Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 141 This is a female dragon

and many more.


This is the female plesiosaur. Li Yunze hesitated with the sword in his hand: "What a big dragon..."

"Boss, cast it quickly."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bao is most concerned about this matter: "In order to prevent Zhishui Lake from being occupied by a bunch of plesiosaurs, it was sterilized to prevent future troubles."

"Barbecued pork, you are too cruel, such a big plesiosaur, there must be very precious there."

Timothy is not like a girl who is not like a girl: "You men don't like to replenish the shape. You can sell it for a lot of money. Or you can use it to cook soup and drink it together, and it may increase your collective health by 100." point."

"I want to get rid of China, nourish yin and nourish yang." The following commits.

Guess it: "I'm single, I don't dare to eat, I'm afraid of overfilling my head."

"Pay attention to the influence." Li Yunze stopped them from talking nonsense.

The plesiosaur was too big, and Li Yunze stood below, feeling that he was about to be sucked in by its "big mouth of blood".

It must be a dark abyss to breathe in. Li Yunze doesn't want to be the first player in the game to die in the dragon: "You should ask Bovar for advice on how to subdue a female dragon. He has rich experience. No, just in case. He was very interested and he wanted to personally teach me how to subdue the female dragon, and how to do on-site teaching. I am not interested in the black dragon princess, the female dragon who sleeps throughout the male nobles in Stormwind."

The vital part of the plesiosaur was right in front of him. In order to solve it as much as possible, Li Yunze resisted the shame and stabbed the ash messenger in his hand.

Toothpicks stir the big tank.

"The sword of anger."

In order to cause higher damage to the plesiosaur, Li Yunze let the Ashbringer be surrounded by the flame of Holy Light.




Three consecutive critical strikes, the strikes are fatal.


The vital point was attacked, and the plesiosaur roared, not knowing whether it was happy, happy, or happy.

"Everyone, be careful, it's about to breathe, try to swim in the opposite direction of the rotation of the dragon's head."

Li Yunze did not stop his attack, and every time the Ashbringer attacked, he would pierce deeper.

The vitality of the plesiosaur was cut through by the sharpness of the Ash messenger, dripping with blood, dyeing the water around Li Yunze red.

This plesiosaur would never have thought that one day he would be broken by a human being.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun is very excited: "Haha, the president's sterilization operation is successful, everyone is going to fight, the more damage you hit, the better the equipment will be produced by the boss."

"Fight the peat, hide quickly, hang you at the door of Stormwind City if you die, and show you off naked."

Li Yunze could feel the movement of the plesiosaur's body, which was a prelude to releasing the breath of the water dragon.Kuona, the windy outside, and Yufeng hurriedly swam in the opposite direction of the dragon head.

Others swim to the sides, and those who swim slowly may die.

"Everyone, grab the boss."

"This must be the world boss, it will explode golden equipment, everyone, hurry up."

At this time, another group of players swam from a distance and saw the plesiosaur whose HP had dropped by more than 20%. They rushed over frantically, trying to grab the boss.

People died for money and birds died for food, and the plesiosaur just turned its head, and a water dragon breathed into the group of players.

Spikes, spikes, a series of spikes, send all this group of players back to the cemetery.

The breath of the plesiosaur did not end with a spit, but moved in a small arc. Fortunately, everyone was warned by Li Yunze to swim quickly, so they were not vomited to death.

No one died, good thing, the first big move of plesiosaur is over. Even the boss, the big move has the same cooling time as the player, and the plesiosaur will no longer breathe in the water dragon in a short period of time.

"Quona, catch the boss again and adjust the position of the faucet to make it easier for everyone to output."

Underwater Li Yunze, with ten years of game experience, commanded: "Don't take it lightly. Plesiosaur should have other skills. If Korna loses hatred, winds and whispers, you have to pick up the boss as soon as possible."

In Li Yunze's memory, plesiosaur should also have a water jet skill, randomly knocking nearby players into the air.

However, the damage of this skill is not particularly high, because the damage of the knock-up skill mainly comes from falling damage. However, the game is set, as long as the fall is in the water, the damage will be offset by 70%.

The biggest threat of knock-up is to knock the tank into the air. After the tank flies, it will lose the hatred of the boss, and the boss will attack other people. If the boss turns his head to attack the group, and breathes out again, it will cause the group to be destroyed.

Fear of something, Kona caught the boss, and as soon as he adjusted the faucet, the plesiosaur used the water jet skill.

"I flew."

The luck is very bad, Shuizhu attacked Koona: "Hurry up and take the boss's hatred, don't let it go to the treatment."

