mike Callahan.

Joe Crawford walked to the center of the court, held the ball in one hand, and signaled the starters on both sides to come on.

The Eastern Conference starters include point guard John Wall, shooting guard An Xi, small forward LeBron James, power forward Carmelo Anthony and center Pau Gasol.

Just looking at this starting lineup, LeBron James obviously doesn’t have many helpers in the Eastern Conference. Among the starting lineup, only Carmelo Anthony has a good relationship with him.

Anxi, on the other hand, has his own teammate Pau Gasol in the starting lineup, and even John Wall gets along better with Anxi.

In the West, starting point guard Stephen Curry, shooting guard James Harden, small forward Kevin Durant, power forward LaMarcus Aldridge and center Marc Gasol.

With the starting lineups of both teams, the final show of the All-Star Weekend is about to begin.

Anxi was about to make a move, Pau Gasol and his brother Marc Gasol jumped the ball. In the end, his brother Pau Gasol won the jump ball.

East won the ball on the opening possession and the basketball was handed directly to point guard John Wall on the floor.

John Wall is a pass-first point guard, and his offensive ability is also very strong, but he just prefers to pass the ball.

Anxi also knows this very well, so from the beginning, Anxi started running without the ball.

For the first ball, Pau Gasol also understood and directly gave Anxi a screen in the penalty area. Anxi passed the screen and got rid of James Harden, who was not strong in defense. He got an open opportunity and John Wo Er's pass arrived shortly afterwards.

Anxi raised his hand and shot, hitting two points.

Anxi got the first point of the All-Star game.

In contrast, LeBron James, who had been waiting at 45° on the right, had no chance at all.

Obviously, opportunities are not something you have to wait for, you have to find them yourself.

Then, the West Side team attacked, and the East Side's defense was just a show-off, easily allowing Stephen Curry to get a three-point shooting opportunity. Stephen Curry hit a three-pointer, making the opening 3:2.

The game continued, the East End team attacked, John Wall tried to hit a ball, but missed the layup after rushing inside.

The inside line composed of Marc Gasol and LaMarcus Aldridge pretended to defend for a while, but finally defended it.

Marc Gasol grabbed the rebound and the Western Conference team counterattacked. During the counterattack, Stephen Curry made a layup again and scored 5 consecutive points in the opening game.

Stephen Curry scored 5 points in a row. His offensive game was also very strong in this game, and he is obviously heading towards the MVP.

In this All-Star Game, Anxi's opponent is not only LeBron James, but also Stephen Curry on the opposite side. Not only does he have to win this game, but he also has to win the data battle with LeBron James.

The East End team's offense, John Wall was not selfish at all in the opening game, and the basketball was handed over to LeBron James again, allowing LeBron James to hit a ball.

But LeBron James also missed a mid-range shot, and the Western Conference team counterattacked. This time Kevin Durant scored 2 points, and the score suddenly became 7:2.

The West Side team counterattacked sharply, but the East Side team played very slowly. The basketball was handed over to Carmelo Anthony. After Anthony hit the back in the low post, he turned around and scored two points.

The West End team's fast break continued. This time it was Stephen Curry's shot. The three-point shot failed. Anxi got stuck inside and grabbed the rebound. Then he did not favor one and the other. He gave the ball to Pau Gasol. Gasol He played his younger brother Marc Gasol in the low post, and Marc Gasol also put a ball in. He smiled and watched Pau Gasol put the basket in and scored 2 points.

All five members of the East Team played a wave of offense. Anxi, Anthony and Pau Gasol each scored 2 points. The score between the two teams was 7:6, with the West Team leading.

The next wave of offensive possessions were still in the hands of the West End team.

Brett Brown on the sidelines couldn't help but think.

Obviously, Steve Kerr has a routine in this game. Judging from the fast break at the beginning, Steve Kerr's routine is to play fast break and use speed to defeat the Eastern Conference team's defense and even attack. Teblon felt it was time for him to respond.

No matter what, we still have to win this game.

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