Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 121 Ash Valley

Li Yunze told everyone about the fight with the tribe on the internal chat channel of the Fearless Mercenary Group.

"To kill the tribe, I must be counted as one."

I'm a pk mad all year round: "If you don't fight actively, the game is meaningless."

How could he not join in the excitement: "Big brother, I am coming right now, I must leave a few tribes for me, I want honor points."

In the military zone of the main city, there is an honorary quarters officer, and the player can check the equipment exchanged for the rank.

The equipment exchanged by the Honorary Quartermasters is all top quality, but now everyone has no honor points, no military ranks, and cannot be exchanged.

"Damn tribe, Xueying who dares to bully me, I'll come over and kill them all." Such a domineering side leak, it must be Timo Meow.

Dong: "We will come right away."

Winter’s technology is good, and most of the players with good technology are keen on pvp.

Li Yunze said: "Xueying and I will go to Astrana for support first. You will take a boat from Menethil Harbor in the wetlands to the Black Sea shore. Don't worry, the war hasn't started so soon. You can catch it by boat."

As the most important port city of the alliance, there is no need for the player to go to Migang to open a flight point first. There are specific routes to help the player travel between Migang and Ironforge.

The alliance has three major port cities, Migang, Oberding, and Theramore Island. My Port has routes to Auberdine and Theramore Island, Auberdine has routes to Rutherland Village and My Port, and Theramore Island has only one route to My Port.

In addition to the three major port cities of the Alliance, there is also a neutral port city, Booty Bay, which is the territory of goblins, and you can take a boat to the barren land of the tribal territory.

Booty Bay is at the southernmost tip of the Eastern Kingdom. Alliance players that have previously developed in the south will encounter tribal players coming by boat from the Barrens after level 30.

However, before that, Ashenvale's Alliance and Horde players must first decide the outcome.

The fight was not active and there were problems in thinking. The fearless mercenary group temporarily gave up leveling and rushed to Ashenvale.

"Fighting people, fighting souls, fighting people are all human beings."

Timothy is not Meow: "Look at me alone and kill all the tribe."

Qiye Rejuvenation: "Timo, please don't gradually become stupid."

Four seasons of the year: "Brother, I have two friends who are going to fight together. I will bring them over and join the mercenary group."

All the friends throughout the year are masters, and Li Yunze welcomes him with his hands: "Come on, let's kill the tribe back to Orgrimmar together."

Timothy is not Meow: "Actually, I also have a friend, and I pulled him over as cannon fodder."

"The mercenary group is short of people now, all who have friends can pull over. The mercenary group is family members, only the barbecued pork is cannon fodder." The 20-person team instance needs 20 people. Li Yunze is now a headache for the personnel. If everyone can own It's best for friends to join the mercenary group.

The mercenary group is not like a guild, with all kinds of intrigues, and a mercenary group with a maximum of 100 people, and there are few things that compete for power.

Even if there is a fight for power, Li Yunze is not afraid. If even a hundred-member mercenary group can't manage it well, then there will be no talk of setting up a guild.

Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying left Darnassus and headed to Ashenvale from the Black Sea shore. Ashenvale is in the south of the Black Sea shore, and you can enter it along the road all the way south.

After entering Ashenvale, continue south to the Alliance’s first town in Ashenvale, Maistra Watch.

Entering Mastra's sentry post, a large number of players gathered here, all coming from all directions.

"The people from other guilds are mobilizing to Ashenvale. The tribe blocked the door and deceived too much this time."

The main elite group of Phoenix Guild was transferred to Mastra guard post by Feihuaxueying.

Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying met Jia Hui, the vice president of Phoenix Guild.

Jiahui is playing with a female night elf mage. There is a pair of long legs under Magical Robe. It is said that she is a onee-san with long legs in reality.

Li Yunze looked at the vice president of Phoenix Guild from Hong Kong City as a show host and said: "How many level 15 players does Phoenix Guild have?"

Li Yunze had contact with Jiahui in her previous life. After the "Glory" professional league opens, she will become one of the most famous female commentators in the professional league. Her technology is not particularly outstanding, she is mainly good at management and she is a talented person in management.

Jiahui glanced at Li Yunze. Although he did not participate in the previous Death Mine competition, she still knew Li Yunze’s identity: "Today, the entire game can reach level 15 players, less than 100,000. Our guild has 653 level 15 players. ."

For the national game, 3 billion people are online, and about 100,000 people reach level 15. The Phoenix Guild has more than 600 level 15 members, which is already very good. It is worthy of being the game's first purely female guild, and its background is no less inferior than other big guilds.

Due to the small number of players reaching level 15, this time the battle between the Alliance and the Horde is destined to become a war between top players.

Whether it is the top player of the alliance or the top player of the tribe is powerful, it is related to the honor of the camp.

Jiahui gave an important message: "Feng Guo Wuhen and his elite group of the Prosperous Dynasty are at the Broken Wood Post."

Broken Wood Post is a town of the Horde in Ashenvale. Like Astrana, it is a frontline town.

Feng Guo Wuhen and Shengshi Dynasty Elite Group were at Broken Wood Post, Li Yunze was not surprised at all. He was very interested in this widely recognized first player in the game.

In his previous life, Li Yunze's biggest regret was that he never played against Feng Guo Wuhen. Rebirth I, Li Yunze will not miss the opportunity to play against the first person in the game circle.

Jiahui continued: "The other big guilds of the alliance have learned the news and are sending an elite team to Ashenvale."

The top big guilds of the tribe are all there, and the top big guilds of the alliance are impossible not to move. After learning the news, the Great Guild in the Eastern Kingdoms had actually dispatched to participate in this great war.

No one wants to miss it. The first battle of factions, if they can perform well in the battle of factions, can make the guild's reputation soar. It is even possible that the guild's position in "Glory" will be established in one fell swoop.

"Let's go to Astlanna."

After all, the Maestra sentry post is the rear, Li Yunze will not wait here, he will take the initiative to go to the front.

Astrana is to the east of Mastra's guard post, half a day away from here.

Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying didn't turn on Astrana's flying spot, so they had to ride to Astrana on their mounts.

Astrana is a town built in the lake. Here is the front position for the night elves to resist the tribe. The night elves inside are guarded at least level 40.

It took Li Yunze and Feihua Xueying for a long time to finally arrive at Astrana.

The atmosphere in the city is solemn, and the shadow of war has enveloped the town.

"Warsong Canyon, war will start."

Others didn't know the importance of Ashenvale's geographical location, but Li Yunze knew it all. There was a Warsong Canyon in the southern part of Ashenvale.

In the third orc war, Grom and his orcs almost deforested the forest near Warsong Canyon. Some of the orcs are still entrenched here, continuing to cut down the forest, and want to expand the sphere of influence of the tribe, they call themselves Warsong Scout Cavalry.

The night elves had already assembled their forces and planned to regain the Ashenvale forest. They want to completely drive the warsong scout cavalry out of this land. Therefore, the Silverwing Sentinel stepped forward and vowed that they would never rest before expelling the orcs from the Warsong Canyon, and vowed to retake Ashenvale and completely expel the orcs of the Warsong clan.

Warsong Canyon is one of the classic battlefields in the game. In the previous life, it was the second open battlefield.

Based on Li Yunze's cognition of the mastermind, this time the camp battle, the mastermind is very likely to launch the Warsong Canyon in advance.

In the previous Battle of Hillsbrad, the mastermind was launched, another battlefield there, the Battle of Alterac Valley.

In this lifetime, the course of history has changed, and Li Yunze has no doubt that the first open battlefield this time will be the Warsong Canyon located in the southern part of Ashenvale.

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