Super Role Player

Chapter 73 Subsequent Impact

Back from the All-Star Game, Anxi found that his life had been affected.

The first is his Facebook and Twitter. The number of fans has skyrocketed. It only takes a day or two.

This is just a change in social networking sites. There is another most intuitive change in Anxi, that is, there is more than 1 million US dollars in his account. 1 million is the prize money for two competitions. The extra words are a step further. influence.

On the first day back to San Antonio, Anxi was dragged by Ivo Clark to shoot commercials. Because he won the MVP of the Rookie Challenge and the MVP of the Three-Point Contest, Ivo Clark received six endorsement contracts overnight.

First of all, Jordan Sports, they came directly to the door and gave Anxi another 100,000 US dollars to shoot a new advertisement, which was going to be put on all major TV stations in the United States during the time when the All-Star smoldering heat continued. The advertisement word Anxi They are all memorized.

"Jordan basketball shoes, my MVP basketball shoes!" It's a very simple and stupid advertisement, but I have to say that the effect is very good.

Of the six endorsement contracts, Anxi rejected 4 of them. The four rejected endorsements were all that Anxi felt was not suitable for him. For example, a certain Vigo brand in the United States approached Anxi and directly offered 2 million US dollars. The price was very high, and the advertising words wanted Alright: "A certain brand of Vigo, help me shoot 28 shots in one night! A world record!"

For this endorsement invitation, Anxi can only reply: "mdzz!"

Another endorsement accepted by Anxi was sent by a sports drink brand in the United States. This endorsement was in line with Anxi's athlete status, so Anxi agreed, and this endorsement brought Anxi another 500,000 US dollars in income. But he has to find some time to shoot commercials.

In addition to the changes in personal income, there are also news media reports on Anxi.

Almost overnight, Anxi appeared on the headlines of major media, including American sports media, European sports media across the ocean, and of course domestic media. The reason for the report was not only because Anxi won The MVP and three-point champion of the Rookie Challenge, and more importantly, Anxi's girlfriend was exposed.

The relationship between Abby and Anxi became known to everyone during the All-Star Weekend. The American and European media were fine, so they introduced Anxi and Anxi's girlfriend Abby, and then announced that Abby was Jeff Huo The identity of Nasek's daughter.

The domestic media is different. Tencent Sports specially released a photo of Anxi and Abby, and the comments below are all saying: "Anxi promotes the power of our country! Conquer Yanma!" Anxi has become a national hero The appearance made Anxi feel drunk after seeing these comments.

The approach of Hupu Sports is different. As a website that likes to give benefits to users, the editor of Hupu first put a photo of Anxi and Abby, and introduced Abby as the daughter of Anxi’s girlfriend, Jeff Hornacek. , followed by a sentence: "The self-proclaimed editor found a few personal photos of Abby..."

Then, there is a list of Abby's personal photos, which are so glamorous.

And the comments are different from Tencent's. The first comment that was posted was: "The last self-proclaimed editor has been promoted to editor-in-chief. That's right, I'm talking about Jiang Duowan!"

The second comment that was highlighted was: "Anxi Yanfu is not shallow, I just don't know if that thing is big or not." Seeing this, Anxi laughed out loud, you don't care if I am big or not, as long as it is fun.

The third comment that was highlighted was: "Abby is my wife, Jeff Hornacek is my father-in-law, don't fight me with anyone!" For this comment, Anxi can only reply: "mdzz!"

Anxi didn't care about the mention of his father-in-law in the comments. What he didn't know was that Jeff Hornacek was already booking a flight to San Antonio. It seemed that a human tragedy was about to take place...

A few days after returning to San Antonio, the regular season will start again.

The All-Star game that Anxi did not watch was finally won by the Western Conference. Kevin Durant, who scored 36 points, won the All-Star MVP, while Tony Parker of the Spurs played soy sauce.

In the past few days in San Antonio, Anxi also contacted his old classmate, Menachem Rabin, a top student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Connecticut, a Jew. Anxi now has 2 million US dollars in his hand, and he is going to make a deal. invest.

On February 28, 2012, some teams have resumed their games, but the Spurs have not yet. They will not have their first game after the All-Star Game until the 29th. Anxi, who finished training this afternoon, did not practice any more. He drove to downtown San Antonio, where he made an appointment with Menachem Rabin.

