Super Role Player

Chapter 79 - Father-in-Law Arrives

With two outstanding performances in a row, Anxi had a premonition that his good days were coming. In the last game, he came off the bench and robbed Kawhi Leonard of playing time. In the last game, Anxi even started the game, almost After playing the whole game, Anxi estimates that in two or three more games, he will be able to sit firmly in the starting position.

As if to verify Anxi's idea, on March 4, 2012, when the Spurs played against the Nuggets at home, Anxi actually started consecutively. This made Anxi very excited. The reason is simple. Before that, the small forward position Most of the starters were taken away by Kawhi Leonard. Later, Anxi developed ball control and mid-range shooting.

Anxi has started consecutively. Doesn't this break the balance? Doesn't this mean that Popovich is going to make Anxi a normal starter? Therefore, Anxi felt that his good days were really coming.

In this game against the Nuggets, Anxi performed even harder. Popovich asked him to switch to Ty Lawson. Anxi defended Ty Lawson. Ty Lawson made 5 of 16 shots in the whole game, and his shooting percentage was only 31%. Although Anxi himself Only 9 points were scored, but the contribution of the defensive end alone was enough for Popovich to praise Anxi alone in the press conference after the game.

The media also began to notice Anxi's performance. He blocked the opponent's arrow mission for three consecutive games. Anxi is going to grow into a single-defense star! So various reports followed, and they concluded that after the All-Stars, Anxi, who won the three-pointer and rookie MVP, has exploded, and he is already super amazing!

And Anxi was also immersed in this beauty. However, on the afternoon of March 6, before the Spurs played against the Knicks at home, Anxi received a bad news. Jeff Hornacek came...

Abby called and said that Jeff Hornacek would arrive at the San Antonio airport in two hours. What Abby meant was that Anxi had to drive his car to pick up Jeff Hornacek in two hours. ...

Anxi's cold sweat immediately came down, what does this damn mean, come again? Anxi was helpless, and said on the phone that he knew, and after the training was over, Anxi drove his Land Rover to the airport.

The reason why Jeff Hornacek came back to San Antonio was not that his cheap son-in-law's performance in the All-Star Rookie Challenge made him dissatisfied. Although he scored a lot of three-pointers and finally won the MVP of the Rookie Challenge, but Jeff Hornacek, who watched the game completely, believes that those three-pointers made by Anxi were made by the opponent. If it is not waterproof, can Anxi still make so many shots?

More importantly, Jeff Hornacek found that Anxi's off-ball running was really lame. As a famous shooter in the history of the league, Jeff Hornacek couldn't stand it anymore. Can you even run without the ball? So, Jeff Hornacek decided to go to San Antonio, help Anxi improve his ability in this area, and supervise Abby by the way, um, just by the way.

On both sides of the story, Anxi rushed to the airport in a hurry, and did not forget to call Abby and ask Abby to buy some ingredients. No matter what happens at night, he must show his hand, so that his father-in-law The adults are satisfied, aren't they?

Abby drove her Ford car out to buy groceries, and Anxi also arrived at the airport. After waiting for about half an hour, the flight from Utah landed. Anxi waited at the exit for a while, and soon saw Jeff Hornasay Jack and Mrs. Hornacek emerged from the exit.

"Uncle Jeff, I'm here." Anxi shouted, Jeff Hornacek saw it and waved towards Anxi.

Anxi's hanging heart finally fell. It seemed that Jeff Hornacek had accepted him after the last farewell.

"Ann, why are you here to pick us up?" Compared to Jeff Hornacek, Mrs. Hornacek seemed more friendly, and seemed to regard Anxi as a good son-in-law.

Anxi helped put the luggage in the trunk, while explaining: "I just finished training in the afternoon,

The airport is next to the training hall, so I will pick you up. "

Mrs. Hornacek nodded: "Okay then, let's go home first. I heard that you changed a suburban apartment with little Abby?"

Anxi got into the driving seat and replied, "Well, the apartment we lived in before was too small, so we changed to an apartment with a separate yard."

Jeff Hornacek sat in the co-pilot's seat, his face darkened: "Didn't you say you were not allowed to live together, kid?"

Anxi blushed all of a sudden, and hesitated. Fortunately, Jeff Hornacek would not pursue too much, so he let Anxi go with a cold snort.

When they got home, Abby had already bought the ingredients. Anxi said hello and fled to the kitchen, leaving only three members of Abby's family talking in the living room.

The dinner was arranged by Anxi alone. The main course was a roast turkey, plus a few Chinese side dishes. Mrs. Hornacek was full of praise for Anxi's craftsmanship. Jeff Hornacek didn't say anything, but before The pile of chicken bones has it all.

After dinner, Jeff Hornacek signaled Anxi to go out with him for a walk, and Anxi had no choice but to follow suit.

Walking on the main road, the two took a walk, and Jeff Hornacek finally spoke: "Ann, I watched the game you played during the All-Star Weekend."

Anxi was taken aback for a moment, what does this mean?

Jeff Hornacek took a look at Anxi, and he continued: "Your off the ball is too bad. I can't imagine a three-point shooter without the ability to off the ball. It's really too bad! It's hard to imagine how you are. Into the NBA!"

Anxi blushed, Jeff Hornacek was criticizing him, but what he criticized was indeed true. Anxi's current three-pointers and mid-range shots are actually pretty good, but he just doesn't have the supporting off-the-ball ability. His scoring ability cannot be maximized, otherwise Anxi's scoring will not drop again and again in recent games.

"I heard that Popovich is going to let you be the starter recently, isn't that true?" Jeff Hornacek asked again, and Anxi then nodded: "That's right, I have been the starter in the last few games. "

Now, Anxi has basically locked the starting position, and Jeff Hornacek, who has been paying attention to Anxi, is naturally very clear.

At a fork in the road, Jeff Hornacek stopped, looked at the sunset in the distance, and sighed: "I'm old, now is the time for you young people."

Anxi didn't speak, he didn't know what to say, Jeff Hornacek behaved a little strangely today.

"Starting tomorrow, you will go home as soon as the team's training is over, and follow me to learn how to find open opportunities by running without the ball." Jeff Hornacek left this endless sentence, turned and left .

Anxi was still out of the situation, when he heard Jeff Hornacek, who had walked tens of meters away, shout again: "Okay, let's go home!"

(Thank you Huowu and Lianxin for the rewards!!! Today is the fifth update, there can be no more, Yi Wen’s manuscript is already weeping... In addition, there will be no more small rewards in the future, the rudder or the rudder Rewards from the master above, guaranteed to add one update. In addition, because the update of Yiwen is too fast, the progress of the new book has far exceeded the norm, so next week the recommendation ticket plus update may be suspended, I can only say sorry to everyone , but Yiwen will still explode next week, but it can’t continue to explode. The word count of the new book must be controlled. Next week, I will see the situation of recommendation votes to explode.)

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