The three treatments are under great pressure. In order to increase the blood of Quona, the healing spells have been non-stop, causing their hatred value to be very high.

The strong wind outside did not disappoint Li Yunze. He caught the boss hatred, the leading range was large, and the three tanks were scattered, so they were not knocked off together: "Add my blood, hurry up."

Compared with the wind outside, the lack of experience is that he did not receive hatred this time, and he did not discourage him: "Next time I will receive it. I will become a powerful tank to protect everyone."

Come home with me outside when the wind is strong and receive the boss, he will be brushed blood, the tacit understanding of their couple is impeccable, they are definitely the game's first model couple.

"The wind is strong, resist, I'll be back soon." Kona, who was knocked into the air, swam back desperately after falling.

The windy equipment outside is not as strong as Quona, and the hardness is not as strong as Quona. Although it can satisfy me to go home with me, it can't subdue the plesiosaur.

Elevator blood is very scary as soon as it is up and down, even if one of the three treatments is slack, he will die suddenly.

The wind is too strong outside, this plesiosaur can be compared to go home crazy with me: "I turned on the skill, and it can only last for 10 seconds."

Most of the skills in the tank profession are ults that increase the hardness. The Guardian Knight has the Guardian Divine Shield, which is a level 10 ult of the Guardian Knight, which reduces the damage taken by the Guardian Knight by 30% within 10 seconds.

"Wow, how did Ye Ying get up?"

Qiu, who was rubbing the Frost Arrow, saw a figure on the back of the Plesiosaurus, which was the Night Shadow Meteor.

Yeying Meteor didn't know when, ran to the back of the plesiosaur, attacking on it, causing tons of damage to the plesiosaur.

"Climb up." Yeying Meteor's answer was particularly brief.

Climbed up?

Can this boss climb?

Everyone is a little confused, this is an understanding beyond everyone's knowledge of the game.

Li Yunze said: "Winter, nail the arrow to the body of the plesiosaur and let it hit its back in close combat."

Dong quickly drew an arrow and shot it at the body of the plesiosaur. The arrow did not disappear, but was nailed to the huge body of the plesiosaur.

"Hahaha, it's interesting to be able to play like this."

Throughout the year, he said to the following people behind him: "Come off, take advantage of it."

The lower criminal crossed the sword in his hand and stepped on it throughout the year. The lower criminal gave a loud shout and exhausted all his strength to lift it up throughout the year.

With the help point, he jumped up high throughout the year, and then grabbed the arrow that winter nailed to the plesiosaur body, and once again borrowed the strength to jump up to the back of the plesiosaur.

Timothy knew that his output was not as high as Millhouse: "Mill, you step on my sword, and I will send you up to fight."

Millhouse was domineering and leaked: "Don't have to be so troublesome, a powerful melee mage can rush to any place you want to go."

After finishing speaking, he didn't know what props he used, his body jumped high, and no arrow needed to be grasped, so he jumped to the back of the plesiosaur.

After going up, Millhouse was not beaten in the back, and ran directly to the head of the plesiosaur, and slammed the head of the plesiosaur with the staff in his hand: "Magic power storm will destroy everything!"

The staff in his hand was wrapped in a huge lightning energy. The reason why the spellbreaker was so irritable was precisely because the cultivation was a lightning spell.

"Haha, the boss's blood drops so fast, it's really awesome, everyone, cheer."

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun has seen countless top-quality equipment flying towards him, and his archery movement unconsciously speeds up: "Big brother, do you want to help, I am a veterinarian in reality, professional ligation, the village's roosters and male dogs are all my knots." of."

Li Yunze is particularly embarrassed now. It would be enough if he found out that it was a female plesiosaur by violating the barbecued pork buns: "Plesiosaur is only a weak point. I am enough by myself. You continue to fight on it. If there are not enough people on it, plesiosaur" The dragon will dive into the water."

Where there is not enough space, a few more people will not be able to fill the vital parts of the plesiosaur.

Ragefire Rift, Dark Abyss...

The Ash Messenger in Li Yunze's hands frantically attacked the weakness of the plesiosaur, and the blood flowing from the weakness had almost reduced the visibility under the water to zero.

Li Yunze relies on rich games to prevent the attack from failing. If he turns on the video function, the picture will be very shameful.

The blood volume of the plesiosaur fell crazily, and soon fell below 50%, and the second water dragon breath came.

With previous experience, everyone didn't need Li Yunze's reminder this time, and hurriedly swam towards the leader in the opposite direction.

The three people on the back of the plesiosaur were not affected by the breath. Together with the underwater Li Yunze, they continued to cause a lot of damage to the plesiosaur.