Menachem Rabin created an Internet company, of course, with a group of like-minded people, and now urgently needs an investment, and Anxi is going to see their plans.

In a coffee shop in downtown San Antonio, Anxi met an old classmate, Menachem Rabin, and a young white man with him.

"Mina, we meet again." Anxi greeted with a smile.

"Hey, Ann, my name is Menachem, not Mina!" Menachem Rabin protested, Mina being his nickname, a very feminine-sounding name.

Anxi laughed, and Menachem began to introduce the young white man beside him: "Ann, this is Colm, he is my partner."

Anxi nodded: "Hello, Mr. Koum, nice to meet you, then Mina, let's introduce your project."

Rabin nodded and said, "Ann, a project I'm working on now is an instant messaging software called WhatsApp."

"Instant messaging software? Similar to MSN?" Anxi frowned.

Rabin shook his head: "No, unlike MSN, this instant messaging software is specially used on the mobile phone side for communication between mobile phones. You can make calls, send messages, and most importantly, you can Video chat."

When Rabin said this, Anxi immediately understood that Rabin's so-called instant messaging software is actually equivalent to WeChat in China. In China, although WeChat only appeared in people's lives last year, after a year of development, users It has reached hundreds of millions, and the future potential is huge, because Anxi has also done some understanding because it wants to invest in Internet companies.

Seeing that Anxi didn't ask a question, Rabin continued: "Our software has already been logged on major platforms in the United States, and there are already millions of downloads. It is expected that there will be a wave of skyrocketing in the next year, but Because we are now moving on to a fund for the next development, so…”

Anxi understands that the software developed by Rabin has already achieved some success. The reason why they are still looking for investment is that they need a sum of money to continue their next development.

"Your software already has millions of downloads, isn't there anyone looking for you to buy it?"

"Of course, Facebook, Twitter and even Microsoft and Apple have approached us, but our software is just getting started, and their bids are too low. If we continue to develop, we will wait until this software is launched in Europe, South America and other countries. Australia, then by that time, the price will have doubled."

Koum interjected, and Anxi fully understood when he heard this. The software developed by Menachem Rabin and Koum actually has no shortage of investors, but they found themselves, mainly Anxi and Mena Herm Rabin's classmate relationship, after hearing that Anxi had an investment plan, Menachem Rabin left their investment opportunity to Anxi.

"I understand, Mina, thank you very much. This is the opportunity you gave me. In this way, I now have almost 2.5 million US dollars in cash, and I can invest all of it."

Menachem Rabin smiled. He extended his hand and shook hands with Anxi: "Then we will have a happy cooperation."

(At the end of this chapter, let me explain the author's idea of ​​upgrading in the previous chapter. The author chose to let the protagonist upgrade to single defense. Why? The reason is very simple. If you really upgrade the mid-range shot, what will the protagonist become? Become another Alan Houston is still an enhanced version, the protagonist can directly transform into an All-Star, is that still a role player?

It is also difficult for the protagonist to leave the Spurs, because how can the Spurs let go of an All-Star player? No matter how much money you have to match! Then it is difficult for the protagonist to upgrade other attributes, because in the Spurs, it is impossible to collect data. If I write that the protagonist collects data, is this still the Spurs? Obviously not, Popovich will not allow data to be collected, even Kawhi is not allowed to collect data in the Spurs, and the same is true for Aldridge. Get ahead. If I write that the protagonist is collecting data in the Spurs, you will also feel that it is against the law. Can't clear the data, what can the protagonist get to upgrade? It will always be an enhanced version of Alan Houston.

And the author's idea is that the promotion comes step by step. Don't you feel awkward when you upgrade quickly, from a role player to an all-star at once? Now the author makes the protagonist the starter first, and then slowly grows up, isn't this rhythm very good? To be honest, the protagonist of this book was not strong from the very beginning, but when he was promoted to the top CIC and became an all-star, the book collapsed, yes, it collapsed, and the most taboo thing about writing a book is crashing. If the writing collapses, this book will also be a eunuch...

Well, that’s all for now, I won’t explain it to those who can’t explain it. Anyway, the protagonist’s upgrade is done step by step. There are many books about becoming an all-star or even a superstar. There are many starting points. You can read those books The title of my book is different from theirs. I was a role player from the beginning, and I will become an all-star or even a superstar in the future, but at least not now. I will write a process of growth. )

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