"It is indeed an elite team."

The lonely shadow of the cold river onlookers in the distance fluttered its wings and flew towards the plesiosaur: "I'll help you."

The right to pick up the Plesiosaur is now in the hands of the Fearless Mercenary Group, and Hanjiang Guying joining the battle will not affect the situation.

One more person to play output, Li Yunze naturally has no objection: "Let's see how powerful Devil Hunter is."

Two semi-circular double knives appeared in the hands of Hanjiang Guying, he flew to the position of the dragon's head, the double knives turned into two and a half rounds, cutting the eyes of the plesiosaur.

The eyes were attacked, the plesiosaur screamed sternly, and the body shook violently.

"Oops."Li Yunze pierced into the indescribable position of the plesiosaur's ash messenger was ejected, because it was in the water, the ash messenger was shot a little far away.

Li Yunze immediately swam over to catch up with the Ashbringer. After re-holding the Ashbringer, he flashed back to the plesiosaur body, aimed at the most vulnerable part, and stabbed it sharply.

This strike caused the plesiosaur's blood volume to drop by a large amount in an instant, its screams even more stern, and its body vibrated more violently.

"Everyone, be careful, this is a whirlpool."

The people above can see a vortex spreading around with the plesiosaur as the center, and everyone can only swim desperately to avoid being sucked in.

Li Yunze, who was in the water, knew that he could no longer stay in the water, and returned to the surface before the whirlpool formed.

"The hatred is here, you fight." Hanjiang Guying didn't know what method he used to snatch the boss hatred.

Unwilling to show weakness, Kuona used her skills to snatch the hatred back: "This is our battle, and I will resist."

Hanjiang Guying obviously did not expect that Kuona could take away his hatred: "Interesting, the Fearless Mercenary Group is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

The Plesiosaurus is in the center of the whirlpool, and the battle enters the second stage. The damage of the Plesiosaurus at this stage is significantly higher than before, and the whirlpool will suck people into it frantically.

The battle becomes difficult. In order not to be sucked in by the whirlpool, everyone swims desperately. Swimming will waste output time.

"Do you believe in light?"

"I believe!"

"Light will give me infinite power, I am the guardian of light."

Korna broke out, and her body was shrouded in a dazzling light. This is the ultimate form of the Lightforged Defense Officer: "Azeroth, the glory will last forever."

Light seemed to be recasting Quona's body, causing her to ignore the suction of the whirlpool, and at this time, the plesiosaur began to use its breath.

Kuona didn't hide. She, who has the power of light, didn't need to hide.

"This is the invincibility of the Lightforged Defender?" Li Yunze saw the changes in Kuona, feeling that this skill should be similar to the invincibility of the paladin, but didn't know the specific effect.

Since it is the ultimate skill of the Lightforged Defender, Li Yunze will not ask. After all, everyone has their own secret: "In the killing stage, everyone will do their best to output and solve the boss."

Hanjiang Guying was in mid-air, watching the changes in Kuona below, the more he looked at the more surprised: "Interesting, this is the tank of the Fearless Mercenary Group?"

As a tank, Quona's performance gave him the idea of ​​competing. Now he is more and more interested in joining the Fearless Mercenary Group. The performance of the Fearless Mercenary Group makes him feel that this is the team he has been pursuing for a long time.

During the beheading phase, Li Yunze no longer keeps his hands, the dual halo is activated, and the gain skills are fully activated: "Come on, let's kill the first Silver-British boss in the game."

Being blessed by the power of the halo, everyone felt that the suction power of the vortex was not as strong as before, and continued to turn around and attack the plesiosaur.

The plesiosaur with less than 20% health is already at the end of the crossbow. It happened to meet the fearless mercenary group when it came out for half a day in a month. It was its misfortune.

"Immortal, give me a magic breath technique." Runaway Barbecued Pork.

Immortal's loneliness: "You are a hunter, what are you doing in the water?"

The hunter's arrow is at the bottom of the water, and its power is less than 30% of the surface of the water. Immortal's loneliness does not understand.

Runaway Barbecue Bao said: "I'm a melee hunter, I'm going to bring that stuff to everyone and make a pot of soup that nourishes yin and nourishes yang."

Immortal's loneliness: "..."

Li Yunze hit a set of skills on the plesiosaur and reduced its blood volume to 10%: "Don't wave, if you dare to dive down and paddling, I will hang you at the gate of Stormwind City and strip it out for public display."

Li Yunze would not be able to hold on to his face if he found out that it was a female plesiosaur Bao Baozou Barbecued Pork, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

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